Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 456

In front of him, Letong, who is black faced and cold, interrogates Ji Rui in a strange and frightening way. Shengsheng startles lawyer fan.

Looking at Ji Rui uneasily, the man was very calm and sat on the office chair, with no panic or surprise on his face.

As if everything in front of him was within his expectation.

"Miss Le, if you have any questions, please read these two documents before you mention them, OK?

Lawyer fan wondered why Letong would not look at the two documents at all. It was in her interest to look at the two documents. It was too much for her to act against Ji Rui in such an attitude, even if she was playing hard to get.

But Letong doesn't look at him. She pushes the two documents in front of Ji Rui and says in a cold voice.

"Ji Rui, is it fun to test me like this? Sorry, I'm busy! "

Letong, who has a cold face, doesn't want to look at Ji Rui's face, not to mention the lawyer fan, who has been so scared that he doesn't dare to say a word. He leaves them and walks to the door. He opens the door and flashes out. The door slams shut behind her. In the office, only two men look at each other.

The strange and incomparable atmosphere in the room is finally broken by Ji Rui's two intentional dry coughs.

"Keke..." Ji Rui touched his nose, glanced at the closed door and laughed at himself, "look, I lost!"

Lawyer fan still does not want to believe that what he has just seen is the truth.

Just imagine, there is a woman who is so stupid that she disdains to take a look at her property.

"Mr. Ji, are you sure she didn't mean to..."

Lawyer fan pauses and looks at Ji Rui's face carefully, for fear that he will offend him.

"What on purpose?" Ji Rui asks him with a funny eyebrow.

"Intentionally..." lawyer fan took a closer look at Ji Rui and made sure that although his smile was helpless, he was obviously in a good mood. "Are you sure she didn't mean to catch your appetite?"

"Ha ha..."

Ji Rui suddenly smiles without warning. Lawyer fan looks at him inexplicably and confirms that he is not angry. He is slightly relieved, but his doubts are getting more and more.

"I'd rather she was fishing for me!"

If she's really fishing for him, it means she's willing to have something with him.

But now the situation is that she is willing to have a pure love with him, and she carefully avoids everything else involving money.

Even she moved to the apartment to live in such a small thing, but also he and the baby hard and soft to persuade her.

But even so, she still forced a sum of money equivalent to rent into Ji Rui's bedside cabinet drawer, and threatened Ji Rui that if he didn't accept the money, she would take her baby back to her nest.

This kind of Letong, where does it have the consciousness and hospitality of fishing people?

Lawyer fan doesn't understand the relationship between the two. Before, he thought that Letong was just playing hard to get, but Ji Rui's reaction was like a little boy who fell in love. He just engraved the words "at your disposal" on his forehead. Logically speaking, this is the best time for Letong to start.

Ke Ketong, however, leaves with a black face. It seems that she is not interested in the two documents at all.

Ji Rui is so smart that he will be so determined. I'm afraid he won't be tied up by acting.

"And now what?" After lawyer fan's original idea was severely shaken, he didn't dare to say anything. Naturally, he didn't dare to give any more ideas.

Ji Rui glanced at him, "what do you say? If you lose, think of a way for me, or I'll eat you out of your pocket! "

Lawyer fan looks at Ji Rui in surprise again. At this time, he is really not sure. In front of him, the tone is full of ridicule. The man with a certain rogue flavor is the paralyzed and unsmiling president of Ji University he knows.

"Mr. Ji, do you have other ways?"

Lawyer fan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand. He said that being with you is like being with a tiger. Now, he has a deep understanding of this.

Ji Rui hands a stand, "no, I put all my hopes on you, you think how to persuade her to sign the two documents, some words, you say will be more convincing than my client said."

As soon as Ji Rui said this, lawyer fan's sweat came out faster. He was calculated by President Ji from the beginning. Ji Rui had expected that Letong would react like this, so he dug a hole early to let him jump.

"Mr. Ji, what do you want me to do for you? Just make it clear. There's no need to go around such a big circle..."

Lawyer fan has been following Ji Rui for several years, but he still dares to complain. He's nearly fifty years old. He's always surprised. He's afraid his heart can't bear it!

Ji Rui laughingly looked at him, "if I asked you to persuade her at the beginning, would you go obediently? Isn't it that you will still be moved by my feelings and reason, and then you won't do it? "

Lawyer fan was stunned. Looking back, I have to admit that Ji Rui did not guess wrong.

He has a great prejudice against Letong, so even if Ji Rui made it clear to him at the beginning, he would not help Ji Rui as a lobbyist.

"Well, Mr. Ji, can you give me one night? I'll try to talk to miss Le tomorrow. "

If Letong is not pretending, her attitude of refusing to sign can be described as very resolute. Now she rashly goes to find her, and lawyer fan does not have much confidence to persuade her.

Ji Rui's smile is more intense. "Lawyer fan, you make me think that you have encountered some tough case."

Lawyer fan dared to be angry with Ji Rui, who had thrown a hot potato to himself, but he could only look at the man who was in a good mood with sad eyes.

"Mr. Ji, if Miss Le signs these two documents, can I get a considerable matchmaker's red envelope?"

This kind of hard work of killing a large number of brain cells, if there is no considerable return, it would be too unjust!

Ji Rui is also generous, "don't worry, after it's done, the matchmaker's red envelope is definitely more than the commission you get when you win a big case!"

"Mr. Ji, of course, I hope things can be done, but if they don't..." lawyer fan is also a smart man. When he is forced, he knows how to make a living for himself as much as possible.

Ji Rui doesn't insist, "well, if it doesn't work, it's my own problem. I don't blame you.", How stubborn Letong is, I believe no one knows better than Ji Rui, who is both a boss and a lover.

Lawyer fan breathed a long sigh. Under Ji Rui's half abduction and half deception, he had to bear the hard burden.