Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 447

Ji Rui drives very slowly after he drives out of the garage, as if he is not driving to a destination, but strolling aimlessly along the path with his dog.

The city, which is always noisy and crowded in the daytime, rarely quiets down. In the street at night, there are few vehicles. Only the colorful neon lights on both sides of the road flicker silently, interweave and reflect into a dazzling light, passing slowly through the window.

Ji Rui seems to have never seen such a beautiful night scene in the bustling atmosphere. At this time, in addition to paying attention to the road conditions, all his attention is attracted by Letong on the co driver.

"Letong, pay attention to where there is a baked sweet potato stand." Ji Rui drives the car and pays attention to the movement of Le Tong from time to time.

"Well..." as soon as the car pulled out of the road, Letong rolled down the window.

Late autumn evening wind a little cold, blowing face, slightly painful.

The night wind blows in, and Letong's black hair dances in the carriage. The picture is beautiful, but Ji Rui frowns slightly“ Is it cold? Close the window

Yue Tong shook his head, "it's not cold!"

Answer, but subconsciously with the hand tight tight coat collar.

Ji Rui turns around and takes a deep look at her. He knows that she occasionally does childish things. His hand moves, and the front passenger's window rises slowly.

Le Tong turns his head and says in a soft voice with a little pleading, "don't close it. I haven't blown the night wind for a long time."

Letong can't remember when it was the last time she was blowing on the road like this.

Probably, since the baby's illness, her whole body has been in a state of high tension and tension all day, and she has no flaw in enjoying the silence and rest after the current uproar.

Ji Rui glances at her again, and her heart softens for no reason.

"Well, open half..." the window slowly opened half, this is his biggest compromise.

"Well..." Letong didn't insist too much and turned to look at the street view outside the window.

"What else would you like to eat besides baked sweet potato?"

In the past, Ji Rui didn't pay much attention to the preferences of women as old as Letong. Now when he thinks about it carefully, he remembers that there are many female employees in Ji's family who are about the same age as Letong. They seem to be very noisy. As long as they have free time, they will get together to eat snacks and gossip. Among these snacks, there are ice cream, desserts, fried chicken and beer.

Letong, however, seems to have nothing to do with those who have never been involved. She just keeps busy with his boss like a top. Besides working all day, she works overtime

Presumably, his boss, who does not know amorous feelings, deprives a woman of her age of the pleasure of life.

Le Tong suddenly turns his head and looks at him in surprise.

"Besides baked sweet potato, what else can I eat?"

Letong's expression of joy is hard to suppress. Her dark eyes are especially beautiful under the neon light, and her slightly curved eyes are full of smiles.

"Well, except for ice cream and frozen drinks, everything else is OK!"

Ji Rui remembers doctor Fu's admonition and refuses to let her touch anything raw and cold.

Letong is a little disappointed, but under the night light, the small face full of brilliance is soon full of excitement.

"Can I go to snack street and have roast mutton?"

Ji Rui Leng Leng, he has made psychological preparation for her to kill a meal, unexpectedly, she said to eat roast mutton.

"Why don't we buy a roasted sweet potato and sit in a Korean barbecue shop?"

Although Ji Rui has never been to Xiaoshi street to eat kebabs, he knows that the stalls there are basically open-air stalls. It's not warm at the moment. Although she's not thinly dressed, he's still afraid of freezing her.

Yue Tong frowned, thinking Ji Rui didn't mean what he said.

"What? It's you who asked me what else I want to eat, but you won't let me eat!" Yue Tong curled her lips. Obviously, she was a little unhappy.

Letong's slightly resentful expression makes Ji Rui dumbfounded.

"I'm afraid you'll be frozen when you stand on the street. I won't let you eat it!" Ji Rui says helplessly, the big hand stretches over, Shun Shun her that one is blown the hair of disorderly.

"I love this! I haven't eaten it for a long time. I miss it. "

Letong's face turns to be overcast and clear immediately. She points to the direction in front of her and asks Ji Rui to turn left at the next intersection.

"Do you often go there to eat?"

Ji Rui remembers that once he worked overtime with Letong and Yang Sheng until night, and several of them went to the snack street for supper.

"I used to eat barbecue with yuan'er and other college students. After graduation, everyone was busy, so I went less."

In addition to her normal studies, the rest of her college life was spent on taking care of her mother and working. She won't tell Ji Rui to go to the snack street to have a barbecue. For her in that situation, it was a rare luxury life, which was by no means normal.

Her words, but let Ji Rui think of another person.

"Luo Yifan often goes with you, too?" Ji Rui tries his best to let his tone become ordinary, but in fact, when he thinks that the boy Luo Yifan knew Le Tong earlier than him, his mood is very agitated.

Letong nods. She has a clear conscience about this. There's no need to lie.

"Well, you should also know that Yifan and yuan'er are as close as their own brothers and sisters. They are like conjoined twins. Most of the time they walk together. For a while, he made a bed at school and lived for a while."

She and Luo yuan'er are good friends. Isn't it normal for her to meet Luo Yifan?

Letong thinks she's aboveboard, but Ji Rui can't help imagining the beautiful young girl standing with the boy Luo Yifan. His stomach is filled with acid, and his heart is also filled with jealousy.

"His young master is used to that kind of life?" The tone is sour.

Le Tong didn't turn around, "what kind of life do you mean?"

I was stunned for a while before I could react“ You mean the civilian life of college students? "

Ji Rui does not say a word, indirect, be equal to acquiesce to the words of Le Tong.

"Yifan is actually quite good. There are many childe brothers' pettiness and bad habits in him."

Le Tong himself is not clear at this time is holding what kind of state of mind, unexpectedly will help Luo Yifan say good words.

In fact, she knows very well that it's taboo to say another man's good in front of her boyfriend, but she doesn't control her mouth. She praises and agrees with Luo yifanfan, and blurts out almost without thinking about it.

Ji Rui's face suddenly sank, and the air in the carriage suddenly dropped to the freezing point.

"It seems that you appreciate him when you say that?" Ji Rui hummed in a cold and sour tone.

Contrary to Ji Rui who is depressed, Yue Tong who raises her lips seems to be in a good mood“ How do you know? "