Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 409

The president of Jida begged for the small benefits he wanted in the form of half lure and half cheat, and he was in a better mood.

Letong blushed for a while, but she didn't scold him. After all, she and he are now friends and girlfriends. She has to get used to and adapt to this kind of intimacy.

And, to be honest, the feeling of being kissed by him is not a nuisance.

Inside the ward, there is no gloomy atmosphere that the ward should have. On the contrary, the room is full of pink bubbles.

Then the baby, who was sent by Luo yuan'er, rushed to the front of the hospital bed as soon as he entered the door and touched Ji Rui's face anxiously, "Daddy, is it very painful?"

Ji Rui smiles and shakes his head, "Daddy is OK, baby can rest assured!"

The baby can't help but feel strange. Listening to sister yuan'er's saying that daddy was injured and had an operation, but lying on the hospital bed, daddy didn't get hurt at all. On the contrary, he was full of spirit.

The baby turns to see the reddish faced Mommy sitting on the sofa, and looks at the eye-catching daddy lying on the hospital bed laughing, vaguely, as if he understands something.

"Daddy, are you and Mommy..."

Baby put up two thumbs, finger to finger touch.

How can Ji Rui not understand the meaning of baby son? He nodded with a smile.

After knowing that daddy and Mommy are finally reconciled, the baby is also very happy. He pesters Letong and Ji Rui with a lot of chatter. Until the doctor comes in and says that he wants to push Ji Rui to the examination room for a full body examination, the baby remembers that his daddy is a patient, and says to one of the familiar nurses with a bitter face, "sister, when you give daddy an injection, remember to be careful!"

He had been in hospital for so long that he was almost numb to the injection. At that time, both doctors and nurses praised him for his bravery. But judging from what he said now, the little guy was probably in severe pain at that time, but he bit his teeth and endured it.

Ji Rui was pushed into the examination room, he did not let Letong follow, but let Xiao Li follow in.

"President, the man refused to say anything. He also said that he was mentally ill and he was delirious at that time."

The doctor is checking Ji Rui, while Xiao Li stands aside and quietly feeds back the situation of the police to Ji Rui.

"Well, what do you do now?"

"The police can only wait until the man's inspection report comes out." Xiao Li answered truthfully.

"Have you started to look into what I asked you to look into?"

Ji Ruiwei's eyes flashed a sharp light.

It will not be so simple

"Well, I told Yang tezhu that he was in charge of the second and third junior. As for the old chairman... "

At this point, Xiao Li looks embarrassed.

"He's there. I'll find out for myself."


The nurse pushes Ji Rui back. As soon as he enters the ward, the doctor says to le Tong, "Mrs. Ji, please advise Mr. Ji."

Letong stands up and stares at Ji Rui, thinking what kind of trouble does this man make?

"In his current situation, the most important thing for him is to rest in the hospital, not to be discharged from the hospital. No matter how important his work is, he is not as important as his body." The doctor looked discontented.

Letong looks at Ji Rui carefully and sees that the man's face is slightly better than yesterday. In front of so many people, she can't say anything about him, so she has to turn to the doctor.

"Thank you, Dr. Fan! I'll try to persuade him! "

When the medical staff leave, Letong asks luoyuan'er to take her baby out for a walk. Only she and Ji Rui are left in the ward. She sits on the edge of the bed and looks into the man's eyes.

"Why are you in such a hurry to leave the hospital?"

I'm afraid that this man said that he was going to leave the hospital not just because of his work.

"Letong, this is not an accident."

Originally, Ji Rui did not intend to tell Letong the truth of the matter. But Letong is not a person who can be fooled. It's better to tell her the truth than to make her think wildly.

Sure enough, as he expected, Letong's face was unusually calm when she heard this.

"You mean it was premeditated?"


"Who did it?" Yue Tong asked.

Ji Rui shook his head. "I'm not sure yet. Either it's the old man, or his two precious sons, or Coco, or the Yang family..."

Letong's expression, from the beginning of the calm slowly into a surprise.

"The old chairman... And the Yang family..."

To these two possibilities, Le Tong feels a bit inconceivable.

Ji Rui raised a banter smile on his lips, but his face was full of bitterness. "If it wasn't confirmed, I really thought I wasn't his own son."

Yue Tong is even more surprised. She reaches out and holds his big hand on the quilt.

"Isn't that ridiculous? After my mother died, I had my hair and his hair taken for a paternity test, you know? I'd rather I'm not his own son! "

If, if he is not the man's own son, you can be cruel to send him and his two sons to hell to bury his mother!

Yue Tong holds his hand tightly, wants to say something to comfort him, but can't find the right language.

She knows better than anyone that in the face of such a tragedy, any words will appear extremely powerless.

"He thought coco could help his two precious sons get rid of the crime, but unfortunately, that woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If she bumps into me, how can he feel better?"

Coco was severely rejected by him and returned to country y. in a flash, he gave more evidence to the police. Now, the two guys will spend the rest of their lives in prison. Ji Rui's tone was very calm, as if what he said was nothing to do with people who had nothing to do with him.

Ke Ke Tong knew that his heart was actually very uncomfortable, because the big hand she was holding unconsciously held her hand tightly. Her hand was numb and painful, but she didn't say a word, and she didn't want to pull it out.

"The old man was pinched by her, so he turned around and joined hands with her to deal with me."

Letong then understood why Ji Rui was so busy these days. It turned out that he had to deal with the hornet's nest that the old chairman deliberately poked out?

"If there's anything I can do, just tell me to do it. Although I'm not as competent as my elder martial brother, I'll try my best!"

At this time, Letong only hates why she is just a secretary and can't help him share more burden.

"Well, I will!" Ji Rui is not polite.

"As for the Yang family..." Ji Rui hesitated for a moment and then said, "the family situation of Yang Sheng is more complicated than mine. He has to go back this time. A month ago, I came forward to help him deal with some things. Now some people in the Yang family regard me as an eyesore. "

As soon as he explained this, Letong basically understood everything.