Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 425

Until the evening, Letong leads the baby home, Ji Rui's phone is still off.

After dinner, Letong embraces the baby who plays games in her arms and stares at the baby. After a long hesitation, she asks.

"Baby, has your grandfather called these two days?"

Letong knows about Ji Wen and Ji Wu's refusal to be arrested and jailed outside the country. She contacts Ji ruizao about the quarrel with him two days ago. She thinks that Ji Rui's visit to country y is probably related to Ji Wen and Ji Wu.

However, the person concerned could not be contacted, and none of the suspected insiders Xiao Li and Yang Sheng was willing to disclose the truth. Letong had to beat around the Bush from Baobao's side, hoping to hear some useful information.

The baby raised his head and blinked his big eyes After answering, he suddenly woke up and twisted his pretty eyebrows into a knot. He nervously asked Letong, "Mommy, is grandfather bullying you again?"

Letong doesn't know whether she should be happy or angry. It turns out that in the eyes of her baby son, who is less than six years old, she is so useless. Is she being bullied by this or that?

"Of course not. Mommy is not that soft."

Of course, in front of powerful forces, not being weak does not mean not being bullied, but these pessimistic words, Letong does not want to let baby son hear.

The baby's face is serious, just like an adult, "of course, Mommy is not weak, but grandfather is very cunning!"

Hearing the words from her son, who is less than six years old, Letong doesn't know whether to be happy or sad.

"No matter how cunning he is, he can't match my smart baby!"

Letong smiles and pinches the baby's face, trying to lighten the heavy topic.

In this case, the usual will exchange for the baby's stinky self show, but this time, she threw the hat did not make the baby happy.

The baby dropped his eyes and suddenly fell silent.

Baby son this appearance, let Letong flustered.

He rubbed his head against the baby's face a few times. "Baby, what's the matter? Are you sleepy? "

The baby also rubbed her twice, "the baby is not sleepy."

Said, the baby turned his face, facing Letong face, "grandfather is very good to the baby, but the second uncle and the third uncle are bad guys."

Obviously, Baobao's definition of "bad guy" is different from that of Ji Rui.

At this time, the expression on the baby's face is extremely rare and heavy.

This heaviness is transferred to Letong's heart in an instant, which makes her almost breathless.

Thinking of the young baby son, I don't know how many times he was bullied by the two big villains in his mouth, Letong's heart seems to be torn by others, and it hurts!

Painfully kiss the tip of the baby's nose, hand, tightly embrace the baby's thin body.

If she guessed correctly, for a long time in the past, Ji Rui, the man, should have let the baby go, and left him in the complex environment of Ji's family, and let him live and die?!

Otherwise, Ji Rui as a strong man, if he cares about a person, will never allow others to touch him half a hair! If Ji Rui has always been as concerned about the baby as now, with Ji Wen and Ji Wu as characters, he can't move the baby at all.

However, she, as a mother, has no position to blame Ji Rui as a father. After all, like Ji Rui, she gave birth to a baby for a certain purpose, but she was indifferent to his growth. Although she had no way, she could not be an excuse to shirk responsibility.

"I'm sorry, baby! It's mommy who's not good... "Letong confesses in a low voice in her baby's ear with the volume only she can hear.

This conversation with Baobao makes Letong more sure that Ji Rui is in such a hurry to deal with Ji Wen and Ji Wu.

But this time, she was wrong.

The next morning, Xiao Li didn't come to pick her up. Instead, another bodyguard and driver drove Letong and Baobao back to Ji. These days, two bodyguards followed her and Baobao, but today there are two more bodyguards. Moreover, the bodyguards are more serious than usual.

In the car, Letong dials Ji Rui's phone again and is still in the off state. Thinking of today's various abnormalities, Letong's heart can't help hanging up.

When Letong leads her baby back to the CEO's office on the top floor, she sees Yang Sheng with a dignified face. Originally, she was still holding a fluke mind, and she can no longer be optimistic.

Letong pats the baby on the back and sends him to Ji Rui's lounge to play.

When the little guy closed the door, Le Tong sat down beside Yang Sheng“ Elder martial brother, is something wrong? "

Yang Sheng raised his eyelids, glanced at her, nodded, pointed to the screen and motioned Letong to have a look.

Letong moved his butt, and the chair slid to Yang Sheng's side. On the screen, it was a website in English.

After scanning the title, it is a report about a famous multinational enterprise of a big country being jointly sued for monopoly by an industry alliance of country y.

This report did not name this enterprise or even state which country this enterprise belongs to. However, from the words in the report, it is not difficult for Letong to guess that this enterprise refers to Ji.

"Does that mean Ji?" Although Letong is 99% sure, she still hopes that a miracle will happen.

However, Yang Sheng's nod shattered her one percent hope.

"Ji Rui rushed there in order to deal with this matter?"

This words, is pure nonsense, but at this time the brain is in a mess of Le Tong, really don't know what to ask.

"Well, originally, Rui and I thought that there was a lot of room to save things. Yesterday, Rui went all day, trying to ease the contradiction and restrain the deterioration of the situation. I don't know. The other Party promised to consider our proposal carefully. Today, such a report came to light. Although it is a report that is groundless, it has already had a serious impact. "

Yang Sheng frowns. He has been with Ji Rui for so many years. They have always cooperated with each other, and almost never met such a difficult situation.

Le Tong captured a lot of important information from his words, "Ji's stock price fell very badly?"

While talking, I quickly turn on the computer.

"Well, the European side has already dropped its limit. It is estimated that the domestic situation will not be much better when the stock market opens later. "

Letong takes a breath of air. She has been in Ji's for so long. Ji's problems are not rare, but not once, she has been killed together by domestic and foreign troubles like this.

In recent years, Ji's development momentum in the European market is strong. When he suddenly encounters such a storm, there must be someone behind it.

"Have you found out the reason?" Yue Tong stares at Yang Sheng tightly. Without waiting for his answer, he asks, "is it coco?"