Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 416

"It's none of my business what you think in your heart. I just tell you that Letong is the woman I want. I don't want anyone but her."

Ji old man's face suddenly overcast down, hand a sweep, Yue Tong just handed the bowl in front of him immediately flew out, "bang" once even bowl with soup fell to the ground.

"Ah Rui, do you think a woman like her is worthy of being Ji's president's wife?" Ji Laozi angrily points to Yue Tong and asks harshly.

"Grandfather, don't scold Mommy!" Baby Huo ground stands up on the chair, stretch out a hand to block in front of Le Tong to protect her.

Letong holds the baby, takes a deep look at Ji Rui, and then coaxes the baby with a soft voice.

"Darling, Mommy will take you to the bedroom for a while. Daddy and I have something to talk about."

Letong didn't expect Ji Rui to invite him here today. The purpose is to have a showdown in front of him and baby. If she knows, she will definitely stop Ji Rui's reckless behavior.

She doesn't understand the way Ji Rui and Ji Laozi get along with each other, and he will choose to do so for his reasons.

However, when he decided to do so, he probably forgot to worry about the baby's feelings.

Although Baobao has a lot of trust in her, it is a fact that no one can erase that Baobao was brought up by Ji Laozi. Therefore, Ji Rui's behavior now, the one who suffered the most and suffered the most, is not Ji Laozi or her Letong, but Baobao, the little guy in the middle.

Can always listen to her baby, but stubborn to pull the edge of the table refused to leave.

"I don't know!" The baby twisted his body, put his hands around Letong's neck, but his face turned to Ji Laozi.

"Grandfather, if you dare to scold my mommy again, I will ignore you!" The baby pursed her lips and hummed softly. No one would listen to these words in a coquettish way, but the three adults here are very clear that the baby's words are actually threatening, not angry words when he loses his temper.

"Baby, have you forgotten who brought you up?" Ji Laozi looks at the baby with a sad face. Compared with Ji Rui, he doesn't want to be cruel to the baby.

"Grandfather, if there is no Mommy, even the baby will not have!" The baby's order is very clear.

Ji opens his mouth and wants to say something to the baby. Ji Rui, who has been silent for a long time, suddenly answers.

"You don't need to comment on what kind of woman Letong is. I'd like to ask you, when you took her home, did you think that she was worthy of being Ji's president's wife?"

Ji Rui's mouth of her, of course, refers to the current wife of Ji Laozi, that is, his childhood.

"Ah Rui, you really still hate us."

For so many years, Ji Rui's name is either her or that woman.

"Don't hate you can, you have the ability to give my mother back to me, don't say don't hate you, even your two precious sons, I also responsible for fishing out."

Ji Rui is magnanimous, but people can't come back to life after death. This is something even a little kid like Baobao knows, not to mention the smart president of Ji da?

"Isn't that bullshit?" Facing Ji Rui, his face was cold and smelly.

"That's right, it's rubbish, just like what you said, it's all rubbish!"

Compared with Ji Laozi's hair blowing, Ji Rui is extremely calm.

"Besides, I'm not interested in the title of President Ji. I'd like to ask you to come here today. Besides baby wants to see you, I'll let you know by the way that I'm going to change Ji's name to brilliant. Soon, Ji's name will disappear completely."

Ji just swept the soup, this time, most of the dishes on the table were swept to the ground by him, Ping Ping for a while, Letong had to press the baby in his arms, cover his ears, don't let him face his grandfather and dad against the scene.

The ground on the table is in a mess one by one. Ji's face is twisted and stands in front of the table, pointing to Ji Rui's hand and shaking slightly“ A Rui, do you remember your surname Ji? "

Ji Rui's face was cold. "I'd rather not be Ji!"

Ji's face is more ugly than Ji Rui's, "ah Rui, you are my son. This is a fact that no one can change."

Ji Rui takes a look at Letong, who is sitting next to him holding her baby tightly. His eyes soften. He puts his hand on her shoulder and says in a soft voice, "you can hold your baby in the bedroom for a while and ask manager Chen to send some more food. I'll talk to him again."

Letong raises her eyelids and looks at him quietly. Ji Rui seems to understand the concern in her eyes, and assures her softly, "don't worry, I won't be angry with myself!"

Letong almost laughed. If it wasn't for the occasion and atmosphere, she couldn't help laughing. Is this man so arrogant!

"Really, for you and the baby, I will not be angry with myself."

Ji Rui says something in a soft voice. Letong thinks that the topic of these two men is not suitable for her, not to mention the baby.

Ji Rui and other Letong's figure disappear at the corner of the dining room, and then turn their eyes back to the angry man's face.


Even Ji Rui himself forgot when the last time he asked the man opposite to be his father.

Ji Laozi's body trembled and his angry eyes changed into surprise.

"My name is Ji. I'm your son. I know it and I haven't forgotten it! But I'm your son. Are you sure you haven't forgotten? " Ji Rui asked leisurely.

Ji was standing in front of the table. After hearing Ji Rui's words, he staggered and shook twice. Finally, he managed to pull the edge of the table to stabilize himself.

"Dad, baby said I fell, do you really think I fell?"

Ji Rui stares at the pale man on the opposite side, "I'm not hurt, I was stabbed with a knife."

Ji old son stares big eyes, as if don't want to believe Ji Rui to say.

"Dad, don't you believe it? Why don't you take a look? "

Ji Rui bowed his head and lifted up the hem of his clothes.

From childhood to adulthood, he suffered a lot of injuries. Of course, there were not many physical injuries, but there were many spiritual injuries.

Every time, he would like his father, at least, to care about him.

But at that time, he just secretly hoped in his heart, but he never dared to open his mouth like now, as if to beg for the pity of the man opposite.

Ji's eyes fell on his bandaged abdomen.

"Who did it?" Ji old son's tone, finally had some in nervous.

Ji Rui looked at him calmly. "If it wasn't for you, Ji Wen and Ji Wu, probably only coco would hate me so much that he wanted to take my life to get rid of it!"