Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1046

Ji Huan pulled out his hair with his hand and said with a smile, "I thought I would come back to you when I went to the hair salon to clean it up tomorrow!"

Bamboo light rain was blinded by his smile, slightly don't open face, move the line of sight, "this is also very good..."

Ji Huan laughs more happily, "is, the key is, the person looks handsome, the hairstyle is not important."

Zhu Qianyu is amused by his narcissism and laughs. This is one of the few spontaneous smiles she has had in the past month.

Ji Huan did not mention that day in the Cantonese restaurant, nor did he ask her anything about her "boyfriend". It seems that he left this month not because of her words, but because of his busy work.

Ji Huan didn't mention that day, but Zhu Qianyu himself was more embarrassed to mention it. They talked about work and gossip just like they used to chat in a coffee shop.

Until the mobile phone alarm rings, Ji Huan gets up to pour a cup of warm water, takes out the medicine from the medicine bag, and according to the instructions above, takes out several capsules and hands them to Zhu Qianyu.

"Take the medicine and have a good sleep. It'll be all right tomorrow."

Zhu Qianyu took the medicine from his palm, put it into his mouth and took it with a few mouthfuls of warm water.

As soon as she finished her medicine, Ji Huan drove her back to bed. As before, he stood beside the bed to protect her and went to bed. He watched her get into the bed and cover the quilt, and then he ordered.

"You should pay attention to your temperature tonight. If you don't get rid of the fever or even get worse, remember to ask your classmates to accompany you to the hospital. Even if you get rid of the fever tomorrow morning, ask your classmates to take a day off and have a day off for you, OK?"

Bamboo light rain nodded to know, "you go back, come back from other places, even home did not come back to run to see me, sorry ah!"

Until then, bamboo light rain just polite.

Ji Huan reached over and rubbed her head, "sleep, why are you so polite to me? I'm leaving!"

"Well, by-by-by!"

"I'll call you tomorrow, or you can call me. Let's go!" Ji Huan waved to her and went out with the garbage he had just collected.

He just left for a few minutes, and his roommate came back.

The roommate opened the curtain of bamboo light rain, reached out and pushed her. When she opened her eyes, the roommate asked, "little bamboo, is he your boyfriend?"

Bamboo light rain of took medicine, originally already drowsy, by roommate push wake up, then a little impatient irritable, "he is not!"

Roommate is very slow, listen to her deny, only when she is embarrassed.

"Xiaozhu, you said to go to practice every Saturday and Sunday. In fact, you went on a date with that handsome guy just now?"

Bamboo light rain more and more fidgety, "I said not is not!"

The roommate said with a smile, "you said no, but I think the handsome guy really likes you. Just as he entered the door, he was so nervous that his face turned white. Maybe he thought you were very ill."

Zhu Qianyu wanted to shut up her roommate who was as annoyed as a fly, but she didn't do it in the end. She just turned her back and lifted the quilt to cover herself tightly.

The roommate outside the quilt kept on talking for a while. I don't know whether it was because he couldn't get a response or because he was tired. After a few minutes, Zhu Qianyu's ears finally cleared.

Originally, she was lying in bed and wanted to think about herself and Ji Huan, but after her roommate's voice stopped, she fell asleep in a daze.

In the middle of the night, she was awakened by the heat. She was sweating all over. She was very uncomfortable and sticky. Touching her forehead, it seemed that she had not burned.

I got up and took a shower. Then I got back to bed and went to sleep.

This sleep, then sleep to the next day more than nine.

When I took the phone and looked at the time, I found that there was an unread message on my mobile phone. The sender was Ji Huan.

"Better? Give me a call when you wake up

Bamboo light rain is not in a hurry to reply to the past, get up to wash, she you help her buy breakfast to eat, this just took out the phone to pull out.

"Awake? Are you all right? " Ji Huan's voice, as always, full of vitality, bamboo light rain was a little lazy, hear his voice, the spirit of one shock.

"It's OK. It's gone in the middle of the night. Thank you last night." Return to normal bamboo light rain, less dependence, more alienation.

She knows very well that as long as she gives in a little, it will be three adults and two lovely children who will be hurt.

"If it's OK, pay more attention to the weather forecast in the future. If necessary, put a folding umbrella in your backpack."

Ji Huan is a big man, but he is easy to grasp the details of his life.

"Well, I will." Bamboo light rain deliberately make yourself appear higher and colder.

Because she was afraid that she was ill last night and gave Ji Huan a wrong hint.

But the other party, but did not seem to recognize her alienation and indifference, "OK, I hang up, free to contact."

Ji Huan, who retreated so easily, was unexpected.

Clearly is oneself installs Gao Leng, after hung up the telephone bamboo light rain, actually a little disappointed.

This time, will he contact again, as he did last time, but not see anyone for a month?

But even so, what?

He and she, originally just friends, friends do not meet for a month, very normal ah.

Just like sister and Xing Bolun, their feelings are deeper, but they often don't see each other once in a few months.

Alas, if I don't see Ji Huan for a few months, will I forget him, or will I just live a life of walking dead and being loveless?

Zhu Qianyu thought about it and thought that he was too weak to wait to die. Finally, he decided to relax this Saturday and Sunday and report a tour group to the neighboring city for two days.

Anyway, she has been in r city for such a long time, and she has only focused on learning. She has no time to visit many tourist attractions around her.

With the idea of immediate action of bamboo light rain, directly pulled the phone Tian Fang, please two days off.

Tian Fang is also straightforward, "yes, although you are an intern, it's not too much to take two days of paid vacation after several months' work. Go ahead, don't worry about this. I'll say hello to the directors. You can come back next week."

Bamboo light rain didn't expect Tian Fang will be so straightforward, originally also ready to be deducted money, unexpectedly, not only don't need to deduct money, also gave her two days paid holiday.

It's really good for the staff.

Ten minutes later, Zhu Qianyu received a message from Ji Huan, "I bought some local products when I was away on business. I forgot to give them to you yesterday. When is it convenient for you, or I'll see you this Saturday? I'll bring it to you by the way. "

Bamboo light rain thought for a moment, back to him, "next week, I have something this week."

After returning to the past, Zhu Qianyu suddenly has a ridiculous idea. Does Ji Huan know about asking for leave to play?