Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 408

Finally, Letong failed to leave the ward after all. The reason, Letong thinks, is that Ji Rui has a face very similar to the baby.

Such a face with a pathetic expression always reminds her of the baby.

Then, it's hard.

Ji Rui can only eat some liquid food for the time being. Therefore, when Letong is eating the soup dumpling Xiao Li has sent to him, he can only lie on the bed and stare at Letong bored. He doesn't know what he is thinking.

Letong is very annoyed that he can't harden his heart to Ji Rui. Therefore, in front of him, eating the juicy and delicious dumpling, he has a kind of revenge pleasure.

Letong eats with relish, while Ji Rui's two burning eyes stay on her.


After Letong has solved most of the problems, Ji Rui, who has been silent, can't help but open his mouth.

"Huh?" Letong looks up at him. She just put half a bun in her mouth. Her mouth is puffing and her cheek is funny and lovely.

"Let's be together!"

A moment ago, Ji Rui was still telling himself not to be impatient and to give Letong an adaptation period, but the impatient words came out of his mouth uncontrollably.


Le Tong is choked not light, acutely cough for a long time, just slow down to stare at him.

"What did you say?" Letong's tone is a bit blunt.

She admits that she likes him, but it's not a concept to be with him?!

"I said, we are together!" Ji Rui doesn't flinch because of Le Tong's rhetorical question. Since the words have been spoken, Ji Rui is not ready to take them back, because this is his mood at this time.

I want to be with her. I want to be with her.

Yue Tong frowned and gazed at him for a long time before he said, "Mr. Ji, are you going to ascend the sky step by step?"

She is not easy to open up, but also has done a good job in psychological construction, with this man slowly try to get along in the way of lovers.

But even so, still can't keep up with the pace of men.

in harness?

If she understood correctly, his together should mean cohabitation or marriage?

"Mr. Ji, do you think that two people who were originally incompatible with each other would be happy if they were together without any running in?"

For today's Letong, she can accept to associate with Ji Rui, but she feels that she and he are far from "together" in terms of emotion and familiarity.

Ji Rui was stunned. He didn't think about it.

In retrospect, it seems that the situation that he and she are incompatible is a long time ago. During this period of time, as long as he stays with her, no matter what he does, he feels very happy. Therefore, he didn't think that they still need to break in.

He never thought that until now, Letong still thinks that she and he are incompatible!

"You're not happy with me?" Ji Rui's words have the momentum of questioning.

This makes Letong very speechless. All along, he is always in the strong and active side when she gets along with him, while she is in the passive and weak side.

It's not that she is used to being submissive, but that she, as his subordinate, is bound to treat him with a tolerant and accommodating attitude.

"Ji Rui, so to speak, until yesterday, you were still my boss in my mind."

Boss and boyfriend, these are two completely different concepts.

"To the boss, I must obey. Even if I know the grievance, I have to endure some things. But for my boyfriend, I may become very headstrong and sometimes make trouble out of nothing. Have you ever thought about how to face me like this? "

Letong's words let Ji Rui fall into meditation.

Indeed, for a long time, he has been enjoying the meticulous care of Letong. Even if she occasionally blows up her hair and is bullied miserably by him, and occasionally comes to some fierce confrontation, generally speaking, he is the one who is tolerated.

She is only twenty-five years old. She has changed a lot of women. It's time for her parents and boyfriends to take care of her. However, she doesn't seem to enjoy much warmth and love here.

"Letong, I'm sorry. I'm too self righteous and take it for granted." Ji Rui looks at Letong apologetically.

It can't be denied that Letong in Ji Rui's eyes is the image of a good woman. She always takes good care of her baby and is also considerate to him. He didn't think about it. Maybe she wanted to be willful like a child occasionally, to be weak occasionally, and to find a generous shoulder occasionally

Think of here, Ji Rui can not help but shame, for their own selfish, but also for their own natural.

"Why don't we try dating for a while? In the future, you or I will try to forget that I am your boss, OK? "

Ji Rui is not a sweet talker, and he will not say anything nice.

But his two words are more popular than any sweet words.

Letong looks at the man lying in the ward with a side face and sincerely looking at him. For a moment, she can't think of how to respond to him.

Seeing her silent, the man's eyes sank, "Letong?"

Junlang's face is full of uneasiness and uneasiness.

Letong was moved. She didn't expect that the arrogant, indifferent and stereotyped man would adjust his attitude so quickly to respond to her.

"Well, let's try first." Yue Tong nodded.

Ji Rui, lying on the bed, breathed a long breath.

Although there is still a certain distance between the relationship of communication and the relationship of "being together" he hopes, it is a good start on the whole.

As long as she is willing to give him a chance, he will have the confidence to let her change her mind.

"Letong, can I apply for a little welfare first?"

The man who got the relationship security soon began to feel uneasy again.

Letong has finished her breakfast and is sitting on the sofa drinking water. She hears the man say so and looks up at him in confusion.

"What benefits?"

The man raised his hand and pointed at her.

Letong put down the cup in confusion and stepped to the bedside, "what? Does it hurt? "

After asking, she directly lifted the quilt. Without waiting for him to say anything, she lifted his clothes and looked at the wound. When she saw that the wound was dry, she helped him cover the quilt.

Looking at her as nervous as a mother about her injury, Ji Rui is in a better mood. When she pulls the quilt under her armpit, he grabs her hand.

"Letong, I want to ask you something." Ji Rui hooks her fingers again.

Yue Tong doesn't know where she is. She puts her face close to her. Without waiting for her reaction, the man's hand reaches out and clasps her back brain. She pulls it hard. She kisses him on the lips.