Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 414

"Chairman, you might as well tell Baobao whether he believes you or me!"

Letong has full confidence in her baby son!!

Mention this, Ji Laozi is more angry.

The appearance of Letong makes him not only lose his son, but also abduct his precious grandson, who has been taking care of carefully since he was a child.

If we say that Ji Rui didn't pay much attention to his son and didn't fulfill his responsibility as a father, he probably can't refute it.

But for the baby, he devoted almost all his love to the little ancestor.

First of all, it may be that the baby is his eldest son, so he loves him very much.

Secondly, perhaps because of the guilt for his son, he devoted all his efforts to his grandson that he had never spent on his son before.

Now, the baby raised by himself almost abandoned his grandfather since he had his own mother. It's strange that he didn't vomit blood.

"Letong, don't forget, baby's surname is Ji, not le! He's a child I raised with my own hands. "

Although Ji Laozi was hit hard, he still had a glimmer of hope that the little guy would eventually stand on his side.

Le Tong's eyes are slightly rippling, "Chairman, if you really love your baby, you shouldn't involve your baby in the power struggle between your father and son."

Le Tong is very grateful for father Ji's kindness in nurturing his baby. But even if he raised the baby to such an age, he has no right to use the baby as a bargaining chip for their father and son.

Ji Laozi finally saw a little nervous from Letong's face, only when he pulled back a city, cold hum a way.

"It's not that I'm going to drag the baby into our dispute, it's that you force me to do so."

After all, Ji always thinks that Letong is the culprit of the whole thing.

His words made the gratitude in Letong's heart disappear.

"Chairman, if you have to think so, I think we have nothing to talk about!"

With that, Letong doesn't want to look at Mr. Ji's wonderful face any more. She turns on the computer and calls out a piece of information that needs to be sorted out from the document.

The authority of Ji Laozi was questioned and challenged again and again. He stood up with a black face and glared at Letong fiercely. He dropped a sentence, "Letong, you do it yourself!", And then walk away!

Letong knows that he won't give up so easily. This time, it's just talking. Next time, I don't know what tricks he will come up with to deal with her.

Fortunately, she has no other concerns except for her baby. Baby is the grandson of father Ji. He should not do too much to baby. In other words, she just needs to be careful.

At noon, Xiao Li went back to Ji's apartment on time to meet Letong for lunch.

Ji Rui's foot ban has not been lifted, and he can only eat liquid food for the time being. Therefore, his lunch is rice porridge made by Letong. The place to eat is on the bed.

After lunch in the dining room, Letong goes into the bedroom to clean up Ji Rui's dishes.

"Is the baby asleep?" Ji Rui sees that there is a "little tail" missing behind Letong. It is estimated that the little guy has been playing for a whole morning and is tired.

"Well, you can sleep for a while."

On the way back, Letong learns about Ji Rui's morning from Xiao Li. After she goes out, Ji Rui has never been idle.

Ji Rui pulls her hand, rubs it gently in the palm of her hand, and then looks up at Le Tong.

"Is there anything special about going back today?"

Ji Rui's tone is very ordinary. It seems that he is asking if you have eaten.

Keketong knows that Ji Rui's words actually mean something.

"I met the chairman of the board of directors at Ji's, is this a special thing?"

The whole Ji family is a member of Ji Rui. She doesn't think that Ji Rui can hide the fact that he's looking for her. Since he can't hide it, it's the wisest choice to strive for a confession and leniency.

Hear this originally know of answer, Ji Rui unexpectedly is Leng for a while.

He thought that Letong would dodge and try not to let him know about it. Unexpectedly, she didn't even bother to cover up, so she admitted it directly.

It seems that she is more responsible and smarter than she thinks.

"Well, what did you talk about?" Ji Rui would like to fly back to the mansion immediately to beat the old man Ji who is stubborn and stubborn.

He does a lot of things to hinder himself, Ji Rui in addition to heartache, but also a little helpless.

But hearing that he went to find Letong, Ji Rui felt inexplicably angry.

"It's all those. I almost fell asleep."

Letong doesn't have the habit of gossiping. What's more, that man is Ji Rui's father.

As for Ji Laozi's harsh words, they didn't hurt her at all. Since they didn't hurt her, she naturally wouldn't take this matter as an issue to destroy the relationship between them.

Ji Rui deeply stares at her, sees her eyes clear as usual, slightly relieved.

He can roughly imagine what his father will say to Letong. Xiao Li just secretly told him that Mr. Ji had gone to visit his family this morning. Ji Rui didn't have to think about the purpose of his returning to his family in the early morning.

Therefore, he is also worried that Letong will cry to him with red eyes when she comes back. After all, it's not the habit of most women to find someone to comfort her after a little grievance?

Ke Ke Tong said lightly that she was going to sleep.

Obviously, she didn't want him to worry. Moreover, she didn't put Ji Yezi's words in her heart at all.

"Are you sure you didn't cry?"

Ji Rui can hear that Letong's tone is very relaxed, so his tone is soft, and he teases her happily.

Le Tong stares at him one eye, "have, Ji Shi is about to be flooded by my tears, Ji always you want to go back to have a look?"

Ji Rui shook his head, "no, if it's flooded, it's flooded. Anyway, it's also your thing."

They are in a good mood for a while, waiting for Letong to put the dishes and chopsticks back on the tray. They go into the washroom and take a towel to help Ji Rui wash his face and wipe his mouth. Then they take away the small table and force Ji Rui to lie on the bed.

"Ji Rui, the chairman of the board doesn't seem to know that you are injured. Maybe you can leave him alone in this matter?"

Ji Rui neither affirms nor denies, "I don't know. I have to look at the survey results to make a decision."

The old man is famous for his cunning. Who knows if he is putting on some smoke bombs first.

"Recently, pay more attention to the safety of the baby. I'm afraid he will attack the baby." Of course, what Letong said is not about physical injury.

At this time, Letong and Ji Rui don't know that Baobao has already had a single battle with Ji Laozi and coco some time ago. As a result, the two adults are very embarrassed by Baobao.

"Well, I'll ask Xiao Li to arrange it. So do you. You must let Xiao Li accompany you when you go out. Don't act alone for the time being."

Letong nodded, helped Ji Rui cover the quilt, and lowered the temperature of the air conditioner a little.

"I go to work."

Ji Rui looks at her silently, pulls her hand, and kisses her on the back of her hand.

Letong is a little embarrassed. It seems that she is not quite used to this kind of flirting between lovers.

"Sleep..." Letong wants to escape, but his hand is pulled by Ji Rui.

Ji Rui ignores her pull, lips stick on the back of her hand for a long time, just lift eyelid to look at her.

"Letong, it's hard for you."


When Letong returns to Ji's desk, he does not know when to put a lot of documents.

For this kind of hard work, Letong has never been afraid. What she is afraid of is what harm baby and Ji Rui will suffer.

In the past, she never felt that she was bad as an ordinary person. But now, she can't help thinking that if she has a prominent family background like coco, can she help Baobao and Ji Rui solve a lot of problems when they encounter such things?

Thinking of this, Letong laughs at himself.

Don't dream too well! She is so ordinary that she can't be any more ordinary. How can she get along with her family?

Soon after work, Aunt Huang came in with several papers.

"Tongtong, our minister said, please take these documents back to Mr. Ji to have a look."

Le Tong took the past, intact back to the apartment.

Ji Rui, who is sitting next to him typing on the bed, takes those documents and turns them over.

Letong turns to help Ji Rui add a glass of water. When she turns back, she sees Ji Rui frowning and looking at the document.

"What's the matter? What's going on? "

Letong puts the cup on the small table and asks Ji Rui with concern.

"You see." Ji Rui holds the cup in one hand and moves the document in the other hand, pointing to several items of data on the document for Letong to see.

Letong leans over and looks at the contents of the document carefully. This is the sales table of a retail chain of Ji's last month, and the data Ji Rui points to are the main data of the total sales and total expenses of the chain of Ji's last month.

"As far as I know, last month should be the peak season, but it seems that the sales are much lower than last month?"

Yue Tong said, can't help but frown.

For more than a year since she was in Jishi, the business of Jishi's branches has been on the rise. The sales in the peak season are smaller than those in the off-season. This kind of situation is very small. Now it appears, which indicates that there must be something wrong.

Ji Rui nodded, indicating that he agreed with Letong.

"Take the computer and find out the sales tables of the whole year of last year and those months before this year."

Le Tong should be a body, quickly out of the living room to pick up his bag, the baby is nest on the sofa watching TV, see daddy and Mommy busy, he has been obediently do their own things, did not disturb the two.

"Baby, if you are hungry, let uncle Xiao Li warm up a glass of milk for you. Mommy and daddy will cook after they are busy, OK?"

Three thousand today. I'm so sleepy. Good night, girls