Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 426

At first, Letong didn't know that Coco's family was so prominent. Later, after reading the front page report of the paper in which coco and Ji played double roles, she realized that Coco's backing was no weaker than Ji Rui.

The methods coco used in China in the early days have hurt Ji, but they are still within the control of Ji Rui and Yang Sheng.

But now, it's happening in country y, where the coco family is entrenched. Ji's fight this time, you don't have to think about how difficult it is to fight.

Seeing that Yang Sheng did not answer her, Letong knew that this was the answer.

"Did Ji Rui contact you?"

Ji Rui's phone has been turned off, but Yang Sheng should have other ways to contact Ji Rui.

"No!" Yang Sheng, to his surprise, shakes his head.

"Before he got on the computer, he called me and briefly told me the process of this matter and the feasible solution. Originally, he and I were very optimistic, thinking that things would not be too bad, but now it seems that he and I are both wrong!"

Yang Sheng opened another professional website in English and said, "Tongtong, I've already reserved a plane ticket. If the situation is not under control tonight, I'll fly there. You can see what's going on here."

Le Tong nodded, to this kind of juncture, also can be like this.

At this time, she wished that she could become three headed and six armed, and could take over all the work left by Ji Rui and Yang Sheng, so that they could go all out to solve the difficulties without any worries.

Unfortunately, Yang Sheng's worry became a reality.

As soon as the domestic stock market opened, Ji's share price plummeted all the way.

Letong takes over all the current affairs of Yang Sheng, so that Yang shengteng can find more solutions.

Letong is busy, but she hears that Yang Sheng keeps on calling and answering the phone. Many of these incoming and outgoing calls are big customers who usually have close contacts with Ji, including "care" calls from leaders of major banks.

Letong knows that this society is very realistic, but she doesn't know that it can be so realistic.

In the past, Ji's name was put out, who didn't rush up to hold his thigh to please others, but now, just one day and one night, this little bit of wind and grass, it doesn't matter, it's all like rushing to join the fun, it seems that the situation is not big enough, the good play is not high enough.

When Letong came back from the meeting, he just heard Yang Sheng say to the person on the phone, "grandfather, although it's none of my business, Rui has taken care of me all these years. Look..."

"Well, I'll think of another way."

It seems that Yang Sheng called back to Yang's home for help. However, the result cooled Letong's heart. After standing by the door for a while, he deliberately pushed the door and pretended to have just come in.

"Come on, don't pretend. Do you hear me? The dead old man refused to ask him to help him... "

Yang Sheng's words are very arrogant, but his increasingly heavy look is not the same thing at all.

"Elder martial brother..."

Letong wants to say something to comfort him. After all, she has known Yang Sheng for so long and has never seen Yang Sheng show such a heavy expression.

"Old man!" Yang Sheng scolds her fiercely, and then tears out a smile to le Tong“ Don't worry, Tong Tong. It will be OK. "

Letong nods. She believes Ji Rui and Yang Sheng, but I'm afraid it's going to take a while. Even if Ji doesn't hurt his muscles and bones, at least he has to peel off his skin.

However, of course, she would not say these words to Yang Sheng.

"Tongtong, I've asked someone to take a message to Rui. I'll fly over to meet him at night. You'll bear with Ji's business."

Letong nodded, also don't know what to say, or, know what to say at this time is redundant.

Yang Sheng quickly packed up and left. Letong was busy as a top. Occasionally, she caught a glimpse of Baobao sitting on the sofa in the reception hall playing alone. Then she remembered that she had brought her baby son back.

I feel so guilty that I call Luo yuan'er for help“ Yuan'er, do you know all about Ji's family? I'm very busy now. Are you free? If so, can you take care of the baby for me these two days? "

That wench is to support justice, just said no problem three words, after more than half an hour, then hurried over.

Originally, Letong wanted yuan'er to take her baby out for a walk. As for the company's business, he couldn't help a little boy anyway. However, this little guy has so many hearts that he always let him stay by her side. After listening to so many negative news, she was afraid that he would think wildly.

"Sister yuan'er, let's go to the rest room."

Usually a hear out to play on the eyes of the bright baby, but this is determined not to leave Letong, only led Luoyuan into the lounge to play games.

Letong knows that the little guy is worried about her, so she doesn't want to leave her alone to play.

Secretly sighed a breath, Yue Tong takes back the mind, attentively looks at the document on the desk.

In the afternoon, the phone that Letong put on hand suddenly rang. Busy Letong didn't care to see the call, so she connected the phone directly.


"Letong, it's me!" In the microphone, came the voice that had disappeared for more than a day and a night.

"Ji Rui?" Letong can't hide the surprise tone.

Before she has been reluctant to go into, these two days the heart is always suffocating. At the moment of hearing the man's deep and hoarse voice, she understood that it was because she missed him.

Of course, there are worries about the suffocating things, but most of them are missed.

"Well, it's me! I'm sorry to worry you. "

It has to be said that Ji Rui now is the same as Ji Rui who used to be a domineering self, just like a different person.

"No! I wish you were OK! " There are thousands of words in Letong's heart. What she blurts out is just plain words.

This kind of words sounds polite to others, just like two ordinary friends.

"Well, I'm fine! Don't worry. Although it's a bit serious, it will be better after these two days. "

Ji Rui doesn't explain the situation there with Letong in detail. It seems that he thinks she already knows it well.

As a matter of fact, Letong really knows about it.

"You should take good care of yourself. Don't be busy day and night."

Although that's what he said, Letong knows very well. From Ji Rui's hoarse voice, she can know that the man hasn't closed his eyes for a day or a night.

"Well, is the baby good?" Although a man's voice is hoarse, it is extremely gentle and well behaved.

"Well behaved, yuan'er is playing games with him in the rest room, but it's you. Don't think I can't see you and spoil myself, you know?"

The words of reproach, Yue Tong can't say, but when it doesn't matter, she can't do it.