Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 418

"Letong..." Ji Rui narrowed his eyes slightly. In his deep eyes, there were layers of shimmering light.

Once upon a time, he was more than once in a dream or when he was sober, reflecting on the night when he and she were drunk. Every time he recalled it, he became more and more addicted.

Even if he would secretly scold himself as a man who only uses his lower body to think, he still can't stop his endless thirst for her.

At that time, he thought that men's desire for women was nothing more than this.

But now, more and more, he found that, compared with the original craving, he seemed to be more thirsty for this kind of warm relative at this time, just touched lightly, and his heart was palpitating; Just a simple gentle whisper, let him like a spring breeze; Just a common look at each other, you can look into each other's hearts clearly

Compared with the previous desire to get pleasure from her and her body, he seems to want to capture her heart, or to enter her heart and occupy the most important position besides her mother and baby.

"Ji Rui, lie down and don't move any more!"

Aware that the person lying on the bed is struggling restlessly to sit up, Letong reaches out and presses his shoulder.

Ji Rui slightly propped up and looked at her. For a long time, he had to lie down again under her blinking stare.

"But it's hard to lie down!" Ji Rui looks at Le Tong without blinking, and says, glancing at her pink lips.

Le Tong's eyes are full of pity, "where is it hard?"

"It's all hard!" Ji looked at her steadily.

When she realized that his eyes were just like the water burning on the stove, which was becoming hot and strange, she couldn't help being stunned. Then, she suddenly understood what he meant by suffering.


Letong wants to blame him. It's time, and she's still thinking about that kind of thing.

But she was too thin skinned, and her experience in male and female affairs was so pale that she swallowed it wisely.

She was almost sure that if she said it, the cheeky man would climb up the bamboo pole.

"It's really hard..." Ji Rui's tone is pitiful with grievances.

Letong has been with Ji Rui for more than a year. She calms down the angry Ji Zong and calmly deals with the mean Ji Zong. She can do all these things that are very difficult for other employees, but she doesn't know how to deal with this shy man.

"Since I feel bad, I'll go to see doctor fan."

Letong is not sure whether the pain he said is caused by the wound or by some kind of lack of satisfaction. In a word, no matter which one, she has no ability to help him solve it.

"No! I can't be managed or cured by a doctor. "

Ji Rui holds her hand and refuses to let go, but Letong is either stupid or stupid if she is not sure what he is saying.

Ji Rui just pulls her hand, but no further action, and Letong looks down at him.

In the past, when she was with him, she always had to raise her head to talk well with him. Now, the angle of overlooking is very strange to her.

If you change a lot of people, lying flat like this, plus a patient's unique pale and haggard face, no matter how handsome or beautiful you are, you will look dull and pale from this angle.

But now the man lying on the bed, not only that pair of startling eyes are still bright, even the handsome face is as before, is still the face of the 360 degree dead angle near perfect statue.

"Isn't there no cure? In that case, I don't want to waste my energy to take care of you! " Le Tong picked pick eyebrows, once again turned to want to leave.

"No, stay with me!"

Ji Rui's short words are close to begging.

As for Ji Rui, who is now clinging to himself like brown candy, Letong is not only hard hearted to leave him, but also can't think of an effective way to appease him. She can only stand by the bed and watch Ji Rui silently.

She can't even help asking, what do you want from me?

Fortunately, now she also learned a lot of smart, this kind of behavior to dig a hole and finally jump in to cover up the soil, she absolutely does not do!

Can not ask, she can not determine what to do in the end to let the man not uncomfortable.

They looked at each other silently for a long time. Finally, Letong compromised first, bent down slightly, and approached his face closer and closer.

Without waiting for Ji Rui to react, Letong quickly pastes her lips on his lips.

Letong, a novice in love, only sticks her lips to each other's dry lips, but she doesn't know how to deepen the kiss. Therefore, she just quietly sticks her lips to Ji Rui's.

Two people's breathing, from the beginning of smooth and even, into urgent ~ promote thick ~ asthma, two lips meet, but no one further meaning.

In Letong's opinion, she doesn't know what to do next.

In Ji Rui's view, he is afraid that if he is too rude, he will scare away those who rarely take the initiative.

He is very clear, to the temperament of Le Tong, such a shallow kiss, I'm afraid it's already the ultimate move to harden the scalp.

Moreover, this kind of behavior, which is not mixed with any desire at all and only for the purpose of comfort and comfort, seems to be more emotional than that kind of rough to violent kiss.

Therefore, he obediently let her put her lips on his lips, without the intention of turning passive into active.

They held the same posture as kissing fish for some time. Until Letong felt that her lips were stiff and slightly shivering, she moved her face away and straightened up slowly.

Ji Rui and so on she stands straight body, once again fished her hand, the finger one by one inserts between her fingers, two people ten fingers tightly.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, Ji Rui licked his lips, as if he was savoring the kiss that might not even be a kiss, but it made him feel very good.

Ji Rui raises his lips and points out something“ This medicine is really more effective than Dr. Fan's medicine. "

Yue Tong, who had been trying to be calm, couldn't hold it any longer. She flushed from face to neck, even her ears.

Yue Tong, with a red face, was very upset.

If the man is not a patient, she will definitely beat him up.

But it happened that she was angry and resentful in her heart, but she should die and feel that the shallow kiss just now was not bad!

Good night