Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 428

After the fat man left, Ji Rui opened the zipper bag and took out a small box printed with a small foot and palm.

Six years ago, Ji Rui picked up the baby for the first time. The baby was wearing clothes carefully prepared by father Ji. Except for the naked baby, it was estimated that he didn't take anything from his birthplace or his mother.

At that time, Ji Rui, even half an hour ago, didn't think there was anything to bring back except the baby himself.

But now, his hand has touched the already hardened molding mud, the small concave feet and the small and lovely palm, and his lips can't help raising slightly.

It turns out that when the baby was born, the feet were so small and the palms were so thin

When he felt it, he felt that the molding mud was very rough, and there was no temperature at all.

If, if he could fly back to the time when the baby was born, he would grab the little guy's soft, warm feet and hands and kiss her fiercely. Then, he would lean down to kiss the nearly collapsed Letong for the sake of giving birth to the baby and say thanks to her from the bottom of his heart!

Thank her for giving birth to such a lovely and clever son!

Thank her, although, with that kind of seemingly wrong but heartbreaking way into his life!


Ji's three days up and down seemed to be shrouded in a dense cloud. From the moment he stepped into the gate to every corner of the building, he felt the low pressure of the dense cloud.

The members of the board of directors, even this time today, have come here twice. When she returned to Ji's office in the early morning, she saw a group of directors clamoring to see Ji Rui outside the president's office.

Letong was already busy, but she had to spend the whole morning trying to appease these rich people who only know how to suppress others with money.

Looking at those people with a calm face and full mouth complaining about leaving the meeting room, Letong has the feeling of being skinned by life.

I can't help admiring Ji Rui. Over the years, dealing with these snobbish and mean people is as easy as sneezing.

Letong relaxes and leans slowly towards the back of the chair. All morning, she has been tightening her spine and facing those snobbish people. A moment ago, she still used her sharp mouth to face those difficult directors one by one. Now she seems to have been drained of strength and collapsed in the chair.

People say that a person can only show his true feelings when he is in trouble, but le Tong is deeply aware of Ji Rui's coldness and heartlessness.

In principle, as the father of Ji's former chairman and current chairman and President, even if Ji can't help Ji Rui financially, at least he should help Ji speak outside and respond to all kinds of doubts outside, so as to stabilize the people. Or, communicate with the board members one by one, try to get the understanding of all parties, and even pull back some of the forces among these people to help Ji overcome the difficulties.

But these, obviously, are only the ideal character that Letong thinks a father must possess. The truth is that up to now, Mr. Ji seems to have lost his mind. He has never come forward to clarify anything, let alone to persuade anyone or interfere in any of his affairs.

Thinking of the conversation between father and son in Ji Rui's new apartment that day, Letong is so cold that she forces down the hope that Ji will come to the rescue.

In the final analysis, besides the coco family, Mr. Ji may also be involved in this incident.

Thinking of these, Letong took a long breath, holding her head in one hand and pinching her eyebrows in the other.

It's really not peaceful these days. First, Ji Rui was assassinated, but the truth is not clear. Here, there's another scene. Letong can't help but wonder if the person behind the two things is the same person?

First, it hurts Ji Rui physically, and then it frustrates Ji economically. Next, the other party doesn't know what new moves they will take to deal with Ji Rui.

The more Letong thought about it, the more headache he had. Holding his head, he began to feel a little unbearable.

"What's the matter with you, Letong? Not feeling well? "

With a strong tone of anxiety suddenly broke into the eardrum voice, familiar but far away, suddenly, Letong only thought it was his own auditory hallucination.

Until, the rapid footsteps pattered close, followed by a pair of warm and powerful hands on her shoulder.

"Isn't it uncomfortable? I'll accompany you to the doctor!"

Le Tong suddenly raised his head, on, is Ji Rui worried eyes.

"You're back?"

Yue Tong's eyes were full of spirit, and all the strength that had been drained just now seemed to come back to her.

"Well! Thank you for your hard work

Ji Rui comes over and kisses her gently. With a trace of cool outside of the lips fell on Letong's lips, Letong a little confused, just feel a little itchy lips, subconsciously, out of the tongue to lick.

Ji Rui, who originally just wanted to taste it lightly, was buffeted by the tip of her tongue. He could not help reaching over and clasping her back. His cool lips pecked on her warm lips, as if he wanted to suck more of her breath and temperature from her lips.

Rookie Letong is still a little flustered at the beginning. When his tongue pries open her teeth, rookie knows that he can't avoid it. He simply closes his eyes, closes all his reason, and gives all the sensory control of his body to the man.

Kiss from shallow to deep, toss and turn, belong to the man's breath a little bit to invade her mouth, and then diffuse around her, in a trance, Letong as if in a warm air bag, these days hanging in the air heart, steadily, fell to the ground.

Now she, in addition to feel deeply spoiled, also feel very at ease.

Under the guidance of Ji Rui, Letong can't help but respond to him. Her slim hand is around Ji Rui's waist, and Ji Rui also holds her hand on her back. They kiss each other with deep and shallow breath, as if they want to rub the missing of several days into this kiss.

Until Letong thought that he was going to die, Ji Rui's flexible tongue reluctantly withdrew from her mouth, gently pecked her lips, slightly panting, "Letong, I want to die!"

Letong's face is crimson. She leans on his chest, gasping for breath. She just raises her eyes and looks at him with her beautiful eyes covered with a thin layer of water vapor.

Ji Rui's enthusiasm, which had not been easy to fade, suddenly rose again in his eyes. He bowed his head to kiss the corners of her eyes, grinded his teeth, and threatened her with a low but cruel voice, "look again, look again and eat you!"