Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 453

Boss a pair of toothache bitter gourd face, distressed that put into the pocket of money to fly.

Fortunately, Ji Rui didn't buy those expensive goldfish after listening to Letong's words. Instead, he chose some good-looking goldfish with ordinary price. However, when he chose the aquarium and utensils, he habitually chose the most expensive ones.

This time, Letong can't find a suitable reason to say anything, because the boss said that these appliances are durable and have a high safety factor, and even children won't be hurt by occasional bumps, while those cheap products are hard to guarantee. Concerning the safety of the baby, Letong naturally will not be stingy, and the boss's face, finally from bitter gourd into a blooming flower.

The three people happily walked around the market and bought a lot of things. The store basically promised to deliver them to the door within three days. Without any burden, Ji Rui carried the baby on his shoulder, made the little guy smile happily, and rode on Ji Rui's neck with an air. He said a lot of interesting things, but he didn't stop talking.

It's almost noon when he comes out of the flower and bird market. Ji Rui suggests that he find a restaurant nearby for lunch. Letong and Baobao have no objection. Just not far from the market, there is a famous Chinese restaurant chain. Several people walk directly past without driving.

Stepping into the hotel compound, the manager came to know Xiao Li, "brother Li, what brings you here today?"

Xiao Li pointed to the front of a family of three, "Oh, accompany our president to dinner."

The manager didn't see Ji Rui. After listening to Xiao Li's introduction, he ran to show the way and led several people into the best elegant room in the shop.

There is a big glass window in the Yajian. The monkey like baby can't bear to open the glass door and run out. There is a small fish pond outside. There are colorful goldfish in the fish pond. There is a bunch of green bamboo fence beside the fish pond. Sitting in the Yajian, you can have a very wide and comfortable sight.

"I haven't been here to eat before. The environment is pretty good."

Ji Rui took the tea from the manager. The manager poured the tea to Letong and said respectfully, "Mr. Ji, today, first try our signature dish and give some advice. Turning around, I'll give Mr. Ji and Mrs. Ji two VIP cards. If you like, you can always come and sit down."

Ji Rui answers politely. After the manager makes a cup of tea, he goes out to make a meal for them in person.

"Baby is very happy today!" Ji Rui sipped his tea, and his eyes fell on the small figure lying on the edge of the fish pond in the yard, chasing and teasing a group of goldfish with small bamboo branches.

"As for children, they are fond of playing, and they are extroverted. They have been banned for more than half a year, which is naturally like a cage bird."

Letong's eyes also fall on the baby with Ji Rui's eyes.

"By the way, just now when you and your baby went to buy fish food, Dr. Dong called."

Ji Rui doesn't want to say this in front of the baby.

"What did he say?" Letong is very nervous, afraid to hear some bad news.

Ji Rui put his hand on the back of her hand and gently swept to comfort her, "it's OK, it's good news!"

Letong was relieved and heard Ji Rui say, "Dr. Dong showed his master the results of the baby's physical examination last time. After studying for a few days, his master said that the baby's physical recovery is better than that of the same case in three years. This situation can definitely be treated as a case to write a paper."

Letong face gradually had a smile, "so, the baby is safe through the observation period?"

Dr. Dong once said that it usually takes three years for a case like Baobao to pass the observation period safely. Therefore, Letong and Ji Rui dare not relax at all about the baby's physical condition.

Ji Rui didn't shake his head, but he nodded, which made Letong's heart raise again.

"Dr. Dong didn't say that, but it's certain that the baby's current situation is very optimistic. He also said that his master would come here before the Spring Festival, and then give the baby a more comprehensive and in-depth examination. It is estimated that there will be a conclusion by then. "

Le Tong slightly frowned, thoughtfully staring at the baby outside the yard, and sighed.

Ji Rui hears her sigh, holds her hand tightly, soft voice pacifies a way.

"Don't worry. The baby is optimistic and healthy. He will survive."

Le Tong didn't pay attention to him, the frown that wring seems to be more wring more tight.

"According to Dr. Dong, the disease may be caused by heredity..."

Ji Rui is worried. What Dr. Dong said is actually one of the possible causes of the disease. It's not certain. However, Letong's temperament makes it difficult for her not to take the responsibility to herself. Therefore, he told Dr. Dong before that, don't mention it to Letong.

But people are not as good as heaven, and she still thinks about it.

"Letong, you think too much. There are many pathogenic factors for this disease. Heredity is only one of the possibilities. Moreover, the baby will be OK. It's meaningless to investigate these."

Ji Rui said, how can Letong not understand. But as a mother, unless she is sure that her baby is 100% recovered, her guilt and guilt will always occupy her heart.

Letong, who has been playing with her baby in the yard for a long time, is in a good mood. She smiles and leads her baby to open the door of Yajian.

The food is delicious. Letong and Baobao are very happy. Baobao is the first to eat two bowls of rice.

When checking out, the manager brings in two VIP cards to Ji Rui.

"Mr. Ji, is the food suitable for you and your wife?"

In fact, his question was a bit superfluous. The eight dishes and one soup with rice and dessert, almost all of which showed that the dishes here were absolutely delicious.

"Well, it's good!"

Ji Rui took the VIP card and handed it to Letong. He almost never used the VIP card, because his face alone is better than any VIP card.

"After that, please ask Mr. Ji and Mrs. Ji to take care of you a lot. Speaking of that, our hotel can have some relatives with Mr. Ji."

Ji Rui didn't understand. He glanced at the manager and said, "Oh?"

"Mr. Ji, you are a busy man. I don't know and I'm not surprised. Our hotel changed its boss about a year ago. The boss is the brother-in-law of the second young master of the Ji family. "

Ji Rui didn't pay much attention to the manager's words at first. Later, he sat in the car and thought about it carefully. He gradually got worried.

"Xiao Li, you need to send someone to check the affairs of Ji Wen's father-in-law's family in recent years. The more detailed, the better."

Letong was holding her baby and saying something. Hearing this, she looked at him in surprise, but Ji Rui didn't want to explain it. Letong swallowed all the questions she had just raised in her heart.