Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 450

"It's good to be jealous. Sour helps digestion. Anyway, didn't you order ten kebabs of roast mutton and three chicken wings?"

Ji Rui sees that Letong doesn't make a sound. He just fills his head with water and can't help laughing and teasing her.

It turns out that bad taste is contagious.

Just now, he himself had a big jar of vinegar, and he was so angry that he almost couldn't help putting Letong in the car.

But now he is in a very good mood.

At first hearing that she questioned him for those women who had never existed before, he could not help but hastily get away from him for fear that she might misunderstand something. Now, in retrospect, my chest has been filled with pleasure unconsciously. Even the jar of sour vinegar just brewed before has been neutralized by bursts of sweetness, and I can't turn over any more waves of sour wind and vinegar.

It is said that there is love as much as there is hate. Is the combination of jealousy and love the same? How jealous is love?

If so, he should love her very much.

And she, too, loves him very much!

Otherwise, she won't be angry for those celebrities who can't even name them.

Le Tong, who poured all the tea in the cup into his stomach, put down the cup slowly and asked, staring at him with gnashing teeth.

"Mr. Ji, is this revenge?"

Ji Rui smiles. He reaches over and grabs her hand on the table. His fingers gently knead her cool fingertips.

"Am I such a careful man? Besides, what did you do to me? Why should I take revenge on you? "

Ji Rui blinks his eyes. His light green eyes are shining with deep and charming brilliance under the street lamp.

Just, see in the eyes of Le Tong, then how many some dazzling.

"Of course you're not a careful person, but you'll get what you want."

Letong hums coldly. Just as the boss's wife brings up the kebab, Letong takes one and chews it fiercely. She treats the kebab as the hateful demon Ji.

Ji Rui was crowned with such a dishonorable hat, but he was not annoyed. He still held her hand in one hand, circled her fingertips, held her cheek in the other hand, and looked at her with a smile. He pulled a bunch of mutton into her mouth. With the action of chewing, the round cheeks were drum by drum, which was really lovely.

"In the past, I always suspected that the strange temperament of the baby was a genetic mutation. Now it seems that it's not the same thing at all."

Letong puffed his cheek and said, "yes, fortunately, the baby is not like you, facial paralysis and cold blood."

"Well, I think so, too." Ji Rui smiles and responds.

At the moment, he was in such a good mood that he let her eat the meat kebab and scold him. He didn't reply. Occasionally, he would recognize his mistake with a low eyebrow.

Letong's mood has not relaxed like today for a long time. She knows that men favor her and follow her. As she says, the coquetry in her tone becomes more and more intense.

Usually always calm and self-sustaining face, now unconsciously softened a lot, canthus brow, inadvertently revealed the happiness of a little woman's unique coquettish and flattery.

Ji Rui originally sat opposite her. Later, he directly sat next to her, hugged her and listened to her talking about some old things from a distance.

From a slight complaint to him, she slowly talked about her own experiences when she was young.

Ji Rui still doesn't speak much, but she takes her experience and complaints seriously in mind, and reflects on herself. In the future, she will never do anything stupid to her.

She is not in a good mood all day. Ji Rui is afraid that she will hold herself back. Now he sees her open her heart and complain about being coquettish with him. He is very happy and distressed.

"Don't you eat it?"

In the blink of an eye, Letong ate half of the kebab on the plate, which reflected that the man just listened to himself, and didn't seem to have eaten anything.


Ji Rui didn't finish his words, he was blocked by the chicken wing arm that Le Tong handed over.

"Eat it. It's delicious."

Letong takes the hot lemon tea on the table and takes a sip. Ji Rui frowns and hands the straw to his mouth.

"Hot? Have a drink. "

Ji Rui, who is slightly addicted to cleanliness, doesn't mean to resist the lemon tea. He opens his mouth with a straw in his mouth and takes two mouthfuls of it.

"Do you mean to be stingy and ask the landlady to buy a cup of lime tea

Ji Rui specially ordered the landlady to send someone to the hot drink shop opposite to buy this cup of hot lemon tea.

"I don't like it!"

If it wasn't for Letong, Ji Rui would never have been sitting in a street stall eating roast chicken wings and drinking cheap lemon tea.

"Tut Tut, Mr. Ji finally told the truth."

Letong curls her mouth and teases, takes the cup back, bites the straw and drinks all the lime tea in the cup.

Ji Rui is a little angry. "Why don't you leave me some? The chicken wings are very hot. Don't eat them."

With a lift of her hand, Letong throws the cup into the dustbin, stands up and walks to the drink shop across the street.

Ji Rui tears the chicken wings that are so hot that he can hardly control his tears. His eyes have been following her figure.

The street is about ten meters wide. Ji Rui watched Letong walk to the drink shop and lie on tiptoe in front of the counter. She thought she was looking for something to drink. She had been lying on the counter for a long time. After Ji Rui had eaten all the spicy chicken wings, she went back with a bag in her hand and a bag in her hand.

"Here you are."

Letong takes a drink out of the drink bag and pushes it to Ji Rui.

Ji Rui raised his chin toward her and opened his mouth slightly.

Le Tong Leng for a moment, reaction come over, just understand he this is to want to feed him to drink?

Letong a black line, a little can't accept, that always face paralysis president, into the present so with a little childish appearance.

"Can't you drink it yourself?"

Letong doesn't understand the amorous feelings, but thinks that this kind of thing is too intentional, and the picture will be very strange.

"No!" Ji Rui plays Lai.

Yue Tong looked around and found that there were no lovers feeding each other around. But he, unconsciously, gave him a few mouthfuls of hot lemon tea.

Admitting his fate, he inserted the straw and handed it to his mouth. The man took a sip and was slightly surprised.

"Ginseng tea?"

"Well, you can't eat spicy? It's heat clearing and detoxification! "

Ji Rui doesn't like spicy food. Letong knows that. He should be afraid that she is now such a body, can not stand such exciting food, so he just ate all those chicken wings.

Ji Rui obediently drank up the ginseng tea and put the paper bag containing the roasted sweet potato into her hand, "your roasted sweet potato, eat while it's hot!"

Letong finally ate the roasted sweet potato she had been thinking about all night. She could not express her satisfaction. She narrowed her eyes slightly, like a cat basking in the sun, enjoying herself.

Ji Rui raises his eyes and sweeps around a couple of lovers. He takes back his eyes and looks down at her. His heart is warm and his eyes are full of doting love.