Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 421

The killer who stabbed Ji Rui was finally diagnosed with a history of mental illness.

This result seems to have been expected by Ji Rui.

As a result, when the lawyer reported to him on the phone, he didn't show any surprise. He just said, "well, let them continue to follow up."

On one side of the busy Le Tong, from Ji Rui and the lawyer's conversation, vaguely guess what, can't help but a little worried. Looking at him, he lowered his head and focused on his work after he hung up the phone. He didn't mean to tell her more. He swallowed his questions wisely.

She is a very self-conscious person. Ji Rui is in trouble now. She is a common person, and she really can't help. Presumably, he doesn't want her to worry about it. In this case, she should be more knowledgeable and ask less.

Ji Rui didn't tell Letong about it. First of all, he didn't want her to worry. Second, he has never been in the habit of telling others what happened to him, good or bad.

Once upon a time, if he was really depressed, he would find a few faxiao to drink to relieve his depression. Even if he was drinking, he would only drink muggy wine. The things in his heart would only be hidden deeper and deeper with the alcohol.

When I got to know Yang Sheng later, the situation improved a little, but generally speaking, he was not very good at expressing himself.

Two people have no words all the way, each bow to busy their own business.

With the two of them together, Ji's baby, knowing that his father came back with his injured mother for work, had a good time with Ji Rui, and then he nestled in the sofa of the reception hall to play with himself. He never came to harass them again.

Letong is thinking about Ji Rui. Her work efficiency is much slower than usual.

Ji Rui finishes processing a document, holds up a cup and wants to drink water. He glances at Letong carelessly. The document in front of her is spread out, but her vision falls on the empty place in front of her. It's obvious that this person is deserting.


Looking at her like that, it seems that there is something distressing. Ji Rui, who has such a guess, even has the idea of letting her take her baby back to rest for a while.

Le Tong turned his head and looked at him blankly, "eh?"

Glancing over the cup he was holding in his hand, he soon woke up and said, "is there no water? I'll pour you a drink. "

Then he leaned over and took the cup involuntarily, pushed the chair aside with his feet, picked up the cup and walked away quickly.

"Baby, come here."

Letong waved to the baby who was reading quietly on the sofa. The little guy got up, put on his shoes and ran to take Letong's hand.

Letong is afraid that the baby is stuffy, so take him out for a little ventilation.


In the tea room, Letong lowers her head to make tea for president Ji da. The baby who comes out with her pulls her clothes.

"Well?" Letong thinks that the baby is stuffy, so she bends over and kisses him.

The baby raised his face, his thick eyelashes flickered, and his dark eyes were shining at Letong. "The baby wants to be a brother..."

The little guy's handsome face was full of expectations, but his tone was pitiful.

Le Tong Leng for a while, reaction comes over, then feel that the little guy is probably to help Ji Rui when lobbyist.

"Your daddy asked you to say it?"

Letong rubs his head, straightens up and pours the tea into the cup.

"No! It's the baby who wants to... "The baby pulls Letong's clothes again.

Letong took the cup filled with tea, took the baby's hand and walked out of the tea room, "baby, baby is a gift from God, not a gift that baby can have if he wants!"

As for the relationship with Ji Rui, Letong has no idea at all. Therefore, what she is thinking about now is just the immediate problems. She only wants to give each other a chance to understand and adapt to each other. As for the things after knowing each other thoroughly, she doesn't think about it carefully, and she can't help thinking about it. Let it be.

"Is that the baby's good, and the baby will come to our house?"

The baby's problem makes Letong very big. Nod her head. She's afraid that she and Ji Rui won't get there. If she promises casually now, it will only disappoint the baby.

Shaking her head, she couldn't bear to see her baby son's lost eyes.

"Baby, Mommy doesn't know how to answer this question."

This problem, in the final analysis, is that she is at a loss about herself and Ji Rui's future.

Although she promised Ji Rui to have a try, she didn't have much confidence that they would achieve the right result.

I like this thing. It's very abstract. It's not clear how much he likes him and how much he likes himself. Whether these likes are enough for them to get together despite all difficulties is unknown to Letong.

What she knows is that she and Ji Rui, both in thought and in life, are people of two worlds.

She didn't necessarily understand what he had lived before and what he was experiencing now.

Even if she could see the injury and pain he suffered, she might not be able to help him.

Just like just now, listening to him on the phone, when she thought of what might happen to him, her heart was so painful that she didn't even have the courage to ask.

And he didn't seem to have any plans to complain to her. Maybe he didn't feel that he could get any real comfort and help from her.

Think of here, Letong slightly sighed, bent over the baby's face rubbed a few times.

Fortunately, the baby's thinking is different from that of other children. She didn't have any special disappointment or other bad emotions when she got such an answer from Letong. She just nodded to show that she understood.

"Well, all right! Wait for mommy to know the answer before telling the baby, OK? "

Letong breathed a sigh of relief and walked down the steps set up by her baby son.


Entering the office, Ji Rui is still busy with something. He hears the door ring and looks up at them.

"What would you like for lunch?" Eyes quickly turned around Letong and Baobao.

This kind of thing has always been done by Letong before. Now, it's really rare for president Ji Da to consider this kind of thing in his busy schedule.

"Whatever. Just make up your mind with the baby."

Letong herself is not picky. In addition, the physical conditions of Baobao and Ji Rui now really need special care.

"Well, I'll ask manager Chen to send it."

Ji Rui said, picked up the phone on the desk and pulled it out.

Letong hands the cup to him. Seeing that most of the documents in front of her are transferred to Ji Rui, she quietly moves them back.

Ji Rui reaches out to stop, but Letong says, "don't you have many other things to do? I wish I could do such a thing! "