Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1045

"Students, please eat these."

Bamboo light rain propped up to sit up, heard the voice of Ji Huan outside the curtain, there is a kind of illusion in a dream.

How many didn't listen to his voice? How long has it been since I saw him?

one month?

Why, however, does she feel that it has been half a lifetime?

She is so old that she has never tried to live like this.

I've never tried. Like this, I feel gloomy in front of me. I don't have any meaning to live!

Ten or twenty minutes ago, when she took the phone with a little confusion and saw the caller ID on the screen, Shengsheng gave a pep talk. She suddenly became extremely sober.

After a month of suffering and torture, she has gone from denial to expectation and then to disappointment. Recently, she has been completely desperate.

She thought, Ji Huan this person, really thoroughly walked out from her life.

The gentle boy with a bright smile like the sun is completely away from him.

So, when she saw the flickering "Jihuan" on the screen, her voice trembled with excitement.

Before pressing the connect button, she thought, after connecting, be sure to ask him where he has been during this period of time.

But when she really heard his voice, she found that she could not organize any language, and her mind was blank. She only understood what he asked and what she answered passively.

When she heard him ask, "is it uncomfortable?" For a moment, I was so wronged that I wanted to cry.

If she is not in a bad mood, she will not get caught in the rain, she will not have a cold and fever

Yes, it's all his fault!

It was he who made her feel at the bottom of the valley, so that she could not distinguish between the southeast and northwest, wandering in the campus in the end.

But on second thought, he left because of her lies.

So, in the final analysis, the culprit is herself!

However, apart from using such an excuse to push him away, what else could she do?

She admitted that she really liked him.

However, like can not be an excuse to hurt others.

Sitting in the curtain of bamboo light rain, the heart of the two villains in a fierce tug.

No one admits defeat, but no one can win.

"Xiaoyu... The rice porridge is cold. Can you get up and have some first?" Ji Huan asked softly outside the curtain.

Bamboo light rain this just gave up struggling, should a, "good...", raised hand Shun, a little messy hair, looked down at his clothes, confirm neat and tight, just reached out to lift the curtain.

Ji Huan is lowering his head to help her take out the rice porridge and the small cage bag and put them away. Bamboo light rain just sees his drooping face.

I don't know if it's an illusion. I always feel that he is darker and thinner than a month ago, and the outline of his face is particularly deep.

Hair seems to be a lot longer than before, bangs half hanging to cover the forehead, slightly long sideburns close to the side face, let him appear more childish than the original.

Looking at the past from the perspective of bamboo light rain, I feel more and more like a student.

In this way, bamboo light rain raised his hand, lifted the curtain and looked at him without blinking.

Ji Huan took off the lid of the lunch box and bowl, put the chopsticks and spoon in the cup, poured some boiling water into the cup and scalded it for a while. He raised his head to call Zhu Qianyu.

Jiongjiong's eyes, straight into the bamboo light rain look at the line of sight.

"It's ready to eat. Come down!"

Ji Huan toward her grin, step forward, hands help bed frame.

"Well..." bamboo light rain hand climb up and down the shelf, foot stretch down, Ji Huan then moved again, behind her open arm to do, seems to be afraid of falling her.

Bamboo light rain some embarrassment, twist to he said with a smile, "I go up and down several times every day, will not fall."

Ji Huan is still standing straight to protect, "that is usually, you now have a cold and fever."

Bamboo light rain eyes a dark, he shouldn't ignore her? Why are you still so tender and considerate?

How can she push him away again?

Bamboo light rain just sit down, Ji Huan then put spoon chopsticks into her left and right hands respectively, "I know you don't have appetite, but still take advantage of the heat to eat a little, the disease can get better quickly."

Bamboo light rain did not look up, quietly picked up the spoon scooped rice porridge into his mouth.

"Do you want vinegar when you eat xiaolongbao? I've got some for you."

Ji Huan said, and took a small box out of the bag, opened the lid and handed it to her.

Bamboo light rain looked up at him, 3 pointed to the chair beside, "you sit, you eat?"

Jihuan Yiyan sat down beside her, "I'm having dinner with my family nearby, so I want to come and see you by the way."

"Oh..." Zhu Qianyu nodded to show that he knew. He lowered his head to eat porridge silently.

Ji Huan saw that she only ate a small cage bag and no longer stretched out her chopsticks. He frowned slightly, "is the small cage bag not delicious? I did buy it in the fifth room in the south gate. "

As everyone knows, bamboo light rain is not dislike small cage bag is not delicious, but, at the moment, her heart is in a mess, eating porridge is just an unconscious action, in fact, she does not know what she is eating.

"Delicious. I just want to have some rice porridge to warm my stomach first." Bamboo light rain wake up quickly explained.

Under the surveillance of Ji Huan, Zhu Qianyu ate half a bowl of rice porridge and a drawer of small cages.

After eating, bamboo light rain want to clean up, but Ji Huan hand to stop, "you a patient show off what strong?"

Bamboo light rain had to take back the hand, let Ji Huanli ground things away.

"I'll sit with you for a while, and I'll leave when you take the medicine." Ji Huan sat down again.

When Ji Huan came in, there was only Zhu Qianyu and the roommate who opened the door.

Then, the roommate took Ji Huan's big bag of food and went to the dormitory next door to chat.

At this time, the dormitory, only Ji Huan and bamboo light rain two people.

Zhu Qianyu thinks that Ji Huan will talk about this month, but he just asks her how she's been recently, whether the work in Xinying is hard, whether the school is heavy, and so on.

Bamboo light rain answered one by one, finally, can't help but ask him.

"You've been busy lately?" Bamboo light rain carefully observed his reaction.

Ji Huan nodded calmly, "yes, I'm really busy recently. A person in charge of a project outside the city is going to be a father. I asked for a month's maternity leave, and I was appointed to be the acting person in charge. Not only is the traffic inconvenient there, but even the Internet has become a luxury. "

Bamboo light rain seriously looked at his face, "so, thin?"

Ji Huan was stunned for a moment, raised his hand to touch his face, "am I thin?"

"Well, it's black, it's thin, it's long hair!" Bamboo light rain still does not blink to look at him.

Ji Huan pulled out his hair with his hand and said with a smile, "I thought I would come back to you when I went to the hair salon to clean it up tomorrow!"