Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 404

When the doctor came out, Letong was still struggling in the pile of multiple-choice questions with only yes or no answers.

However, when the doctor said, "I'm very glad that the knife didn't hurt Mr. Ji. The operation went smoothly."

Letong's heart, originally full of haze, suddenly brightened and became clear.

Human life is originally fragile. After experiencing the things of mother and baby, doesn't she know better than anyone?

If, today that knife really unfortunate inserted Ji Rui's vital point, that she, can't for oneself know later like and regret?

In a second, Letong gave up the struggle and made a decision.

If you like it, why shrink and hide?

Although she Letong has no outstanding ability, there is nothing she can't afford to lose. Since he says she likes her, and she just likes him, isn't it a happy thing for everyone?

Life is short. There is no need to compensate for the happy present and happy future for the past two people's festivals and discomforts.

Moreover, if she becomes his girlfriend, can she recover the anger she suffered from him?

Thinking of this, Letong is in a better mood.

If the president of Ji Da, who is in a coma in the hospital bed at this time, knows that Letong has such a mind, I don't know whether he would rather never wake up.

"Doctor, where is he now?"

Of course, Letong is not sure whether she is in a good mood because she heard the doctor say Ji Rui is OK, or because she has a lot of opportunities to ask for her former grievances in the future.

"Mr. Ji has been sent back to the intensive care unit. We have arranged intensive care to take care of him. Are you miss?"

The doctor didn't see Letong before the operation, so he didn't know her identity very well.

"I am him..." Yue Tong habitually wants to say that I am his secretary.

"Dr. Fan, she is the mother of Mr. Ji's son!" One side of Xiao Li, suddenly cut in.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You're Mrs. Ji, right? Mr. Ji is in intensive care unit room 1001. You can go to see him, but he won't wake up until tomorrow."

Le Tong originally good mood, inexplicably sink Shen, "is not that he is not dangerous?"

She only worries about Ji Rui's injury, but she doesn't care what the doctor calls her. She has become Mrs. Ji!

"Well, no anesthesia."

Letong was slightly relieved and said, "thank you, doctor!" He turned and walked toward the elevator.

The doctor fan looked at her back for a long time, then asked the nurse behind her, "is that the mother of the child who miraculously recovered a while ago?"

"Well, Dr. Fan, have you heard about it not long after you returned home? It's really moving... "

For those comments about herself and the baby and the man behind her, Letong didn't hear them. Even if she heard them, she wouldn't care, because at this time, she was thinking about meeting the man quickly.

That stupid man who was stabbed to buy her a book!

When the ICU was pushed away, the nurse was hanging liquid medicine on the motionless man on the bed. When she heard the door ring, the nurse turned her head. Unexpectedly, it was a nurse surnamed Liu that she had known when she was in hospital.

"Miss le." Nurse Liu smiles and nods to Letong.

"Nurse Liu, how is he?"

Letong quickly walks to the hospital bed, and her worried eyes fall on the man's face.

"Mr. Ji lost a lot of blood, but he's in good health. He didn't hurt anything. He should recover soon."

Letong dragged a chair and sat down beside the bed naturally.

"Is there anything special to pay attention to?" Look at her, she is ready to accompany the night.

"Pay attention to the situation at night. If you have a fever, let us know as soon as possible."


Nurse Liu explained some matters, and then turned out of the ward. Xiao Li had been standing at the end of the bed. After the nurse went out, he said, "Miss Le, why don't you go back to accompany the young master? Just give it to me."

Letong is not in a hurry to answer him, but takes out the phone and goes outside to dial a series of numbers.

"Yuaner, do you have time now?"

"Tong Tong, are you willing to take the initiative to ask me out? I have to put off all the big things, don't you?" Luo yuan'er's cheerful voice came from the phone.

"Ji Rui is injured and hospitalized. The baby is at home alone. Can you go and accompany him? I'm in the central hospital. Can you bring my baby here tomorrow? "

To Luo Yuan Er, Le Tong is never polite.

"All right, I'll be there right now. You can take care of the patient." Luo yuan'er didn't ask much. Without a word, he took the work down. Even though she is very gossiping about her best friend and the great demon, she knows that this is not the time to gossiping.

"Well, I'll hang up first."

Since Baobao and Letong met, Baobao's attitude towards luoyuan'er has definitely changed 180 degrees. Probably, it's called love and love.

And Luo yuan'er, who is domesticated by Le Tong, is more and more fond of Ji Baobao. Their relationship is very good. Therefore, Le tong can confidently give her baby to her friends.

After Letong makes a phone call, she returns to the ward. Xiao Li is standing by the window and making a phone call in a low voice.

See Letong back, Xiao Li voice with people said a few words, and then hastily close the line.

"Brother Li, there is a rest room next to him. You can go to sleep for a while. Ji always has me with him."

"But..." Xiao Li is embarrassed to see Ji Rui who is in a coma on the doctor's bed.

"He'll be fine. You've been running with Mr. Ji these two days, and you're tired. Go to sleep. There should be a lot of things for you to deal with tomorrow."

After being Ji Rui's Secretary for so long, Letong naturally knows.

In addition to Baobao, Ji Rui's most trusted person in the company is Yang Sheng. In Ji's family, his most trusted person is Xiao Li, who is also a driver and bodyguard.

Although Xiao Li doesn't think it's good, he can't refute Le Tong's words. He has to nod his head, go out and command several bodyguards to guard them strictly, and then turn to the rest room next door to have a rest.

In the ward, only Letong sitting in front of the bed and Ji Rui sleeping on the bed are left.

The man, who usually had a severe or paralyzed face, fell asleep. His skin, which was originally wheat colored, seemed pale because of excessive blood loss.

His lips, which are naturally sensual and often sharp, thin and affectionate, are probably dry because of lack of water.

For Le Tong, who has reached the level of professional intensive care, naturally won't look at him. He gets up, takes a cup, pours warm water, uses a cotton swab to dip some water, and slowly smears it on Ji Rui's lips.