Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 433

A group of directors were embarrassed by Ji Rui's words. Soon, there was a lot of noise in the meeting room. Flatterers, introspectives and loyal people could not help but compare their thumbs to Ji Rui under the table.


Letong silently says two words to Ji Rui. Ji Rui pulls up his lips, smiles faintly, and says it to everyone.

"In this way, the directors still trust Ji. In this case, I hope you can invest the corresponding funds to rescue the market according to my request. Now we are tied to the same boat, and the boat sank. We can only die with one piece in our arms, right

Ji Rui said and winked at Letong. Letong quickly sent Ji Rui's list and the corresponding amount form to each director's mailbox.

"Ji Rui, the directors seem to be afraid of you." Back in the office, as soon as the door is closed, Letong, who follows Ji Rui, says to Ji Rui.

A person's prestige can be truly reflected in adversity.

"Those old foxes never do stupid things like throwing watermelons and picking up sesame seeds!"

With Ji Rui's words, Letong can judge that, for the time being, Ji Rui has the ability and grasp to control the domestic situation.

"I'll go to some big banks later. You can take care of the company. You don't have to wait for me for lunch."

Ji Rui takes the information from Letong, turns around, takes out several top secret information from the safe and puts them into the briefcase.

"Well, will you come back for dinner?" Letong stares at Ji Rui's face, which has lost some weight but is still playing chess.

"I'll call you back!" Ji Rui lowers his head and prepares the information he needs to go out.

"You haven't recovered yet. Pay more attention and try not to drink in the bar."

Letong looks at him painfully and tells him in a low voice.

"I will!" Ji Rui raised his hand and rubbed her head, "don't worry, I'll let Xiao Li follow, it's really not good, let him help me block."

Letong is relieved. She takes out the headache medicine and stomachache medicine specially prepared for Ji Rui from her bag and hands them to him“ Take these with you for a rainy day. "

Ji Rui silently takes it over and puts it into the side bag of the bag.

Until the evening, Ji Rui still didn't come back. Letong took her baby off work first.

On the way, Letong finally receives Ji Rui's message.

"There's a party tonight. I won't come back for dinner."

Letong asked the driver to stop in front of the drugstore, went in and bought some tonic herbs. When she got home, she cooked dinner and stewed the tonic herbs soup.

"Come and have soup after dinner. I'll wait for you."

Letong did not know that this class was waiting until nearly zero.

When the doorbell rings, Letong sitting on the sofa almost runs to open the door.

"Sorry to have kept you so late."

As soon as the man enters the door, he reaches out and hugs the woman standing in front of him, bows his head, kisses her hair and apologizes in a low voice.

Le Tong slightly raised his head, sucked his nose, and then frowned, "drink a lot of it?"

Ji Rui touches her face, changes her shoes and embraces her into the living room.

"I didn't drink much, but it's true that I drank a lot. Red, white, yellow, all together."

Yue Tong approached his bag and coat, hung his back to him and said, "you go to take a bath first. Besides the soup, I have some food left for you. Do you want to eat?"

"No trouble?" Ji Rui raises his hand to untie the cuff link, and his vision follows Le Tong all the time.

"What's the trouble? It's for you. Just heat it up and eat it."

Letong turns around and hands Ji Rui with a bunch of keys on it.

"Here's my key. Take it."

Ji Rui looks at her pleasantly. You know, he has been waiting for this moment for a long time.

"Thank you Ji Rui gets close to her and kisses her gently.

"Fool! It's just a bunch of keys, not a house for you. " Yue Tong smiles and challenges the man's chest.

Ji Rui laughs but doesn't speak. He knows better than anyone. This series of keys means that she no longer treats him as an outsider. Whenever he wants, he can go in and out freely.

In addition, the keys are more appropriate than the door keys to open her heart.

"Take a bath. What are you doing here? Isn't it drunk? "

Le Tong comes over, blinks his eyes and carefully examines his face.

"Yes, very drunk!"

Ji Rui didn't plan to do anything to her, but I'm sorry to see that she took the initiative and didn't do anything.

Ji Rui looked at her with a smile in his eyes, "do you mind if you commit a murder while drunk?", Without waiting for her response, she lowered her head and closed her lips.

Light wine from his lips and tongue to her mouth, a moment, Letong will feel dizzy, heart beat badly, probably, she also like him, drunk not light!

This lingering kiss lasted for several minutes. When Ji Rui let Letong go, Letong leaned close to him as if he had exhausted his strength, and his chest heaved and puffed.

"I'm going to take a bath. Do you want to come with me?" Ji Rui's eyes flashed a small cluster of flames, but his tone was obviously flirtatious.

Because of the severe lack of oxygen, Le Tong, whose face is scarlet, raised her eyes and glared at him, raised her foot and kicked him impolitely.

"Go away!"

This man is definitely a typical example of being cheap.

Ji Rui smiles and kisses her lips, then quickly turns around and walks into the bedroom.

When Letong comes back, the man has already flashed into the bedroom.

Ji Rui came out with his head on his side and wiped his hair. On the tea table were several dishes of meat and vegetables, and a bowl of steaming soup.

Seeing that there was only a pair of chopsticks on the tea table, Ji Rui asked, "don't you eat?"

Letong is holding a book in her hand. "No, I'm losing weight."

Ji Rui frowned and looked up and down at her thin body“ reduce weight? You're going to cut it again? "

Yue Tong squints at him and snorts angrily, "are you being attacked?"

Ji Rui bends over and gently embraces her in his arms, "no! But it doesn't matter if you're a little fatter. It's very comfortable to hold it up. "

It has been more than a year since the night when they were drunk and in love, but Ji Rui still remembers clearly that she was soft and warm when she was holding her. But now it is light, although not to scratch hands, but that kind of fragile feeling will be destroyed at any time, hold up let him feel sad.

Letong struggled slightly in his arms, "like fat? I'll send you a pig tomorrow! "

Ji Rui is amused by her not angry words to smile lightly, let go of her, kiss on her nose tip, helpless smile way.

"If it's you, pigs don't matter."

Yue Tongbai looked at him, "you are a pig. Eat it quickly. The soup and dishes are all cold!"

Ji Rui obediently holds up the bowl and drinks a mouthful of soup. The strange taste makes him frown.

"Well, what kind of soup is this?"

"Tonic soup!" Yue Tong winked at him, laughing very cunningly.