Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 454

Back in the apartment, after a long morning's tossing, the baby is naturally driven to take a nap by Ji Rui. Even Letong is also driven to sleep by Ji Rui.

When both of them enter the bedroom, Ji Rui, who is left in the living room, takes his laptop and sits on the sofa in the living room to check several important emails in the mailbox.

Ji Rui is so absorbed that he doesn't even know when Letong will open the bedroom door and come out. Ji Rui doesn't look up until a cup of steaming coffee is put on the coffee table in front of him.

"I asked you to take a nap. Why do you bother about this again?"

Letong's intention to make a strong coffee for him really moved him, but he wanted her to have a good rest more than a cup of delicious coffee, so he couldn't help frowning and blaming her.

To his reproach, Le Tong does not care, "cannot sleep!"

Then he turned and took a small jar of cookies from the locker, put them next to the coffee and sat down beside him.

"When I was making coffee, my elder martial brother called. We talked for a while. Listening to his tone, he seemed to have some difficulties. Do you know that?"

Ji Rui's eyes flashed a piece of confusion, "is that right? I haven't heard from him. I'll give him a call later. "

But Letong vetoed his idea, "don't, he didn't tell you, he certainly didn't want to trouble you, otherwise, you let people inquire."

Ji Rui thinks about it and nods to show his approval“ That's right. I'll ask my friends in Beijing for information. I'll take care of it. Don't worry about it. "

Even if Ji Rui said that, Letong's face was still worried. Remembering that Yang Sheng had complained to her, she seemed to dislike the fact that he was born in a rich family.

"Elder martial brother, he..." what does Le Tong want to ask? On second thought, he thinks it's someone else's private affair. It's always wrong to ask in private.

"There are many brothers in the last generation of the Yang family. His father is the eldest, but his father has only one son. He is the eldest son. A few years ago, he fell out with Mr. Yang for something and went out to fight himself. Now when he goes back, he will be rejected or calculated. It's very normal."

Although Ji Rui hasn't inquired and doesn't know the details, he can still guess the troubles Yang Sheng can encounter.

The Yang family is the only one in the north. There are few other families who dare to offend him. Although Yang Sheng didn't have a title for the time being when he went back this time, people with a little brain outside all know that most of Yang Sheng's generation have straw bags, so Yang Sheng is the one who can become a great tool. It's also because of this that Mr. Yang would pull down his face and take back Yang Sheng who had been away from home for several years. No matter how stupid other aristocratic families are, they are not going to provoke Yang Sheng, the future successor, at this time. Naturally, it is his own family who dares to cause trouble for Yang Sheng.

This is the first time that Letong has heard about Yang Sheng. After hearing this, she is a little relieved about Yang Sheng's situation.

After all, Yang Sheng is not a straw bag. In addition, since master Yang can let him go back, he will help him secretly.

Rest assured, Letong turns her head into the baby's bedroom to help her clean up her clothes. Half an hour later, she hugs a lot of brand-new clothes cleaned from the baby's wardrobe and asks aunt Guan to take them to the orphanage.

When she finished, she saw Ji Rui sitting on the sofa waving to her.

"I've inquired about Yang Sheng."

Ji Rui pats the position beside him and signals Letong to sit down and say.

Letong sits down obediently. Ji Rui takes a deep look at her and habitually raises her hand to put the hair tip on her cheek behind her ear.

Waiting for Letong to sit down and put on an appearance of listening attentively, Ji ruicai said slowly.

"It's estimated that Yang Sheng will be a big event this time!"

Yue Tong is startled. She was comforted before, and then she is uneasy again.

"Can he make it? His grandfather will help him, won't he Letong is worried, but still with a trace of expectation.

Ji Rui shook his head, "if I guess correctly, this is a game of master Yang."

"What?" Letong really doesn't understand. Is Mr. Yang's brain pinched by the door? Actually set up a bureau to harm my grandson?

Ji Rui sees that Letong is puzzled and patiently explains to her, "what Mr. Yang needs is a person who can afford the whole Yang family and Yang's enterprise, not a grandson surnamed Yang."

Ji Rui is very clear that in her eyes, she must think that tiger poison does not eat children, let alone people.

But there are people in this world who value the rise and fall of the whole family and business more than a single grandson. And Yang Yezi, unfortunately, is such a person.

"Do you mean that if the elder martial brother can't solve the problem himself, his grandfather will not help him, but will let him live and die?"

In Letong's eyes, it's all incredible.

Is she too simple, or is the world just so cruel? Clearly should be the most trusted blood relatives, but without hesitation raised the butcher's knife to cut face to face?

Ji Rui sees the expectation extinguished in her eyes. Her beautiful eyes are filled with sadness and worry. Although she can't bear it, she has to tell the truth.

"Probably, that's right!"

Letong suddenly lost her voice. She thought that she had suffered enough humiliation from those relatives a few years ago, but she didn't expect that there was another kind of kinship, which was more chilling than those she had experienced.

"Rich and powerful, are they all like this?"

Letong's voice is not as crisp and clean as usual, but hoarse and powerless with a deep sense of fatigue.

Ji Rui knew that she probably thought of herself and her baby. He rubbed her head and said with a smile, "fool, baby is my darling. I will never do that to him. As for his grandfather and uncle... "

Mention the family's close relatives, Ji Rui dun dun, mouth smile not from forbidden to become far fetched up.

"With me, I will never let anyone hurt my baby."

Letong lowers his head and says nothing. He doesn't see it. Ji Rui's deep eyes are staring at the front, and his eyes are shining with cold light.

After a while, Ji Rui sees that Letong is still silent. He pats her face and coaxes her tenderly.

"Don't worry, I won't force my baby like Mr. Yang. In the future, if Baobao doesn't like to work in Jishi, I'll look for a professional manager to take care of Jishi's business. I won't take this as a shackle for Baobao. "

Ji Rui's appeasement, more or less reassures Letong.

Just at this time, there is a sound from the baby's bedroom. Letong gets up and runs. Ji Rui sees her figure flash into the bedroom, and then picks up the phone and pulls it out.

"Lawyer fan?"

"Well, yes, it's me!"

"Come to my office tomorrow afternoon. I have something to see you."