Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 405

Although the man is in a coma, but the dry lips have bursts of cool attack, instinctively, slightly open the mouth, out of the tongue to lick.

Letong knew that he was probably thirsty, but he didn't dare to move him casually, so she had to patiently and repeatedly give him a little moistening with cotton swabs.

This boring action, Letong repeated for nearly half an hour, and then, she noticed that the man's originally pale face, began to appear bursts of strange red meaning.

Looking at the man's forehead, I don't know when it was covered with a layer of sweat.

Yue Tong screams that it's not good. She reaches out and touches the man's face and forehead. It's really hot.

After ringing the bell, the doctor and the nurse rushed over and gave Ji Rui an injection to relieve his fever. The man with a fever just frowned and didn't say a word.

Letong doesn't dare to be careless. She keeps wiping the sweat on the man with a dry towel. As for her lower body, she doesn't have the courage to take care of it. She has to let him sweat his pants and let the bodyguard come in to change his pants.

So back and forth, until midnight, Ji Rui's fever completely subsided, tired into a dog's Letong, originally just want to lie on the bed for a rest, who knows, this rest, sleep in the past.

When Ji Rui wakes up, the sky just shows white.

Before he opened his eyes, he habitually supported the bed with his hands and wanted to sit up. However, with a slight straightening of his waist, he cried out in pain and fell back to the bed.

He then remembered that when he went to the bookstore to buy books last night, he was stabbed from the front.

So, he's in the hospital now?

Ji Rui opens his eyes slightly. Because he can't get up, he can only turn his head slightly to see the landscape above. Judging from the instruments and medicine bags hanging at the head of the bed, this is definitely a hospital.

Yes, he was stabbed. How could Xiao Li not send him to the hospital.

It's just, he's in the hospital, how come she's there?

Ji Rui's vision falls on the face of the woman who sleeps sweetly with her head tilted on her arm, and she can't move away.

He remembers very clearly that when he fainted, he told Xiao Li not to tell Le Tong. It seems that the boy didn't take his words seriously.

Look at her sleeping posture. She seems to be sleeping very well. In her hand, she is still holding a towel tightly.

Ji Rui tried to recall what happened last night, but he didn't really remember what happened after he was in a coma. In a hazy moment, it seemed that something was wet and cool on his lips, and he kept going over and over again.

Later, it seemed that he had a fever for a while, which made him feel uncomfortable. But now he didn't feel sticky and greasy after the fever. On the contrary, he felt very fresh. Could it be said that she was wiping herself all night?

Think of here, Ji Rui's vision is more and more soft. I can't help but reach over and lift the wisp of hair on her face.

"Well..." maybe his action is a little heavy. After Letong uttered a vague low voice, he rubbed his face between his arms, then raised his head and opened his eyes.

On Ji Rui deep eyes, Letong face now a gentle smile, "wake up?"

Said, sit straight body slightly stretched a stretch, a moment ago also with sleepy eyes, a moment clear.

"Well..." Ji Rui can only smile and blink, as a response to her.

For him now, a very small action may involve the wound. When he reached out his hand just now, he almost cried out in pain.

"It hurts, doesn't it?" The pain in his eyes flashed by, but he couldn't escape Le Tong's sharp eyes.

"It's ok..." Ji Rui hasn't slowed down yet, but he wants to pretend to be light in front of Le Tong.

First, he didn't want her to worry. Second, he was a man and didn't want to be too timid in front of his beloved woman.

Letong takes a deep look at him. Without saying a word, she picks up the towel and turns to the bathroom.

After Letong goes in, Ji Rui's wound pain finally eases down. Listening to the sound of water coming from the bathroom, Ji Rui is wondering if she is angry, but she comes out with a wash basin in her hand. "Wash your face. I'll ask the doctor later to see if you can eat."

She put the basin on the chair and said as she lowered her head and twisted the towel.

"I can't take a bath these two days. Let Xiao Li wipe your body for you later."

With that, the hot and humid towel has been pasted on Ji Rui's face.

"Just wipe it for me. Don't bother Xiao Li." Ji Rui looks at her straightforwardly, as if labor is not trouble for her.

Letong just thinks that the man doesn't remember last night. Although she's embarrassed, her mouth is very hard.

"If you don't have a relationship, let Xiao Li help you." She tried to keep a straight face.

But the man on the bed didn't take her mask seriously at all. He raised his lips and said with a smile.

"Yes? Who wiped me last night? " His voice, which had been burning all night, became very sandy and heavy.

But this voice, unexpectedly, makes people feel very sexy. The murmur is like a fine feather, scratching in Letong's heart, which makes her itch.

"It's not me, anyway!" Le Tong is still hard mouthed, but the blush on her face betrays her very directly.

Ji Rui doesn't poke her either, but he is in a good mood. He obediently raises his chin and asks her to wipe his neck.

Ji Ruiwei raised his head and never looked away from her face.

Le Tong seems to feel his burning vision, but he doesn't say anything. He just stares at him a little. Then he gently raises his head with one hand and pushes the towel to his ear tail with the other hand to help him clean his back neck.

Ji Rui is like a docile and obedient child, obediently at her disposal.

However, Ji Rui, who has always been insensitive to emotional matters, unexpectedly sees her angry and worried eyes from her. In addition, although she scolds, her hand is extremely gentle and sensitive to her changes.

"Letong, do you have a clear idea?"

Ji Rui asked, regardless of the wound on his body, raised his hand and pressed it on Letong's hand sticking to his back neck.

Letong did not answer him, but dropped his eyes, Ji Rui looked at her long eyelashes gently shaking, heart, also with a tremor shaking.

Just when he thought that Letong wanted to use any excuse to prevaricate him, her black and long eyelashes rose, and her black eyes were full of tenderness that made him want to drown.

"Well!" Yue Tong simply nodded. Without waiting for Ji Rui to say anything, she laughed at herself again, "am I stupid?"

The baby often scolds his father as a fool. It turns out that she is also a fool when she is a mommy!

The man hooked his lips and blinked. His body suddenly propped up. His slightly dry lips were like a dragonfly skimming water. He gave her a kiss on her lips. "Stupid is stupid, but stupid matches stupid, just right!"