Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 446

"What's the matter? Is it freezing? " The man stood up straight up to her and looked at her nervously.

Yue Tong rubbed his nose with the back of his hand and shook his head, "no, it's just a little itchy."

Ji Rui stares at her eyes, lowers his head suspiciously and continues to button her.

"You, don't think you are a superwoman. Doctor Fu said that you have a bad health foundation. You should pay more attention at ordinary times."

Letong's eyes are slightly hot. She rubs them and slightly bends down to put her chin on the man's head.

"Mr. Ji, when did you become a housekeeper?" Yue Tong said angrily, closing his eyes slightly.

The man's hair is very hard, pricking Letong a little pain, but she did not mean to move away, just took a deep breath, light mint fragrance into the nose, I do not know when to start, the man's unique breath, always let Letong inexplicably at ease.

Ji Rui was still fighting with the row of buttons on her coat. When she heard her soft voice floating over her head, her hands were stiff in the air. After a pause, she decisively left the buttons, put her hands around her waist, straightened up and took the person into her arms.

"Do you have a housekeeper? I'll apply for the job, will you

Letong slightly stands on tiptoe, puts her face on Ji Rui's shoulder, tilts her head, looks at the man who has always been high, and looks down at her asking questions. In her smiling eyes, she is a little nervous and uneasy.

Letong raised her hand, fingertips with his clear-cut facial features swam ups and downs, detailed description of the curve that fascinated her.

"No, please..."

Perhaps, in the near future, will invite the male host, you want to apply for it?

This words, in Yue Tong's heart silently said again, but didn't say, just secretly, with cool fingertips, his facial features outline bit by bit down, and then, deeply engraved in the mind.

Ji Rui's eyes flashed a touch of loss, but soon a smile came up again. Kissing her eyelids, he half coaxed and half deceived her with a magnetic voice and said, "don't you really invite me, please send me one..."

Probably infected by Baobao and Letong, Ji Rui's mood is much younger, and even his tone of speaking is unconsciously close to the tone of the two.

Letong's palm slapped on his cheek, "Hello, baby is my son!"

It's not so much a warning as a flirtation.

Ji Rui's side head touched her wrist with his lips, and his deep eyes looked at her without blinking.

"Well, Ji Yu is yours. There's only one handsome single uncle, please?"

Ji Rui is always teased by his son as an old-fashioned and boring uncle, so he has the cheek to tease himself.

Men's persistent self promotion, in Letong's eyes, is the seduction of chiguoguo.

You know, she has always been lack of immunity to this man's good-looking skin. Now, the man is both coaxing and showing off, even though she is not willing to admit it, but he is not proud of the man.


The man's lips moved away from her wrist and landed on her face.

Letong don't turn his face away from his lips and put on a serious look“ But I'm poor and I don't have the money to pay. "

"Oh, I forgot to say that I'm not only handsome, but also rich enough for you to eat baked sweet potato for several lifetimes!"

Letong turns a white eye secretly. President Ji is really modest. His wealth is more than baked sweet potato. Even if she eats abalone and ginseng wings, it is estimated that it will be enough for her for several lifetimes!

"I don't want to eat toasted sweet potato for a few years, but I'm drooling now!"

Letong secretly scolds herself for having a man and forgetting the delicious food. She pushes him away and quickly buttons the remaining buttons one by one.

This time, Ji Rui did not rush to help, but leisurely next to the wall, arms in arms looking at her.

"I wonder why the baby loves to eat so much. It's because of you."

Letong raised his eyelids and glared at him, "yes, I'm a foodie, afraid?"

Ji Rui reached over and pinched her face, said with a serious face, "it's OK. Anyway, I have a lot of money. I'll take you as soon as possible, so you don't have to do harm to people."

Unable to laugh or cry, Letong clapped his hand and went to the door, holding the handle to open the door. "Rich man, are you still going? If we talk again and wake up the baby, we won't go anywhere. "

Ji Rui strode out of the door. He was very excited.

I don't know if it's because he can leave the baby that's brighter than a 100000 volt light bulb, or it's like a little couple sneaking out on a date behind their parents and family. He's so old that he's never tried

"Letong, have you ever tried to sneak out with people in the middle of the night?"

Ji Rui holds the steering wheel in his hand, but glances at Letong sitting in the copilot.

"Nonsense, of course!" Letong didn't even think about it. She said it quickly.

Ji Rui's eyes darkened and her heart sank. Didn't she never fall in love? How could you have such an experience?

"With whom?"

Ji Rui's voice, obviously not just happy.

His hard and smelly tone made Letong want to laugh.

Biting his lips, he managed to hold back his smile. He wanted to tease him, but his shoulders seemed to be stretched to death in an instant, and he felt compassion.

"He yuan'er..."

"You Ji Rui suddenly turns his head and stares at her.

"What's the matter with me?" Letong blinked at him innocently.

Ji Rui grinds his teeth, reaches out his hand on the steering wheel and twists her face. "You've got a lot of irritating skills."

Le Tong thought of the classic line that often appeared in the recent eight o'clock soap opera, raised her chin and said with a smile, "that's also your favorite!"

Ji Rui was stunned. He took back his hand and said with a bitter smile.

"It's a shame to say that I spoil you!"

If it had not been for him, she would have suffered less. So, he was guilty of spoiling her.

Yue Tong, who is easy to be satisfied with, doesn't think so.

"Usually at this time, don't you think it's the happiest thing to have a good sleep in bed? But you just got up from the bed to accompany me because I wanted to eat baked sweet potato! "

In Le Tong's view, this is the kind of pet, or pet without reason. After all, even she felt that it was extremely cruel to get out of bed on such a cold night in late autumn. If it was not a pet, she would be too dissatisfied.

"Are you with me?" But Ji Rui's point seems to be seriously distorted.

"Ah?" Letong can't keep up with his thinking at all. She looks at him with a puzzled face.

"To be with you is the greatest happiness. Whether it's in bed or on the street! "