Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 431

This night, Letong follows Ji Rui, knows many people and hears many topics she seldom touches.

She is very clear that Ji Rui is helping her to broaden her interpersonal circle. Therefore, she silently wrote down those people's words. What she can understand and what she doesn't understand, she carefully pondered them over and marked them in her mind. After going back, she had to find more information to make up for them.

Baby's body is still recovering, sleep time has always been very accurate, so, a little after eight, Ji Rui led Letong and baby to say goodbye to the host of the party.

Back at Letong's home, Baobao and Ji Rui are rushed to take a bath by Letong. Letong goes to the kitchen to cook noodles and brings them out. The little thing is sitting on his father's lap, biting his ears with him and saying something interesting.

"Are you hungry? It's getting late. Can you help yourself to a bowl of noodles? "

"Yes! Baby likes noodles cooked by mommy best

Baby quickly let go of Ji Rui, slip down to the ground barefoot, drag a small stool to come over, snore to eat noodles.

Ji Rui seems to be very hungry. He also holds up the bowl and purrs like a baby.

"Tut, father and son are really the same!"

Letong took the mobile phone and snapped down the two heroic faces.

After shooting, Letong sends the photo to Ji Rui, and then he starts eating noodles.

After eating noodles, Ji Rui sits on the sofa to read the papers, Letong goes to wash the dishes, and Baobao strolls around the room, which is called Xiaoshi.

After waiting for the baby to go to bed, Letong takes a bath. In the living room, Ji Rui is still reading the documents. When she comes out, she closes the documents and waves to her.

Letong only thinks that he wants to talk about business, and sits down beside him with a serious face.

"Look at this!"

Ji Rui's face is the same as usual. He doesn't have any emotion on his indifferent face. Although he is a little tired, he still has his unique momentum, which makes Le Tong feel at ease.


Letong took the zipper bag, not in a hurry to open it, but looked at the man suspiciously.

"Open it up." Ji Rui raises his chin and signals to Letong to see for himself.

Letong opens the zipper with doubts and reaches for it. The first thing she takes out is a ring of plastic bracelets.

At a glance, it looks like the bracelet has been some years, clearly written the baby's date of birth, birth weight, height and other basic information.

Seeing this bracelet, Letong's hand can't help shaking.

"You went to get it back?" Letong's voice is a little trembling. She raises her eyelids and stares at Ji Rui.

"Well." Ji Rui's hand stretched out and contained her slightly shaking hand between his two big palms.

"Baby is the crystallization of our love, huh?"

Ji Rui's deep eyes look at Le Tong's eyes.

Letong's eyes are red again. It turns out that the man knows her worries. In other words, this is also something he taboo?


Although they both know it's a lie, Letong and Ji Rui think it's the best protection for the baby.

Ji Rui released her hand, put his arm around her shoulder, gently took her into his arms, and picked up the box with fingerprints in one hand, "baby's hands are so small, and her feet are so short!"

Letong took the box with tears in her eyes and rubbed the small hands and footprints on it excitedly.

"I thought it was all thrown away."

On the third day of the baby's birth, she was sent away. However, the hospital did not let Letong keep all the items related to the baby. Even Letong did not know that the hospital had left fingerprints for the baby.

I think it's because I'm afraid she's going to get into trouble with the things that can prove the relationship between mother and son.

"Theoretically, it should have been given to me, but they didn't give it at that time, and I didn't ask."

Ji Rui recalled that he was full of Ji's business at that time. Baobao, a little thing, was just a necessary tool for him to seek the position of Ji's president. His mind was not on the little thing at all. As long as the other party gave it to him, it was his Ji Rui's son, and the rest was unimportant.

Now, he realized how precious things he had missed in the past few years.

Letong didn't say a word. I'm afraid it's also the thought that Baobao was not welcomed by Ji Rui.

"Letong, in the future, our family will live a good life, OK?"

Ji Rui's words are equivalent to a disguised proposal. Le Tong, who has always been smart, is full of the grievances and sufferings that the baby has suffered in recent years. He doesn't listen to these words carefully, but nods passively and blankly.


Ji Rui's eyes flashed a touch of joy. He stretched out his hand to hold people in his arms and looked at her face carefully. But he saw that she was absent-minded, and her mind was not at the moment.

Ji Rui showed a wry smile, raised his hand and gently wiped away the wet meaning of her eyes with fingertips.

"Letong, believe me, I won't let you and baby suffer any more, and I won't let you suffer any more."

Ji Rui whispers and kisses her face.

Letong is still trapped in memories, sad and hard to bear, and simply responds to his words.

"I didn't."

In fact, she wanted to say that she did not suffer, nor was she wronged. In her opinion, even if she suffered, she deserved it!

It's just that Baobao has suffered so much because of her selfish mother.

Ji Rui stares at her and slowly understands something from the expression of pain and remorse on her face.

"Letong, don't think too much, you are not wrong! You are a good daughter and a good mother

Ji Rui holds the person in her arms tightly and rubs her face against her soft hair.

This woman, always more than anyone can make him moved.

Whether angry or moved!

Letong buries her head in his arms. At first, there is no movement. Ji Rui, however, doesn't say anything more, just hugs her silently.

I don't know how long after that, Ji Rui feels his head move in his arms. Letong's hand passes through his armpit and gently rings his back.

Ji Rui suddenly has something in his heart. It's full and full. This feeling of fullness is strange to him, but it doesn't hate him. On the contrary, it fascinates him.

"Ji Rui, I'm not a good mother..."

The head in the bosom uneasily rubbed a few times, then, Ji Rui hears the cry of Le Tong with cry cavity.

"You are! Baby and I say you are Ji Rui said in a soft voice.

"I am not! I'm not! "

Letong's voice seems to have improved a lot uncontrollably. Soon Ji Rui feels his chest hot and wet.

She, this is crying?!

"Baby, be good. If you want to cry, you can cry. If you have me, you are not afraid!" Ji Rui is so distressed that he pats her on the back and coaxes her.