Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 422

Compared with the past, Ji Rui is too good for Letong, even a little cautious.

Perhaps the contrast is too obvious, as the party said that Yue Tong is not used to.

But Ji Rui doesn't care whether Letong is used to it or not. He just thinks that he used to be a jerk to Letong. Now she is willing to give him a chance to make up for it, and he wants to make up for all the harshness and harm he used to do to her.

However, it is a very strange subject for Ji Rui to spoil people or how to spoil them.

He has lived for 31 years, and the people he has spoiled are probably only babies. Therefore, he can only treat Letong in the same way.

A baby is much smarter than an ordinary child, but he is a child after all. Naturally, he has the unique innocence and nature of a five-year-old or six-year-old child. It's instinctive to act coquetry and rely on adults. Therefore, if his parents and elders treat him well, he will be very helpful.

Keketong is different. She's 25 years old. In the past few years, she has been supporting a family on her own. She has seen more tricks of intrigue among people. Her subconscious mind is alert and cautious to sudden flattery and favor.

It's like a little dog. It's always served by its owner with a whip. Suddenly one day, the owner reaches out his hand to follow its hair. Presumably, it will jump away quickly according to its instinct. Because, whether it's a whip or a hand, the giver is the same person.

Of course, Letong is not fully aware of this, but subconsciously, she does treat Ji Rui's flattery and favor with such mentality.

In addition, Letong has been used to independence since she was a child, and this habit of relying on people has almost disappeared from her mother after she was ill.

It's not that she doesn't want to, it's that she can't!

Over time, she was used to carrying everything by herself, no matter how hard and tired she was, and she never pinned her hopes on others, because there was no such person at all.

Ji Rui's good intentions are rejected by Letong again. It's not easy for her, no matter in her heart or face.

"I'm busy, but you're busy, aren't you?"

Ji Rui looked at her steadily, reached over and put his hand on the document.

Before he did similar things, Letong also resisted as much as now. He thought that it was because she had not accepted her feelings, so she refused to share the heavy business with him.

Now, he and she have become lovers. Isn't it a proper thing for lovers to share with each other? Moreover, Ji Rui's essence is actually very manly. He thinks that no matter how strong and capable a woman is, she is still weak and unbearable. He loves Letong and should pet her and hold up a big sky for her, so that she can live happily.

Letong's hand stubbornly presses the document without any compromise. Even though Ji Rui's eyes are full of his usual aggressive strength, she still looks at him without flinching.

"Mr. Ji, have you forgotten that you are the president and I am the secretary. Besides, I am still acting as the president's special assistant. What is my relationship with you in private should not have any impact on my position and responsibilities in the company. I hope you respect my identity as a Jishi employee, and I also hope you can affirm my working ability. "

Letong's words can't be more obvious. It's true that he and she are lovers, but this is the company. He and she are just the relationship between superiors and subordinates.

Ji Rui's heart is like a stone thrown into the deep sea, sinking straight down.


Ji Rui wants to say something. Seeing that Letong's warm face suddenly becomes colder and colder, he doesn't talk about it any more. His hand on the document is also open to current affairs.

Letong's face gradually warms up. Staring at his slightly pale face, it reminds me that he is still injured.

"You don't look very well. Is the wound still painful?"

Le Tong, who has just made a serious statement that she and he are just pure superiors and subordinates in the company, forgets to cover up her tension and worry as his lover.

Ji Rui hesitated and looked around her face. He probably knew that this little thing could not hide her bright eyes, so he nodded honestly, "I took a book from the bookshelf just now. Maybe I accidentally pulled it to the wound."

Letong's face is worried. As soon as she pedals her feet, the chair quickly slides to Ji Rui's side, ignoring that this is the office. She reaches over to lift his clothes to have a look.

"Let me see!"

Ji Rui obediently moved his hand and let her bend her head to open his clothes.

Ji Rui's wound has begun to heal. From today on, there is no need to wrap bandages. Therefore, as soon as the clothes are lifted, Ji Rui's strong abdominal muscles will be displayed in front of Letong.

But now Letong doesn't care to watch the perfect six abdominal muscles. She just stares at the centipede like scar under her ribs.

The scar is obviously protruding and reddening, slightly swollen, several seam position, is slowly exuding tiny blood.

"It's bleeding!" Letong's fingertips gently stroked the skin around the seam, but he could not say the blame. Instead, he raised his eyelids and looked at Ji Rui anxiously, and asked painfully.

"It hurts?"

Ji Rui shakes a little. He suppresses all kinds of changes in his heart and shakes his head. "No! Just a little. ", For a big man, this little pain is really nothing.

Le Tong where is willing to believe, carefully pull down his clothes, turned and walked out.

Sitting in the reception hall, the baby runs to Ji Rui as soon as the door is closed and looks up at Ji Rui.

"Daddy, it's a bitter trick!" Crispy voice to the point of Ji Rui's plot.

Ji Rui looked down at him and pinched his face, "no! It really hurts

The baby snorted, "Daddy, don't pretend!", With that, he went to the bookshelf, reached to one side of the bookshelf and pressed it gently, then the bookshelf would descend steadily.

Ji Rui glanced at the baby faintly, "I forgot that this bookshelf has this function!"

The baby snorted again, "pretend, continue to pretend!"

Ji Rui is too lazy to pay attention to this jealous little guy again. He turns around and continues to do his own business.

Soon, Letong came back with the medicine box in her hand, and saw the baby sitting upright in her chair, with the open documents spread out in front of her.

Letong gives him a funny look, "baby, what are you doing? Can you help Mommy? "

The baby shook his head with a smile, "of course not. The baby came to help Mommy look at daddy."

Letong looks at Ji Rui thoughtfully, "what's wrong with you?"

Ji Rui put her waist on one hand, and gently moved the person to her side. "Absolutely not. Don't listen to the baby's nonsense."

Said, secretly stare at the baby one eye, the other side toward him tongue made a face.

Ji Rui sighed in his heart. It seems that his strongest rival is not someone else, but a smelly boy with a face similar to his own.