Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 427

Ji Rui didn't say a few words and then hung up the phone. It's estimated that there's something important over there.

But it's just a few simple words, but it makes Letong's heart comfortable.

I really can't help myself!

For his hindsight, Letong help forehead wry smile for a while, bow to continue to busy in front of that pile of don't know what time to fight.

At dinner time, Letong's mind still stops in the pile of work affairs, and suddenly hears the baby son's call.

"Mummy, mummy!" The baby pulled her wrist.

"Well?" Letong looks at the baby blankly.

Because she brings a lot of things home to do, Luo yuan'er is a young lady who doesn't touch Yang Chunshui. She simply asks manager Chen to send the food in the usual way. Baobao and Luo yuan'er set the food up, and Le Tong sits on the table. Now, her mind hasn't come out of her work.

The baby was excited. "Sister yuan'er said that if she was a bride, she wanted her baby to be a flower boy!"

Yue Tong is surprised and stares at Luo yuan'er.

"Are you and Xu Tao going to get married? Why didn't you say that? "

Letong now meets Luo yuan'er in private much less than before, but Luo yuan'er takes some time to accompany her baby every week, but it's the first time Letong hears about her marriage.

Luo yuan'er, who has always been careless, has a shy smile on his face. "He proposed yesterday..."

Letong's eyes are still wide open looking at her. If you remember correctly, yuan'er, the girl, said not long ago that she was not in a hurry to get married and wanted to enjoy their world.

Now in such a hurry to get married, shouldn't it be to marry a son?

Yue Tong thinks so in the heart, the mouth asks a little bit implicit some.

"Yuan'er, are you and Xu Tao..."

Letong takes a look at the baby with her eyes. The implication is self-evident.

Luo yuan'er's face turned a little more red and nodded slightly.

Although she guessed there, Letong was still stunned. For a moment, she thought of saying congratulations to her good sister.

"Congratulations, yuan'er!"

Luo yuan'er smiles happily, and Letong turns to tell the baby, "baby, you can't play with yuan'er's sister too rudely, you can't let yuan'er's sister hold you, you can't bump into yuan'er's sister, you know?"

The baby tilted his head to think, then nodded seriously, "Oh, the baby knows, sister yuan Er has a baby in her stomach, so the baby will be very careful, very careful!"

Letong is psychologically prepared for her son's intelligence and precocity. Therefore, it's not surprising that he would say such a thing, but yuan Er is a little scared.

"Tut Tut, baby, you are only six years old, so you know about baby?"

Baby white her a look, obviously, is with contempt.

"Come on, it's often on TV, isn't it?"?! What's more, Mommy will have a baby soon. Of course, the baby needs to know

After hearing that, Letong felt that something was wrong. She wanted to cover her baby's mouth with her hands, but it was too late.

Luo yuan'er is even more surprised because she doesn't know about the relationship between Letong and Ji Rui.

"You... You and Ji Rui..."

Le Tong thought, anyway, shrinking head is a knife, stretching head is also a knife, so it's better to have some fun. Moreover, Ji Rui is not shady, but the development between her and him is a little strange.

"Well, we're girlfriends and girlfriends now." Le Tong simply nodded, generously admitted her relationship with Ji Rui.

"Tut, it's no wonder they say it's not that the enemies don't get together. It's really appropriate to cover you two!"

Although Luo yuan'er was surprised, she didn't doubt it. She wouldn't tell her friends. In her eyes, there was a thin ambivalence between the two people from a long time ago. However, the external conditions at that time were not suitable for that ambivalence, and it was only slowly dawdling until today.

Letong stares at her friend and takes a careful look at the baby. Seeing that the little guy's face is full of oil, his heart falls slightly.

She and Ji Rui quarrel scene, there are several times baby is present, but even so, she still don't want baby to know his past with Ji Rui.

Although, knowing that it is a lie, Letong still hopes that in the baby's mind, parents have his existence because of love, not because of a chilling transaction.

Luo yuan'er is glared at by a good friend, spit out tongue, dare not talk disorderly again.

Yue Tong stirs the soup in the bowl, but her eyes are staring at Luo yuan'er.

"The date of marriage is fixed?"

Luo yuan'er shakes his head, "not yet, but it should be soon, because my father said that he would have the wedding early, and then he would be able to have a baby."

Letong nodded and agreed with Luo's father.

Next to the little guy, hearing this, raised his head and looked at Letong curiously, "when the baby is in Mommy's stomach, is it good?"

Letong's thoughts were drawn to more than six years ago.

Baobao is a very reassuring child. Otherwise, she can't take care of her mother who was in the recovery stage after the operation. In the later stage, she was taken to that strange but paradise. A lot of doctors and nurses were following her to wait on her. At that time, she laughed at herself more than once, Those months were the best and most expensive days in her life, but how could Letong not be happy with the expensive and enjoyment she got in that way.

"Well behaved, the baby is very well behaved, even the doctor and aunt said that the baby is very well behaved!" This is really what the doctor who took care of Letong said at that time.

In the apartment in R City, the three people were chatting about baby and baby while eating. The atmosphere was very warm.

In a luxury hotel room in Y country, there are two people sitting in the reception hall.

One is tall and straight with black hair, green eyes and handsome face.

One is slightly fat, blonde and green eyed, with a common face, but his sight is very sharp. He knows that he is a cruel character at first sight.

"Mr. Ji, everything you want is in it." The fat man with blonde hair and green eyes handed a bulging file bag to the handsome man.

The handsome man took the bag, opened it and took out two things. One of them was a contract, the other was a small zipper bag.

The handsome man carefully looked through the contract, picked up the zipper bag, "what's this?"

The fat man raised his chin and said, "some small memorials, fingerprints, footprints and bracelets of the little boy's birth."

In the eyes of the handsome man, a touch of tenderness flashed quickly, but in the twinkling of an eye, it was cold.

"I'll take care of the money. Are you sure we can't find another one in the world except our original two and the one in hand?"

"Absolutely sure!"