Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 417

Ji Rui looked at him calmly. "If it wasn't for you, Ji Wen and Ji Wu, probably only coco would hate me so much that he wanted to take my life to get rid of it!"

Ji Rui is a little sad in his heart. He is already one in thirty. He still wants to ask for family affection in this way.

In particular, the object of the request or he has always disdained, that already do not care about people.

“CoCo?” Ji's look seemed to be shocked.

"Doesn't she love you so much?"

Ji Rui's eyes are full of ridicule. At last, there is a trace of pain, "the more you love, the deeper you will be hurt."

Coco is. So is his mother.

However, they chose two different ways to extricate themselves.

A paranoid woman like coco would rather destroy what she can't get than get it from others.

But his mother would rather destroy herself than live to see the people she loves fall in love with others.

Ji's eyes flickered. He didn't know what he was thinking, but Ji Rui didn't say anything. He just let silence spread between them.

Ji Rui knows very well in his heart that this is the last chance he gives this man.


Letong holds the baby into the bedroom, in order to not let the baby daydream, Letong racked her brains to burst out some embarrassing things when she was a child, the baby is very face, giggle very happy.

However, Letong knows that Ji Rui's words just now must have been written down by the young and mature guy.

But she can't blame Ji Rui. If she guesses right, Ji Rui should deliberately expose the true face of Ji in front of Baobao, so as to remind Baobao to be careful of Ji's family, including his grandfather, who has been holding him in his hand and loving him in his heart.

But Ji Rui and Ji Laozi are obviously close relatives, but they don't even have the basic warmth. All day long, besides calculation, the relationship between them makes Letong feel very cold.

Letong holds her baby with a smile on her face, but sighs in her heart.

No wonder Ji Rui's temperament is so harsh and suspicious. If Baobao continues to live in Ji's mansion, it is estimated that in another ten or eight years, he will become another copy of Ji Rui.

"Mommy..." the baby shakes some distracted Letong.

Letong hurriedly pulls back the thought of running away, and lowers her head to the baby's forehead.


"Mommy, don't worry, grandpa loves baby very much, and Daddy won't let others bully baby!"

The little guy's mind is very clear. As a young man, he seems to have put a name in his heart. He clearly weighs the feelings of Ji Laozi or Ji Rui for him.

"Well..." Letong sighed a little inaudibly and rubbed her face against the baby's slippery little face.

It is probably because of growing up in that kind of complex environment since childhood that the temperament of young and mature babies will be created.

Mother and son embrace each other, unspeakable intimacy, with the outside dining room that father and son's tit for tat has become a strong contrast.

Knock on the door, and then came Ji Rui's voice.

"Letong, come out."

Letong hurriedly leads the baby to open the door, "are you ok?"

Said, concern of vision Ji Rui up and down quickly looked at some time.


Ji Rui's face was a little pale. On his forehead, thin sweat came out.

Le Tong frowned, let go of the baby, stepped forward to take his arm, "hurry back to bed to rest!"

Although the tone is a bit harsh, but looking at his eyes, it's full of anxiety and heartache.


Ji Rui pulls his lips, showing a satisfied smile. Although, from someone, he may never get the affection he wants, but the woman around him gives him the affection that no one can replace.

And the huge ice in his heart began to melt because of her warmth.

Baobao helps Letong to help Ji Rui into the master bedroom. I don't know if he is really hungry, or if he doesn't want to be a parent's light cannon. He says, "Baobao, go to urge uncle." then he runs out and gently closes the bedroom door.

Letong carefully holds Ji Rui to wait for him to lie down, and then opens his clothes to look at his abdomen. He doesn't find anything abnormal, so he helps him cover the quilt.

"You shouldn't be angry because you're still hurt!" Le Tong casts a reproachful glance at him.

Ji Rui obediently follows her to wait and lie down, and reaches for her hand.

"I'm not angry..."

Ji Rui this words obviously some guilty, say, on the back of her hand to please to kiss, carefully looking at her, "are you angry?"

Facing a patient, how can Letong be angry?

"The body is your own, the pain is also your pain, why should I be angry?" Letong snorted angrily and tried to pull her hand back.

Since Le Tong nodded and agreed that they would try to communicate with each other first, because of Ji Rui's injury, the intimate contact between them was limited to the degree of holding hands and kissing hands like now.

But even to this extent, Letong is still not used to it. Almost every time, her instinct clamors that she wants to shake Ji Rui's hand off. Then, at the last moment, she recognizes the reality clearly. She and he are now in a relationship of boyfriend and girlfriend. Therefore, she has to get used to the intimate actions of holding hands or kissing.

"Don't be angry, that's heartache?" Ji Rui looks at her funny, deep eyes, vaguely with some expectation.

Letong's dark and bright eyes stare at him for a moment, then nods unexpectedly.

"Yes, I do!"

Ji Rui Leng Leng, immediately, eyes full of surprise.

He thought that even if she agreed to associate, it would take a long time for her to admit her feelings for him. But I didn't expect that she would be so forthright to admit her mind.

At this moment, Ji Rui is even a little grateful to the man who stabbed him. If it wasn't for the knife, Le Tong might still be hesitant, not to mention the warm confession at the moment.

Ji Rui is stealing music in his heart. Letong's cool fingertips gently rub the corners of his lips and gently rub his cheek along his lips.

"You're thin!" Le Tong's eyes, in addition to heartache and pity, also mixed with many complex looks.

Ji Rui only felt that the skin she had rubbed seemed to be hit by electric current. Bursts of numbness quickly passed from his face to his brain. He could even feel his heart and liver trembling slightly with her low voice.

For Ji Rui, this kind of experience is very strange, but it is fascinating, which makes him unconsciously indulge and want more!

"Letong..." Ji Rui narrowed his eyes slightly. In his deep eyes, there were layers of shimmering light.