Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 407

The head nurse calls the doctor in a hurry. The doctor frowns and orders the head nurse to quickly disinfect Ji Rui's wound, re bandage it, and prescribe some medicine for Ji Rui to take.

Before leaving, the doctor told Ji Rui to be careful.

"Mr. Ji, although this knife didn't hurt the vital part, your abdominal wound is very large. Repeated bleeding will increase the possibility of wound inflammation. If it causes other complications, it will be troublesome."

Ji Rui is very tolerant of pain. In the process of cleaning and dressing his wound, he didn't say a word. On the contrary, he was Letong, standing on one side, clenching his fist and biting his lip, as if the person suffering from the pain was her.

The doctor sees Ji Rui just light ground nodded, think he didn't listen to words in the ear at all, then turn to see to le Tong.

"Mrs. Ji, although Mr. Ji's foundation is good, he lost a lot of blood yesterday. No matter how good his foundation is, it can't stand repeated tosses. You should take a good look at him."

This doctor is Dr. Fan who operated on Ji Rui yesterday. Xiao Li's words yesterday made him think that Letong was Ji Rui's wife. At that time, Letong didn't care about it. Now he really listens to it and his face turns red uncontrollably.

"Doctor fan, you misunderstood..." Letong wanted to explain that she was not Mrs. Ji.

Ji Rui, who has been lying on the bed with no expression on his face, suddenly pulls out a very friendly smile at doctor fan and interrupts Le Tong's words“ Thank you, Dr. Fan. My wife will take good care of it. "

Doctor fan nodded, but he didn't find anything wrong.

The injured person did not say that he would pay attention, but said that his wife would pay attention. This seems to imply that his wound is bleeding again because of his wife's carelessness.

The two nurses who stood by to bandage the wound of President Ji, covered their lips and laughed secretly. It seemed that they understood what President Ji said.

Letong, however, has been too lazy to argue with the president of Jida for his false talk. Because, she knows better than anyone, the point of man's sentence is not to put in the booty, but to emphasize that she is his "wife".

This man has a strong possessive desire for himself. It's not the first time that Letong knows about it. However, before, he had no fame and no share. No matter how strong his desire is, he rarely shows himself in front of the public.

Now, he just gave him a little express, and he climbed up the bamboo pole.

Fan explained a few more words, but Letong didn't care.

The doctor led the two nurses away. As soon as the door closed, Ji Rui, who was lying on the bed, looked at her with a smile

Letong's scalp is numb, and she stares at him.

"Don't scream!"

She had a headache. If she had thought that this man was a shameless rascal after he stripped off his skin, she would not have admitted that she was moved.

"What's that called?" The man stared at her without blinking.

In the past, Letong always thought that baby son was as sticky and paste as dog skin plaster.

But baby son's degree is nothing compared with the big man in front of him.

Besides, the baby is actually afraid of her.

As long as her face sank, the little guy would not dare to make mistakes, but in front of this man, it seems hard and soft to eat!

Thinking of this, Letong can't help scolding herself for being too naive. Last night, she even thought that if she became his girlfriend, she would have a chance to recover the grievances and grievances she had suffered from him.

But now it seems that he has to be constantly bullied. How can a serf turn over and sing?

The man lying on the bed, seeing Letong staring at himself in a dull voice, had an uncertain expression on his pretty face, which made him cry in his heart.

"Well, it's just a name. Can you be so serious?"

Ji Rui tries to make things right. Although calling her Mrs. Ji will make her feel very comfortable, the person concerned seems to be quite crazy about this title. He'd better call her less.

He knows better than anyone that he can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

In particular, she has just figured out that if he forces her too hard, she will definitely let him go.

Ji Rui took soft, originally quite depressed Le Tong, then embarrassed to care about it again.

He is a wounded person. She can't talk about trivial things, but she has nowhere to vent her sullen spirit. Letong has to stand up, push the chair away and turn around.

"Where are you going?"

It seems that she is going to leave, which frightens Ji Rui.

Letong glanced at him faintly. "I'm hungry. I'll go out and buy something to eat. Your breakfast will be sent by Aunt Guan later."

In fact, Letong is not hungry. She just wants to go out for a breath.

The relationship between her and him suddenly changed, and the way they got along seemed to change as well.

This kind of change, let her a little cannot accept.

She had to go out for a walk, take it easy, take it easy.

Ji Rui stares at her tightly, grabs the palm of her hand and increases the strength secretly.

"Letong, accompany me."

Once upon a time that invincible man, this tone, actually with a bit of cry.

Letong had already turned around and listened to him. She couldn't help but turn her head to look at him.

"You can sleep for a while. I'll go out and come back soon."

Ji Rui doesn't believe her at all. He thinks that if he lets go now, maybe she will go directly.

"I can't sleep. Let Xiao Li buy what you want."

Ji Rui pulls Le Tong's hand, and the strength increases a few points. Le Tong stands unsteadily, staggers backward, and falls on the edge of the bed.

After hearing a body of stuffy hum behind him, Letong hurriedly props up, only afraid that he will press Ji Rui again, "Ji Zong, are you ok?"

Ji Rui frowned, pursed his lips and said nothing. Letong's face turned white instantly.

Flurried to open the quilt, hesitated for a moment, clenched his teeth, stretched out his hand to lift Ji Rui's clothes. When she saw the new bandage on his abdomen was white, she was relieved.

"Mr. Ji, have you forgotten what the doctor said just now? If you move wildly again, the wound will become inflamed in a large area and you will be in trouble! "

Letong twists her eyebrows to teach Ji Rui a lesson.

Ji Rui doesn't seem to hear her lecture at all. He grabs her hand and looks at her deeply.

"Letong, are you angry?"

Ji Rui asked carefully. His expression at this time is similar to the expression when the baby looks at Le Tong when he does something wrong.

Facing this face, which not only has similar facial features, but also looks like a baby son, Letong softens even if her heart is hard.

"I'm not angry. I just can't get used to it all of a sudden..."

Letong thinks that in the future, she is afraid that she will be eaten to death by this man who can play a rogue and pretend to be poor.

Thinking of this, Letong can't help but feel sad for herself in the future!