Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 449

Ji Rui, who gets out of the car first, turns around and opens the copilot's door. He reaches in and takes Letong out of the car.

Walking down from the car, Letong is still in an ignorant state of severe brain hypoxia.

As for the cause of her brain hypoxia, the culprit is naturally holding her president Ji da.

As long as it's a man who hears his girlfriend in love saying that his last man may not be him, he will be mad, not to mention Ji Rui's overbearing man.

After the vicious declaration of sovereignty, Ji Rui, the incarnation of ghost animal, does nothing but plug Letong's lips with her mouth, so that she can't say anything that makes him scratch his heart and lung except for the gasp of "no, no...".

Of course, he can also choose to turn her over and slap her in the ass as a punishment, but he prefers to seal her with a kiss, which is a direct and romantic solution.

"We're going to have roast mutton!"

The president of Jida, who has been well moistened, has swept away the haze before. He embraces Letong, who is floating in his steps, and walks towards the noisy snack street.

Until sitting down on the simple table and chair of the barbecue stall, Letong gradually returned to his normal state of thinking.

The proprietress serves two cups of tea on a tray. Letong asks the proprietress to cook ten kebabs of mutton and three chicken wings. When the enthusiastic proprietress hears that she wants to eat roasted sweet potato, she sends her teenage son to buy it for Letong at the end of the street.

When the landlady walks away, Letong stares at the shameless man sitting opposite. The more he looks, the more unbalanced he is.

He is her first love, yes, but she is also his first love. Why is it that he is so familiar with the intimate drama between lovers, but she is always like a yellow haired girl who is not familiar with the world. She is so astringent and passive that she is always easily controlled and moved by him?

Is it true that in this respect, there is also a theory of talent?

"Ji Rui, tell me the truth!"

Letong's tone is not very friendly, staring at his line of sight, like staring at the enemy who killed his father.

"What?" Ji Rui is in a good mood and is determined to be a good boyfriend.

"You really... Really haven't had a girlfriend?"

Letong is not a fussy person. In particular, he is 31 years old. No matter what he looks like, family background, financial resources, everything is standing at the top of the tower. He says that his ex girlfriend can form a company. It is estimated that a lot of people will believe him.

It can be said that he had never had a girlfriend before her, but he was not convincing.

"Nothing but you!"

Ji Rui's attitude is very sincere, so he almost raised his hand to swear.

"You don't believe it?" Ji Rui, holding the table in his hand, leans slightly towards her, and his burning eyes fall on her face.

Before, Letong had always believed in it, but in retrospect, all his intimacy during this period seemed to be very skillful. How could he be a novice who had never been in love?

The hesitation in Letong's eyes makes Ji Rui nervous. He doesn't know why she doesn't believe it, but he has never had any affair with any other woman. Even if a woman like coco is a childhood sweetheart and bears the name of his fiancee, he has never had any intimate contact with her, let alone a formal relationship with her.

"Letong, if it wasn't for you, I would think I was asexual. In the past 30 years, I haven't had any thoughts about any man or woman. During the restless period of my youth, I studied in a foreign country. In order to recapture Ji's family, I even reduced my time to eat and sleep as short as possible. I didn't have time or mind to think about my feelings. When I was 25 years old, Ji finally came back to me. At that time, the baby had been brought back. Marriage was not necessary for me, but also a thing that I could not do. I'm not a patient person. Naturally, I don't know much about taste. It's almost like putting a knife on my neck to ask me to spend time and effort to coax others. In this case, why do I have to suffer? "

Ji Rui is not a talkative person. It's not too much to say that he spared words like gold. If the person sitting opposite is not the one he cares about, he may even save humming.

But in the face of Le Tong's doubt, he can only rack his brains to sum up his mental journey over the years, and try to express his feelings and mood as succinctly as possible. Even if she doesn't believe it all, it's better than that she always looks at his feelings for her with a skeptical attitude.

These words, Letong never heard Ji Rui mention. Presumably, a person like him likes to keep everything in his heart. To communicate with others and talk to others, these means of communication are necessary for others, but they are cumbersome and superfluous for him.

"According to you, don't you put a knife around your neck and ask for your own guilt now?"

Le Tong took a drink from her glass, thinking that Ji Zong's eloquence is really not good, and she doesn't even understand the basic words to coax girls. No wonder you haven't been in love at the age of 31.

However, in other words, it seems that a man with such conditions as he coaxes his women one after another, so he doesn't need to coax anyone at all.

In this way, if those women who would rather stick him upside down know that Letong not only occupies the name of his girlfriend, but also tries to stimulate him from time to time to provoke him. I'm afraid they want to drown her with a mouthful of saliva.

See Le Tong so misunderstanding, Ji Rui is not urgent, take up the cup, but hesitated. The opposite Le Tong raises eyebrows and looks like a good play. Ji Rui clenched his teeth, stuck the cup to his lips and took a sip of tea.

"That's when I don't feel for you. When I find that I like you, I know that patience and interest are directly proportional to feelings. How much you like it, how much patience and interest you have. Moreover, I found that if you are happy, I will be very happy. If you are not happy, I will not feel better. So, huaxinsi to make you happy is to make myself happy. It's fun, not suffering. "

The injustice in Letong's heart has been gradually recovered. Obviously, she is convinced by Ji Rui.

"Mr. Ji, I thought your excellent eloquence would only appear on the negotiation table. Unexpectedly, coaxing girls is also a set. No wonder so many famous families have to stick it up regardless of their faces."

Even if he was convinced, he still couldn't help turning over his "romantic old accounts".

Ji Rui originally had a serious face, but now he looked at her with a narrow smile.

"Girl, are you jealous? Jealous? "

Yue Tong, who was said to be on his mind, took up the cup and gulped all the tea in it.