Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 432

Counting up, Ji Rui has known Letong for more than two years. He has seen Letong's red eyes, but he has never seen her cry so wantonly.

It's said that women are made of water. Once, Ji Rui thought that Letong was an exception. But now, looking at his shirt that was wet from chest to abdomen, Ji Rui thought that she would not wipe the tears that she had held for six or seven years on his shirt, would she?

The hand holding his clothes tighter and tighter, the cry is suppressed and intermittent, and the thin body is shaking slightly in his arms.

Ji Rui lowers his eyes and stares at her black hair. He claps his hands on her back. His heart is pulled into a ball uncontrollably.

Letongwo sobs in Ji Rui's arms. Her heart is filled with all kinds of complex emotions, including guilt for her baby, coldness and grievances caused by her mother's illness in recent years, injustice and oppression she suffered when she first entered society, and even Ji Rui's grievances and unwillingness when she misunderstood her

Ji Rui's soothing voice is low and gentle, and the temperature of her arms and palms is warm. All these make her open her heart involuntarily and confidently pour out the negative emotions that she has suppressed for a long time.

Letong doesn't know how long she's been crying. All she knows is that the depression and shackles that make her breathless are slowly released from the bottom of her heart with the cry and tears.

Cry, slowly low down, holding Ji Rui clothes hand, also gradually loose.

"Ji Rui, thank you..." his hoarse voice came out of Ji Rui's arms.

Ji Rui gently rubbed her soft hair and murmured "fool!", She lowered her head, lifted her hair and put a stamp on her forehead.

Yue Tong, who closed her eyes slightly, did not move. With his kiss, she moved from her forehead to her red eyelids to her salty and wet lips

Ji Rui gently sucks her lips, two people gently shallow breathing sound rings in the living room, a trace of warmth and warmth flowing in the air.

Ji Rui's heart is like a ship bumping in the rough sea. Finally, he meets a dock that can be moored and slowly lands on the shore.

"Letong, baby and I will always be with you..."

All the time, accompany, these two words, compared with any sweet words, can move Le Tong's heart, also can let her at ease!

"Well..." obediently, put his hands around his broad back, and hold the man tightly.

The wall clock on the wall, ticking, ticking, their hearts, along with the rhythm of ticking, gradually close, finally, inseparable together.

"Go wash your face..."

Finally willing to let go of Letong Ji Rui, gently rubbed her head.

Letong lowered her eyes and nodded. She took all the objects out of the room neatly into the zipper bag and put them away in the bedroom. Soon, she came out again with red and swollen eyes.

"Still reading these days?"

On his knee, the book he opened was the textbook he gave to Letong. If he remembers correctly, the progress would be dozens of pages more than the day he left.

"Well, I read it according to the outline you gave me, and I marked everything I didn't understand in red pen."

Le Tong is a little embarrassed and sits next to him awkwardly.

"Understanding is very good. I thought it would take you a long time to get started." Ji Rui doesn't mention what happened just now any more. He looks at her with a little comfort.

Put your hand around her shoulder and let her close to yourself. With the other hand, point to the place she marked and begin to explain in detail.

About half an hour later, Ji Rui gave a rough explanation of all the places marked, "do you understand?"

"Basically, I understand." Letong is a good student and Ji Rui is also a good teacher.

Letong closes her book and remembers the topics she heard at the reception today“ The one you talked about with Minister Lu today is about bidding. "

"Well?! Why, do you have something you don't understand? "


That night, they talked very late. Naturally, Ji Rui stayed.

The next day, at breakfast, Letong talks to Ji Rui about the baby.

"Ji Rui, tomorrow I want to take my baby to the hospital for examination. By the way, ask Dr. Dong if he can go to school now."

Baby that a small face, seeing every day ruddy up, gradually returned to the former state of meat Dudu.

"What do you think, baby?"

Ji Rui looks at the baby. He doesn't have any special idea about this. In his opinion, the baby is excellent in all aspects. Even if he doesn't go to kindergarten, the baby still knows a lot more than his peers. Therefore, he is willing to respect the baby's wishes.

The baby is eating sandwiches, cramming with food.

"The baby wants to big d them..." big d is a child who gets along well in the kindergarten.

"Good! If Dr. Dong says no problem, mom and dad will send the baby back to kindergarten on Monday! "

Hearing this, Letong was relieved.

Although Ji Rui didn't mention it, Letong knows very well that apart from physical and safety reasons, Ji Rui doesn't pay attention to or care about the baby's going to kindergarten.

It's estimated that he thinks that the baby's IQ and EQ are very high, and it doesn't matter whether he goes to kindergarten or not. He even thinks that taking the baby to those adult occasions is to let the baby get in touch with the upper class earlier, so that he can inherit Ji's family better and earlier in the future.

But Letong thinks that a child with delicate and sensitive mind like Baobao should be allowed to get along with ordinary children more. Otherwise, his character will only become more and more lonely and perverse. In the future, he may really become Ji Rui's second.

Back to Ji, Ji Rui held a board meeting for the first time. With him, his attitude towards Letong's very arrogant and arrogant directors was obviously convergent.

Ji Rui first asked Letong to announce the overall performance and profit of last month, which had only been handed in by the finance department for a few days. Then, he brought the topic to the current difficulties faced by Ji.

Facing these people, Ji Rui's eyes are cold.

He took a cup of coffee and moistened his throat. His deterrent eyes swept the audience and said calmly.

"You should be very clear that Ji has been in Ji Rui's hands for nearly six years. In these six years, Ji has experienced many storms. Once, we didn't try our best to turn the tide back to life? Today's Ji family is only stronger than in the past! This incident is indeed very difficult, but the crux of the problem now is not how difficult it is, but, at such a critical juncture, you, as combat partners, have not hesitated to stand on my side, believe me and support me, as you have done every time in the past! Or is it to help outsiders boo and fall into the pit? "