Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 410

Even though Letong thinks that the hospital is more suitable for healing than at home, Ji Rui says that there is no sense of security in living in the hospital, and he still has many things to deal with urgently, which is inconvenient in the hospital.

Letong persuades him for a long time. Finally, Ji Rui repeatedly guarantees that he will cooperate with the doctor's on-site inspection twice a day. Moreover, in case of repeated illness, he will be hospitalized immediately until he recovers.

The two finally reached an agreement. That night, Ji Rui left the hospital.

However, he did not return to his home in Longxing garden after he was discharged from hospital. Instead, he moved directly into the newly decorated apartment in the building at the entrance of Letong's house.

But Letong, also because does not trust Ji Rui and moved together with the baby temporarily to take care of Ji Rui.

Ji Rui's wound still can't move because of the doctor's advice, so even when he returns to his new home, Ji Rui is still forbidden by Letong, and can't leave the bedroom without the doctor's permission for a day or two.

On the night of discharge, Letong was very busy, and then settled down. President Ji DA and his baby son had already passed zero after taking a bath.

Sitting in a strange living room with tea, Letong looks around this simple but elegant warm residence, as if in a dream.

When Xiao Li instructs the medical staff to send Ji Rui here, Letong feels cheated. It's clear that he has an apartment so close to here. Why does he never say that she worries about him like a fool several times and asks him to stay.

When he comes in, he sees that there is no sign of living in the house. Ji Rui also explains in time that the house has just been decorated. He was going to move here to take care of her mother and her son. He didn't expect that such a thing happened before he had time to move.

Letong was relieved immediately.

Originally, with her previous relationship with Ji Rui that is nothing, even if he does not tell her, there is an apartment here, it is excusable.

Originally, Letong, who thought it was none of her business for him to have an apartment here, now she calms down and goes around for a visit, so she can't calm down.

After she came back from the hospital, she was so busy that she had no time to observe the two-story apartment.

Until Ji Rui and Baobao are asleep, she has a cup of tea to enjoy the apartment.

The apartment is very large. It's estimated that the single floor area is at least three or four hundred square meters. That's how rich people like Ji Rui can own such an apartment in such a prosperous place.

If let Letong know at this time that more than half of the dozens of floors of the apartment, including the shops on the first and second floors, are Ji Rui's property, she doesn't know if she will think that this apartment is really not a luxury house.

The bottom floor of the apartment is dominated by warm colors, and the colors of beibai and light blue are harmoniously matched, which makes Letong feel that it seems more like her home here.

Because these two kinds of colors are her favorite colors, and the design and concept of each space of the home are based on warmth and comfort, which is similar to the design of her own nest.

If the bottom floor is like her home, the second floor is like Ji Rui's home.

The second floor is mainly black and white. The furniture and furnishings give people a simple and clean sense of clarity, similar to the style of Ji Rui's original apartment.

Even though Letong doesn't want to think about it, the feeling of sitting in the living room on the ground floor is as comfortable and greasy as sitting in her own home, which makes Letong have to think that when Ji Rui asked people to design the bottom floor of the apartment at that time, the decoration was designed according to her preference.

A fool can figure out what it stands for.

At this point, Letong has to admit that Ji Rui, a man, is terrifying and overbearing in many times. He is also subjective and makes people gnash their teeth. However, he spoils a person. Although his means are a little clumsy, he is cute.

Lying on the bed and closing her eyes, Letong thinks that this step she has taken is good for him and herself.
