Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 448

Different from Yang Sheng's impression on Letong, Ji Rui's impression on Letong has always been that he is quite dull and old-fashioned.

I didn't mention it before. Even if I became a lover with him now, this impression hasn't changed much.

Of course, after Le Tong slowly understood his past, he vaguely understood that it was not his fault that he would be so boring, old-fashioned and mean, but that he had spent most of his 31 years alone.

Maybe it's because, when he lost his mother when he was young, the father didn't care or kiss him, and the woman who indirectly killed her mother took a pair of sons to brush the sense of existence in front of him all day, that his psychology was so dark and his character was so rigid.

In the past, she was his subordinate. His psychology was dark and his character was old-fashioned. Although he was an eyesore, he didn't get in her way.

But now, she is his lover, naturally can't see him always carrying a pool of stagnant water like depressing mood to live.

It's good for him to stimulate him once in a while!

All of a sudden, Yue Tong, who has such an idea, takes advantage of Luo Yifan.

And Ji Rui, over the years, can let him care about people or things is really not much, but to this Luo Yifan, but is still worried.

Although Luo Yifan has been sent to another city by his tricks, he can't let go of the good time he missed when he thinks of the meeting between Luo Yifan and Letong.

Now it's even more uncomfortable to hear Letong admit that Luo Yi is a good person.

"Of course I know. Haven't you been his birthday partner?"

Turning over these old accounts, Ji Rui is like knocking over the whole jar of vinegar.

Letong turns a white eye secretly, remembering those sarcastic words he said to himself at the cocktail party on Luo Yifan's birthday. She can't help grinding her teeth.

"Yes, I remember that everyone praised us as a good match at that time."

Letong decided to take the opportunity to get back the grievances she suffered at that time.

Ji Rui's face sank, "what? Now it's a pity? "

Ji Rui is about to vomit blood because he is angry with Letong or himself. He never thinks he is stingy, but it's a long time since Luo Yifan's birthday party. How can he still be worried about that?

Yue Tong looked at his face carefully by the light of the street lamp, "yes, it's a pity..."

Looking at his face more taut more tight, Letong heart Shuang to burst!

Once upon a time, she was bullied by Ji Rui, but she had to hold her breath and pretend to be a little white rabbit. At that time, she secretly scolded herself for being cheap.

Now, I finally have a chance to return this breath. It's really cool!

Letong doesn't think there is anything wrong with her bad taste. Instead, she thinks that this can not only stimulate Ji Rui to finally look like a living man, but also express her former grievance. It's not too much to kill two birds with one stone.

Letong is still in the dark and complacent, "Ga!" The car suddenly stopped at the side of the road without warning.

Le Tong, who rushes forward and is pulled back by the seat belt, looks at the angry man in the driver's seat with a bit of panic.


"..." Letong hasn't recovered from the shock of the emergency brake, and he just stares at him.

"Do you come out to eat baked sweet potato or do you really want to piss me off?" Ji Rui stares at Le Tong and roars in a low voice.

Letong reacts and blinks, looking at him innocently.

"Ah? Why am I angry with you? "

Letong has always been very good at pretending to be a fool.

"What's the matter with you and Luo Yifan?"

Ji Rui was jealous of Luo Yifan before, but he always thought that Letong had no special feelings for Luo Yifan. Between them, it was only Luo Yifan's wishful thinking. Moreover, from Huang Sheng's survey data and Le Tong's own statement, it shows that Le Tong has never been in love before, and she is her first love.

Therefore, even if he was jealous of Luo Yifan and met Letong earlier than him, he still had a great sense of superiority in his heart.

But just now her words, but seem to hint, Letong to Luo Yifan, also had some ulterior careful thinking.

So, the sense of superiority that I have always felt is actually a way to deceive myself and others?

Her first love is not herself, but the damned Luo Yifan?

The car stops under the street lamp. In the bright light, Ji Rui has two clusters of extremely prosperous flames in his eyes.

As the culprit of lighting up the two fires, Le Tong really sees the changes in men's expressions.

I have to admit that Ji Rui, who is obviously angry but endures like a little daughter-in-law, makes Letong want to laugh.

"Ji Rui, you think too much..."

Once upon a time, this man always said that he thought too much. In fact, he always thought too much!

His suspicious character made her suffer a lot. She didn't want to suffer from it in the future.

"What do you mean, Letong?" Ji Rui stares at Letong with cannibal eyes, puts his hand on the steering wheel, and makes a fist.

Letong glanced at him, shrugged and said calmly, "I don't mean much. You think too much."

Ji Rui's corner of the mouth smoked two times, Le Tong even heard the voice that he grinds teeth fiercely.

Ji Rui took a deep breath and tried to suppress his unhappiness and jealousy.

"How good is Luo Yifan?" Burning eyes, like a hole in her face.

"He is very good!" Letong meets his sight without fear. Seeing that he is about to get angry, she suddenly leans over, her cool lips skimming over his tight lips.

"Unfortunately, I didn't fall in love with him..."

Yue Tong glanced at the dull man and then said, "but I fell in love with you, a boring, old-fashioned and bad man!"

The man who was pulled up from hell suddenly turned his eyes from the gray desert into a green oasis. His eyes were slightly bent and his lips were slightly raised.

"Your first love is me!"

The confidence of President Ji Da, who was trampled into the dust just now, soared to the state of explosion, and he couldn't help it.

Letong is not in a hurry to respond to him. She pulls her body back and sits on the copilot. She looks at him quietly and nods.

"Yes, my first love is you..."

Ji Rui gets the approval of the client and is even more overjoyed. He leans over and his face is getting closer and closer. He is about to kiss her lips, but her raised hand is against her lips.

Ji Rui picked pick eyebrow, the eyes are full of don't understand and dissatisfaction

Yue Tong stares at him and says what he hasn't finished.

"It doesn't mean that the last man is also you!"

Ji Rui's eyes were darkened, but soon, the light was burning again. He pulled her hand slightly, and her lips fell on the corner of her lips. "I'm your first man, absolutely, and the last one!"