Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 455

The next afternoon, Letong and the advertising department went out to talk about a cooperation case. In Ji Rui's office, lawyer fan, puzzled, pointed to the terms on the computer screen and confirmed to Ji Rui.

"Mr. Ji, are you sure that's right?"

Ji Rui nodded, "yes, just do as I say."

Lawyer fan is still puzzled, "Mr. Ji, may I ask why?"

Ji Rui ignores him and looks over the documents on the desk attentively.

Lawyer fan, who had been ignored, hesitated for a moment and finally braved himself to express his doubts.

"Mr. Ji, I can understand that you left 50% of your assets to your baby in your will, but although Miss Le is the baby's own mother, she has no real marital relationship with you for the time being. Do you not feel that you have to take a risk when you transfer 30% of your assets to her name all at once?"

Lawyer fan has made wills for many wealthy people over the years, but it is the first time for Ji Rui to make a will that has no protection for him.

Even if Baobao is Ji Rui's only son, the 50% of his assets can only be obtained when Ji Rui dies in an accident. However, Letong, an outsider, can obtain 50% of Ji Rui's assets when Ji Rui dies in an accident. At present, we only need to sign an asset transfer agreement to obtain 30% of Ji Rui's current assets for no reason.

In other words, after Letong signed the two documents, even if Ji Rui did not have an accident, she could easily become one of the top 100 millionaires in China overnight. In case Ji Rui accidentally dies, she will be richer than Baobao, the prince of Ji family.

It's not too much to say that Letong is the Yellow faced woman who silently supports Ji Rui when he is fighting hard. However, Letong is nothing.

In the eyes of lawyer fan, who has been following Ji Rui for many years, Letong just happens to be the baby's own mother. Among them, I don't know what dirty means she used to have a baby. She didn't pay much for Ji Rui. She just accumulated conspiracy and blindly asked for and obtained it.

In the view of lawyer fan, Ji Rui at this time, if he is not threatened by Letong with a gun to his head, or is fascinated by Letong, he can't even distinguish the southeast from the northwest.

Ji Rui, who originally didn't want to pay attention to lawyer fan, raised his head and set his eyes on the other side.

Lawyer fan was seen with a cold sweat on his forehead. After a while, Ji Rui closed the document, leaned back, put his arms in his hands, and asked, "why do you feel adventurous?"

Lawyer fan shrank for a moment, and after weighing, he still felt that he should tell the truth. Otherwise, he would not know that his regular customer had been cheated.

"Mr. Ji, are you not afraid of what Miss Le has done, but covet your fortune?"

Ji Rui doesn't blame him. After all, most people misunderstand such things.

"She didn't do anything, and, to be honest with you, I didn't even have ten thousand confidence in persuading her to sign the transfer of assets, and so did the will. So, I also want to ask you, is there any way to cheat her into signing these two documents? "

Lawyer fan opens his mouth and looks at Ji Rui in surprise. When he sees the smile in the other person's eyes, he shakes his head and confirms that he is not dazzled.

"Mr. Ji, are you sure you are not joking?"

Ji Rui's smile deepened a little. He straightened up, curled his fingers and knocked on the table rhythmically. He said to him with a smile.

"I'm not joking. Otherwise, let's make a bet to see if she will sign these two documents?"

Although lawyer fan is confident that he will win, he is still very careful. After all, he is not Ji Rui. He has money that he can't spend all his life.

"Mr. Ji, you can deceive me. How can a poor man like me bet with you?"

Ji Rui is still laughing, "bet this matter regardless of status, only points to win or lose, bet is a meal of Longxiang, how?"

When lawyer fan heard about the bet, he was a little relieved. "Well, I bet she will sign very easily, or even if not, she will sign at last."

Ji Rui replied, "I bet she won't sign. Of course, I'd rather you win than I lose."

After the gamble was settled, lawyer fan carefully read the asset transfer and will several times, confirmed any mistakes, and then printed the transfer and will in quadruplicate.

It was nearly five o'clock when Letong came back. After knocking on the door, Ji Rui said she came in, so she pushed the door in.

"Mr. Ji! The contract has been settled, and the price is 2% lower than the original one. "

As soon as Letong opens the door, he reports the results to Ji Rui. When he sees the person sitting in the reception hall, he is stunned. Then he smiles at the person, "lawyer fan, you are still there."

When she went out to work, lawyer fan just came out of the elevator. They met each other. This afternoon has passed, and he is still there. It seems that this is a very difficult matter.

With this thought, Letong stands at the door and hesitates to quit, leaving space for Ji Rui and lawyer fan.

"Letong, come in. I have something to look for you."

Ji Rui seems to see her retreat and beckons to her.

Letong is still hesitating, looking at Ji Rui and lawyer fan, "or, I'll come in after you talk?"

With that, he stepped back a few steps, touched the doorknob with his backhand, and was about to screw the door out.

"What I talked with lawyer fan has something to do with you. Come here. I'm afraid I'll eat you?"

Ji Rui doesn't know whether to laugh or to be angry with Letong.

Letong takes a serious look at Ji Rui, confirms that he is not joking, and then releases the doorknob and comes over.

"It's very skillful. Minister Lu went there several times in person and didn't lower the price. As soon as you went out, you lowered the price by 2%. How did you do that?" Ji Rui talks with her about business affairs with a smile.

Letong blinked and said with a smile, "don't worry. This is my secret weapon."

Ji Rui also smiles back to her, "OK, I don't care. Since the price of 2% is pressed down by you using secret weapons, draw 1% to give you a bonus!"

This oneself gets, Le Tong pours also not to refuse, "thank Ji Zong!"

After Ji Rui and Letong finish their business, lawyer fan raises his chin in the living room of the court. Lawyer fan comes over with a quadruplicate assignment and will, opens one copy each, and pushes it to Letong.

Letong is stunned at first. With Ji Rui's sign, she lowers her head and looks at the words above the document clearly. Her originally mild face immediately changes.

"Mr. Ji, what do you mean?"

In front of him, this black faced and cold voiced Letong was so strange that he was scared. Shengsheng startled lawyer fan.