Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 406

Before Letong has time to respond, he sees Ji Rui's handsome face with a smile. In the twinkling of an eye, he bares his teeth and faces bitterly.

Yue Tong immediately realized that she had just been eaten tofu and squinted at him.

"Pain? You deserve it Knowing that his injury was not in danger, Letong gloated.

Ji Rui doesn't care to quarrel with her. He pulls the wound in his abdomen because he is forced to stand up. The pain makes him take a breath of cold air. Unconsciously, he gathers a smile and takes back his hand to support the bed. He slowly lies down.

As a victim of sneak attack and molestation, although she deserves it, she holds his shoulders lightly with her hands, and makes him lie back in bed in a balanced position.

"The wounded should have the consciousness of the wounded. What else can you do when your body is like this?" Letong's mouth hurt him badly.

She was thin skinned. After she was eaten tofu, she naturally wanted to pull back. Her original intention was to tease Ji Rui. When she was hurt like this, she still had those colorful things in her mind.

But she didn't know that the most unbearable thing for men was that they were suspected of lacking some ability.

Even though Letong's words are mostly out of good intentions, they inadvertently trample on Ji Rui's self-esteem as a normal man!

Ji Rui was so hurt that he stretched his face. Hearing what Le Tong said, his eyes narrowed and his hand stretched out. He fished Le Tong into himself.

Yue Tong sprang on his chest unprepared. "General Ji, you..."

Worry about the words have not yet had time to say it out, he was a man with a rough sense of lip all blocked in the mouth.

Le Tong thought that this man is not fatal? Is she still thinking about eating her tofu? No wonder it's not a knife on the head of the color word. Even if you are as cold as president Ji, you can't avoid cutting on the color word!

If the person who was eaten tofu was not Letong herself, she would definitely make fun of him. But at the moment, as the person who was eaten tofu, she was ashamed and annoyed.

She opened her eyes wide at the man, and saw that the man was tightening his eyebrows. It was estimated that the wound was very painful, but the hand he clasped on her back was wrapped around her back like a chain.

Although the man is wringing his eyebrows, his lips are as aggressive as himself. After sucking and biting her lips, his flexible tongue tries to pry her teeth open and enter her mouth.

Yue Tong, who had zero experience in this field, frowned slightly when she was treated with no gentleness.


This kind of intertwining of lips and teeth is not like kissing. On the contrary, it is more like the action of the strong to attack the weak in order to show their overwhelming strength. Letong is full of resistance from the heart to the body.

However, even though she was full of resistance, she was still worried about his wound and did not dare to struggle too much. She just closed her teeth and did not mean to compromise at all.

Ji Rui's lips rolled on her lips a few times. He saw that she didn't feel loose at all, or he felt disappointed, or the wound was so painful that he didn't have the strength to entangle with her, so he finally let her go.

As soon as he let go of his hand, Letong sat up straight, stared at him with wide eyes and swore, "are you crazy? Don't you know you're hurt? You're not going to die, are you? Think it's a hospital and it's convenient for rescue? "

Ji Rui's wound is really painful, but after being bombarded by Letong's continuous bombardment, he forgets the pain. He just stares at her angry face, looks at it, and raises his lips and smiles slightly.

Letong was so angry that she raised her hand to smoke him, but she worried about his wound. She raised her hand and finally fell on his shoulder, which was lighter than the strength of the massage.

"Still smile, really don't want to die?" Letong stares at him.

Ji Rui grabbed her hand with his backhand, looked at her with a smile, and said, "then you kiss me, I'll give you this life?"

Letong almost didn't vomit blood! If she can, she really wants to catch him to distinguish the true from the false. Is this man really the former president of Ji University, who has been suffering from facial paralysis all the year round? Or is that a stab not in the belly, but in his brain?

"Mr. Ji, please respect yourself!" Letong rolled his eyes at him in a bad mood!

Ji Rui grabs her hand to her mouth and kisses her gently, but her eyes are staring at her from beginning to end.

"You're my girlfriend. It's not a foul to kiss you?" Ji Rui seems to completely forget the pain, deep eyes full of innocent staring at her.

Facing such a shameless man, Letong wants to take back all those words just now.

However, the words you say are like the water you pour out. You want to take them back, unless Ji Rui loses his memory.

"I'm your girlfriend? I didn't say that

However, since he can play a rogue, she can play a fool, can't she?

Ji Rui squints his eyes and looks at her for a long time. He doesn't say a word. Then he releases her hand and hands it to ring the call bell on the wall.

Le Tong's attention is pulled away suddenly, the heart is seized abruptly, "general Ji, isn't it uncomfortable?"

Anxiously asked, hand over to the past, a ring on the call bell.

Ji Rui shakes his head with a calm look at the anxious sight of Yue Tong. "I'm not uncomfortable, but don't you say you haven't said anything? I just want the dean to tune out the video just now, so as to confirm whether it's my auditory hallucination or your amnesia! "

"..." Letong was blocked up for a moment!

When Le Tong was embarrassed, there was a knock on the door. Then, the door was pushed open, and the head nurse on duty came in and asked.

"Mr. Ji, is there something wrong?"

"Well, I accidentally involved the wound, please help me deal with it."

Yue Tong secretly spat in the heart a, hum, had better even that mouth also handle together.

However, although she hummed in her heart, she couldn't help looking at Ji Rui's abdomen.

The head nurse came over and lifted the quilt, gently lifted his clothes, wrapped the gauze around his abdomen, revealing a large piece of shocking scarlet.

Letong and the head nurse took a breath of air at the same time!

At this time, Letong really wants to pry Ji Rui's brain open and see what's inside him. Knowing that his body can't help tossing, he's still so restless!

[something happened at home. It's very late these days to calm down and code words. Thank you for your understanding and perseverance. I've read all the messages and will take the time to reply. Next, bamboos try to calm down and code words. I love each one of you very much! Thank you for your encouragement! Thank you for your company!]