Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 451

I don't know if Ji Rui has talked to Baobao. After his sixth birthday, he never mentioned that he wanted to have a younger brother or sister.

Letong's heart is naturally full of guilt. At first, it's about her baby. Later, as her relationship with Ji Rui heats up, the guilt erupts from time to time.

"Ji Rui, if my body is like this all the time..." one night, after studying, Letong was forced to drink a bowl full of bitter and hard Chinese medicine by someone, and nestled up to him, hoping to open his mouth.

Ji Rui holding her shoulder, did not wait for her to finish, fingertips against her lips, words interrupt her.

"Don't just think about what you don't have. It's important for me to take good care of myself. You should know that I don't like children. It took me several years. Now it's hard for me to offer snacks to my baby. One of them is enough. I don't want to bother us with more kids. "

Ji Rui is right. More than a year ago, he didn't care much for the baby and didn't love him much. He knows that he is not a qualified father strictly speaking. Part of the reason why he and his baby can have a harmonious relationship now is that the baby takes the initiative to please him. In addition, the baby's illness makes him cherish his baby son more and more.

If he does not associate with Letong now, he will not have any vision for a new little life.

Therefore, he and Letong may not be able to have children in the future. Even if they had made him regret, it was just a flash of emotion. In his heart, what worried him more was Letong's health.

But even if Ji Rui says so, the guilt in Letong's heart still can't be reduced by half, but on the surface, he pretends to be convinced.

After that night, Letong didn't tell Ji Rui about the child, but she took medicine every day without any complaints.

Two people living under the same roof know more and more.

With the deepening of understanding, the prejudice against the other side will gradually disappear.

After those prejudices were corrected, they turned into a touch of love, which gradually accumulated in their hearts, and the wall of their feelings became higher and stronger. Obviously, it was more and more difficult for external factors to shake their feelings. Even though, none of these two people promised that they would live with each other forever and accompany each other to the end of the world, they really have the determination and consensus to go on.

Letong has always believed that she and Ji Rui are people of two worlds, no matter from thought to growing environment.

Two people live together, there will be a lot of friction and running in.

Although, because of her baby, she and Ji Rui have been living together for several months, at that time, her relationship with Ji Rui only stayed on friendship. At that time, she was relatively polite to Ji Rui.

Now, she and Ji Rui have become lovers. Most of the time, she appears in front of Ji Rui as the completely real one.

As she said, the real she occasionally willfully makes small temper, occasionally plays pranks childishly, and occasionally loses her temper arrogantly

She thought that Ji Rui, such a domineering and domineering man, might not be able to accept her like this.

As everyone knows, Ji Rui does not only show any dislike to her, but also spoil her and coax her without principle.

Such Ji Rui, very strange, but let Letong very sweet.

Naturally, she is not a person who can only make small temper, mischief and lose temper. For Ji Rui and Baobao, she even spends more time and effort to take care of them than before.

However, Ji Rui always arranges all the household chores to Aunt Guan for the reason that she and her health are in poor condition, while Letong can cook on Saturdays and Sundays, and the kitchen has almost become her forbidden area on normal working days.

Letong is a person who can't spare time. The kitchen is forbidden, which makes her a little at a loss. After three or two days of idling in the apartment, she finally finds a new pleasure.

At dusk, Ji Rui, who came home from the outside, stood at the entrance to change his shoes. As soon as he heard the door ring, he ran out to meet his mother and son.

"Baby..." Ji Rui changed his shoes, pulled his tie and yelled in the direction of the living room.

"I'm here..."

The baby's crisp voice seems to come from far away.

Until Ji Rui enters the living room, he sees two figures outside the floor glass, one big and one small, squatting in front of the flowers outside the terrace, not knowing what they are playing with.

Ji Rui throws his coat and tie on the sofa, strides over and pushes open the balcony door.

"What are you doing?" Probe out, and then see clearly, the original mother and son, one with scissors, one with a shovel, in playing with pruning that plate of a person high enough to have a big pot.

"Daddy, mommy and I are cutting flowers and plants."

The baby shakes the shovel full of soil and shows off to Ji Rui.

Ji Rui frowned. For this kind of thing, just find a gardener to trim it regularly. Why work hard?

"Letong, didn't you run through several major government departments today? Why are you doing this now? "

Ji Rui is a little unhappy. Letong runs all day for a piece of approval. Mingming comes back half an hour earlier than him. He doesn't have a good rest, but squats on the windy terrace to suffer.

Le Tong turns to see him one eye, disapprove of tunnel.

"It's the car, not me!"

Without waiting for Ji Rui to retort, she said, "today's baby has a practical operation, which is a planting operation. It happens that the potted branches and leaves are too luxuriant to be pruned, and the nutrition can't be supplied, so I will complete this practical operation with my baby."

Ji Rui saw that she didn't want to go back to the living room to have a rest. She twisted her eyebrows, pursed her lips, untied her sleeve, rolled up her sleeve neatly, took a pair of scissors from the toolbox, and squatted down.

"I'll help you, too. Make it early and eat early."

Letong looked at him with concern. "Are you hungry?"

Ji Rui sighed, "it's you and baby who are hungry. You two are hungry!"

But Letong was not worried at all, "my baby and I ate some snacks to pad our belly, not hungry. However, it's good for you to help. I'll move the pot of orchids. The original pot is a little small. "

Without waiting for Ji Rui to respond, she has stood up and picked up the flowerpot the size of a washbasin on the shelf on one side of the terrace.

"Leave it, I'll move it!"

Ji Rui can't help feeling a little angry. Is the woman tossing herself or him? The flowerpot is full of mud, at least dozens of Jin. Can she move her thin arms and legs?

Even if it can be moved, what should I do if I accidentally flash my waist?

"Ji Rui, please accompany me to buy some flowers tomorrow. The terrace is very big. I think a variety of flowers will be beautiful if they bloom later." Letong follows Ji Rui with the flowerpot, not afraid to die.