Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 415

This retail chain, which is affiliated to Jishi, specializes in home appliances and digital products, and has always been the leader in the same retail industry in China.

The person in charge of the organization department is Guo.

Letong returns to the bedroom with the computer. Ji Rui is calling the person in charge surnamed Guo.

"Manager Guo, as long as you give a reasonable reason for last month's sales, I will never return to this accident."

The man talking on the phone looks cold. He catches a glimpse of Letong coming in and says to the person on the other side of the microphone, "I'll give you one night and give me the report tomorrow morning."

Then he hung up the phone and put it on the pillow.

Letong looks at his face, drags a chair, sits down and asks while turning on the computer.

"Don't you have to compare the data of last year and the previous few months to make a conclusion?"

"I want to take him by surprise." Facing Letong, Ji Rui's face eased a lot.

"Their business has always been in the charge of the business department. Now you give orders directly. Manager Guo must be scared, right?" Letong finds out the files Ji Rui wants from a lot of folders, packs them and sends them to Ji Rui's mailbox, and then opens them for a closer look.

Ji Rui opens the e-mail, looks back from Letong's face and stares at the form on the screen.

"I didn't tell you that, did I? This Guo Dongming is an old subordinate who was brought up by the old man. "

Ji's employees are numerous. In addition to those who work in Ji's headquarters, Letong doesn't know much about other employees.

"Well, it's really the first time I've heard of it."

Letong listens carefully. If she was a little resistant to taking over the task of special assistance a few days ago, now she is very active.

In order to take over Yang Sheng's work, it is necessary to understand the key management personnel of Ji's branches.

Ji Rui and Letong each look at a sales form on their computer. It seems that both of them have the skills of two purposes. While looking at the form, Ji Rui mentions the relationship between Guo and the old man.

To Ji Rui said these, Letong all attentively wrote down.

When they finished reading the form, Letong glanced at the corner of the computer and it was nearly eight o'clock.

Letong is in a panic. No, she is so devoted to her work that she forgets that her baby son is still hungry waiting for her to cook dinner.

Close the computer in a hurry, and run out without saying anything. Soon, Ji Rui, sitting on the bed, hears the voice of Letong apologizing to her baby.

"I'm sorry, honey. I'm hungry. Mommy's going to make dinner."

"Mommy, baby wants to eat beef noodles! A big bowl

Ji Rui raises her lips slightly. Like her mother, her baby son is very considerate.

"OK, Mommy will cook it now."

Letong, who should have gone to the kitchen, appears at the door of the bedroom.

"Ji Rui, doctor Fan said you can eat a little pasta. Do you want noodles? Or continue to eat rice porridge? "

"Will it be trouble? Are you tired, too? "

Ji Rui ate rice porridge for two days, but he didn't feel bored except he was hungry.

"No trouble. I'll cook some noodles for you. I'm always hungry with rice porridge."

Nearly one meter nine big man, for two days can only eat rice porridge, think about it feel poor.

"Thank you

Ji Rui's politeness, in exchange for Letong's fierce stare.

Letong is really an expert in the kitchen. After only ten minutes in the kitchen, she brought in three bowls of steaming noodles.

Letong and Baobao eat beef noodles. Ji Rui's is a bowl of noodles with minced fish which is easy to digest.

"Daddy, grandfather said he wanted to see the baby and let the baby go back to the mansion to play."

When the noodles are half eaten, Ji Baobao suddenly looks up and says to Ji Rui.

Ji Rui and Letong look at him at the same time. Letong looks nervous while Ji Rui looks thoughtful.

"Does the baby miss her grandfather?" Ji Rui looks at Letong quietly, and asks the baby gently.

The baby tilted his head and thought, "well, a little bit..."

When the little guy said this, he glanced at Letong carefully.

The cautious attitude of the two makes Letong very funny, but it's about the three generations of the Ji family. She doesn't want to interrupt, so she lowers her head and continues to eat her noodles, but her ears stand up, listening to the conversation between the father and the son.

"It's not convenient for daddy to go out now. Since the baby thinks of his grandfather, let him come here for lunch tomorrow morning, OK?"

Ji Rui's decision surprised Letong. She also thought that Ji Rui would like not to see him all his life.

What surprised her even more was Ji Rui's next sentence, "Letong, come back for lunch tomorrow."

Le Tong suddenly raised his head, only thought he heard wrong, "I come back to have dinner with you? Why? "

She thinks that Ji Rui should know better than anyone that she doesn't like him, and he hates her to the core. When several people have lunch together, aren't they afraid to fight on the spot?

"Some things have to be explained face to face, don't they?"

Ji Rui in the mind what abacus, Letong really don't understand, even if he said so, Letong is still not sure what he did.

Because, she and Ji Rui between a lot of old things, not suitable to mention in front of the baby.

Ji Rui drags people home. Aren't you afraid that Ji's father will be angry and tell the baby's real life experience in front of her and Ji Rui?

"How can you make it clear?"

Letong frowned slightly. She felt that no matter what, she couldn't say it clearly.

Ji Rui winked at her, "don't worry, I have discretion."

Even if Letong is not at ease, there is no reason to prevent Ji Laozi from meeting his grandson as a grandfather and father. Ji Rui's expression when he makes this decision is very firm, which makes Letong feel at ease.

"Well, I'll be back at noon tomorrow."

After eating noodles, Letong cleans up the dishes and chopsticks in the cloud kitchen. Ji Rui takes out the phone and pulls it back to the mansion.

"Hello It was Mr. Ji who answered the phone.

"The baby said you want to see him. It's a little inconvenient for me these two days. Come and have lunch with us tomorrow. I'll ask the driver to pick you up."

Ji Rui didn't mention that he was hurt. For the time being, only Yang Sheng and several bodyguards around Ji Rui know about it.

The Ji old man on the other end of the phone didn't say anything. After a while, he said, "OK."

Probably, he also knows that Ji Ruiken is so frank that it is very rare for him to see the baby. He can't ask too much.


The next day, Letong's schedule was the same. She got up early to make breakfast for Ji Rui and Baobao. After serving president Ji DA and ancestor Ji Xiao, she ate breakfast and rushed back to Ji's family.

Work is still a lot. In the blink of an eye, it's time to get off work at noon. Xiao Li comes to take her back to Ji Rui's new apartment on time.

As soon as I enter the door, I see Mr. Ji sitting in the living room.

"Hello, chairman!" Letong's face is not servile. After greeting the astonished old man in the living room, she walks into the dining room to help arrange the takeout from the hotel.

"You're back?"

Hearing Ji Rui's voice, Letong straightens up and turns to see Ji Rui standing at the entrance of the dining room.

"Be careful. Come and sit down first."

Letong pulls away the chair and goes to help Ji Rui.

If the person who wants to help him changes others, Ji Rui will immediately shake off her hand.

But this person is Letong. Ji Rui thinks it's good to dress up like this occasionally. At least, if he is now in good health, Letong will never take the initiative to make intimate physical contact with him.

"Does the wound hurt?" Letong helps Ji Rui to move to the dining table slowly. She looks at him carefully all the time. Maybe it's because she's afraid that his wound will hurt.

"Well, there must be a little bit, but it's not very powerful." Ji Rui responds obediently.

Letong helped him to sit down, and the sharp eyes that followed her all the time behind her could not be ignored.

"You didn't tell him?" Letong puts her face together and asks Ji Rui in a low voice.

"Huh?" Ji Rui turns his head and looks at her with a puzzled face.

"Didn't you tell him about my coming back for lunch with you?"

Le Tong and Ji Rui are very clear about who he means.

"Well, I didn't say that." Ji Rui is very calm. He looks like a man in his heart. With that, he reaches for his napkin and spreads it out in front of him.

Letong sees that he doesn't want to explain in detail, and it's hard to ask in detail. She settles Ji Rui and straightens up to set the food on the table. Ji Rui sees that she's almost done, so she turns to the baby and says.

"Baby, help grandfather to eat."

In fact, the old man is very strong. At least, he is much more vigorous than Ji Rui.

The baby probably passed through Ji ruigou in advance. Now he is very clever and jumps to Ji's side, holding his arm in one hand and his waist in the other.

"Grandfather, please be careful, don't be like my father, if you fall, you will be in trouble!"

Letong almost can't help laughing. Ji Rui tells his father that he fell instead of being stabbed?

She raised her eyelids to look at Ji Rui. Ji Rui winked at her, indicating her acquiescence.

Ji Laozi was "supported" by the baby, his face was a little embarrassed, but he said thank you.

"Grandpa, mummy is very busy at work, so I don't have time to make lunch. Next time I wait for mummy to have a rest, I'll cook it for Grandpa. Grandpa, do you know that the food made by baby and Mommy is delicious! "

Baobao came all the way with master Ji in his hand, and he never stopped talking.

What's the expression on Ji's face when he hears this? Letong doesn't pay attention to it. She only knows that when Ji sits down and looks at her, it's especially meaningful!

"Chairman, have soup first." Letong pushes the soup to master Ji.

Ji didn't immediately take up the bowl. Instead, he looked at Ji Rui and asked, "ah Rui, what do you mean?"

Ji Rui looks at him straightly. The two of them look at each other across the table. Their eyes collide. It seems that there is a flash of lightning.

"It's none of my business what you think in your heart. I just tell you that Letong is the woman I want. I don't want anyone but her."

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