Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 420

Ji Rui's heart is actually quite contradictory.

Standing in the position of the boss, he hopes that Letong can take over Yang Sheng's work quickly and smoothly. Then he won't have to bear the pain of losing his right-hand assistant.

But as a man or her boyfriend, his selfishness has a little hope that she will come back to him to complain and ask for help when she is frustrated.

He and Letong have known each other for nearly two years, but it's only recently that they really began to try to understand her.

Although, she seldom mentioned things before him, and even never took the initiative to mention them to him. But he could imagine how much pain she had suffered in the past few years to carry such a heavy burden.

Therefore, from the perspective of selfishness, he hopes that no matter what problems she encounters in the future, she will come back to him on her own initiative. Even if he can't help, he can at least listen to her complain and comfort her. Even though he knows he is not good at comforting people, he still hopes so.

Now Letong's position in his heart is almost equal to that of the baby. To Letong, he is completely open-minded, a gesture of letting her take whatever she wants.

However, his open attitude, the other side always put on a gentleman's modest appearance, let him full of frustration, can't help but think, is not enough to attract her bait, she has no desire to plunder.

"Daddy, when are you and Mommy going to make baby brother?"

The baby, who has been watching his fairy tale book seriously, suddenly runs over and climbs up Ji Rui's thigh like a monkey, half kneels in front of him, hugs his neck and asks.

Ji Rui gathered his mind, his dark eyes brightened a lot because of the baby's words, and bowed his head to kiss the baby's nose, "as soon as possible!"

"Does baby like younger brother or younger sister?"

A few months ago, Ji Rui never thought he would have a second child besides a baby.

Because even if a child is as smart and considerate as Baobao, he thinks one is enough. It's too much. It's a burden. It's just a burden.

But now, the baby suddenly mentioned that, he didn't have any disgust or resistance. He even naturally followed the baby's problems and imagined that Letong had a big stomach and that the new family members were born, and that the family was noisy

Baobao tilts her head and seriously considers Ji Rui's problem.

"Daddy..." the baby blinked a pair of black eyes, hugged Ji Rui's neck and acted coquettishly, "can the baby have both brothers and sisters?"

Ji Rui couldn't help laughing. "Bao, you have to ask your mommy. As long as she's willing, daddy doesn't mind!"

Letong went for more than half an hour. When she came back, Ji Rui carefully looked at her face.

Letong's face is calm, just like when she goes out.

Ji Rui can't see anything from her face. He stares into her eyes and asks softly, "how is it?"

Letong takes out the top one from the pile of documents, opens it and pushes it to Ji Rui.

"Minister Chen and I selected these three people based on their comprehensive abilities. Which one is suitable for you? How about a post competition among the three

Ji Rui quickly turned over and raised his eyelids to look at Le Tong. "Minister Chen didn't embarrass you, did he?"

Letong originally lowered her head to write something. Listening to him, she raised her head to pick her eyebrows. "If I understand correctly, you seem to want him to embarrass me?"

Ji Rui smiles a little, and reaches out her hand to follow her disordered hair down her cheek. Letong instinctively shrinks. Seeing Ji Rui's smile frozen, she quickly stops shrinking.

Ji Rui's fingertips slip across her face through the tip of her hair, "you just think I'm a big man, and I'm in a state of mind."

Le Tong was amused by his frankness and laughed, "don't tell me, you're ready for your handkerchief. You're welcome to come and cry for me at any time!"

Ji Rui opened the drawer with a clatter, and there were two handkerchiefs stacked neatly inside. Of course, this was just for himself by Ji Da president, who was obsessed with cleanliness. However, if his lovely and fragile girlfriend really needed it, he would selflessly contribute them.

Letong's eyes swept the handkerchief, then squinted slightly, glanced at Ji Rui, touched his chin and said thoughtfully, "Ji always likes to cry!"

Ji Ruimei did not move, calmly pushed the drawer back, "as long as it's you, I like crying and laughing!"

Le Tong is a little embarrassed. How could she expect that a few months ago, a man who always spoke hard and didn't leave a little room, had such a high number of love talks.

"Well, what do you think of the proposal of post competition assessment?"

Yue Tong, who admits that her skin thickness is not as thick as Ji Rui's, quickly brings the topic back to work.

Ji Rui feels that he seems to like teasing her more and more. However, he has known for a long time that she is not a clever little white rabbit, and he does not dare to tease her too much, so as not to annoy her, and he can't get away with it.

"I don't have a problem. These three people have their own strengths and weaknesses as you said. The post competition assessment is fair and reasonable."

Le Tong nodded, picked up Ji Rui's desk phone and dialed to the personnel department, "Minister Chen? As for the candidate, Mr. Ji agreed to follow our proposal. Please arrange the post competition assessment as soon as possible. "

While Letong is talking on the phone, Ji Rui silently looks at the documents in hand. When she puts down the phone, she looks up and says to her, "it seems that Minister Chen is quite obedient to you."

Letong didn't show the slightest look of joy. On the contrary, she was dignified.

"You told me about it in advance, and of course he would obey it."

Ji Rui certainly understood this, but he didn't expect that Letong had thought about this relationship for a long time.

"Afraid?" Ji Rui looks at her with a smile, and then opens the drawer again, "if you need to, just take it."

If changed before, Letong will definitely think that he is gloating. However, now she is very clear that he is comforting her in disguise.

"There are plenty of places to use them. Don't complain about the expensive handkerchief then."

Ji Rui took out two handkerchiefs directly and pushed them to her, "don't worry, as a boyfriend, I can pat my chest to guarantee unlimited supply of handkerchiefs. Of course, if you want something with temperature, you can also use it here."

Ji Rui pats himself on the shoulder. Yue Tongbai looks at him, quite speechless.

Before, how could she think he was silent?

His mouth and love words are not words that young people who have never seen the world can say.

"You often say that to others?" Yue Tong never admits that she has something to eat in her heart.

"What? Are you jealous? " Ji Rui laughs badly.

Good night