Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1047

When sending a message to Zhu Qianyu, Xiaobao did not finish talking to Tian Fang.

Tian Fang called. She thought that Zhu Qianyu asked for leave to travel with Xiaobao, so she called to make fun of Xiaobao.

Facing Tian Fang, Xiaobao didn't deny it. By the way, he asked about Zhu Qianyu's internship. After hanging up, he sent the message to Zhu Qianyu.

Received bamboo light rain's reply, Xiaobao did not say anything, just back to two words in the past, "OK."

Xiaobao is so calm, in fact, because he thinks that Zhu Qianyu is not going to travel, but wants to find time to go home.

Don't do what he thought, Xiaobao. After returning the message, he continued to be busy with his own business.

The next day, bamboo light rain received a city express, the sender wrote Ji Huan.

When you open it, it's full of local products like preserved fruits, all from the same city. It seems that what he said yesterday is not a lie.

Zhu Qianyu divided a big bag of local products into four parts, one for Fang Ziqing, one for the club, one for her roommates and one for herself.

There are club activities in the afternoon. She thinks that when she meets Ji Huan, she can thank him face to face.

But she didn't see him at the club.

"President, isn't coach Ji coming today?"

Because almost every club activity recently, someone asked the president this question, so when Zhu Qianyu asked, no one, no matter other people or the president, felt strange or inappropriate, except Fang Ziqing.

"Coach Ji has been busy recently. It will take about two weeks for him to return."

Bamboo light rain long to call out a breath, even she did not know, this sigh, is lucky, or regret.

Fang Ziqing didn't know when she flashed over and patted her on the shoulder

Bamboo light rain turned to friends smile, "Ziqing, do you have time on Saturday, go out to play together?"

Fang Ziqing looked up at the blue sky and exaggerated, "this day, is it going to rain?"

Bamboo light rain with a smile patted her arm, "don't make trouble, I tell you the truth."

No wonder Fang Ziqing teased her so much. In fact, from her freshman year to her sophomore year, she was more diligent than others.

When she first entered university, others went shopping to see movies, and she planed all kinds of professional masterpieces in the library.

At the beginning of the next semester, many students began to fall in love. Those who didn't fall in love also spent all day playing games and brushing the web. Only she was still studying in the library all day.

Other people's summer vacation, which is not to seize the time to travel everywhere?

She is the only one who has found an internship unit herself. She is more energetic than other people's regular employees. At the beginning of the new semester, she doesn't mean to stop herself. After school every Friday, she will rush to Xinying with her luggage.

Such a person, will be willing to spend time traveling, kill her also don't believe!

But whether Fang Ziqing believes it or not, the fact that Zhu Qianyu wants to travel is basically a matter of certainty. There will be no change.

But the world is so funny, you think it will not happen, in the end, it happened.

The reason why her travel plan failed was the arrival of her sister Zhu Qianying.

Because Fang Ziqing always thought that Zhu Qianyu was joking. Finally, Zhu Qianyu reported a tour group on the Internet.

After school on Friday afternoon, Zhu Qianyu began to pack his luggage.

When the phone rings, her first reaction is Ji Huan, but it turns out that it's her sister.

"Xiaoyu, come out to meet me!"

Bamboo light rain Leng for a while, "elder sister, where are you?"

"I'm in the security room at the South Gate of your school. You can come out for a while. By the way, you can go out for dinner, so I don't have to go around."

Bamboo light rain "Oh" should be a call, then hung up, typical bamboo light shadow style.

It's simple, it's neat, it's not procrastinating.

Bamboo light rain took the wallet mobile phone to go out, roommate mouth asked a sentence, "little bamboo, go on a date?"? Help us thank coach Ji for his local products. "

This roommate is the roommate who opened the door to Ji Huan that day.

Zhu Qianyu turns her eyes secretly. After explaining to her roommate that Ji Huan is just her friend for countless times, and her roommate still insists that Ji Huan is her boyfriend, Zhu Qianyu has given up the idea of pleading.

"It's not a date. It's my sister."

"Here comes my sister? Do you need me to bring you a meal? "

This roommate is actually very nice. He always helps bamboo light rain with rice, but his thinking is quite different.

"No. If I come back in the evening, I'll bring you supper. "

Bamboo light rain said with roommate, hurried out of the door.

A few minutes later, bamboo light rain panting ran to the south gate security room, people did not stand still, a rush, and then, she was carried into the arms.

"Xiaoyu, do you miss my sister?"

Bamboo light rain is hugged tightly by elder sister, chin puts on opposite party shoulder, "elder sister, little flesh hemp!" Then he turned his eyes to the air.

"Tut Tut, Xiaoyu has grown up. It's no fun!"

The person holding her loosened her hand, and her powerful arm pushed her away. Her sister's familiar face appeared in front of her.

"Sister, why are you here? Haven't you been busy lately? "

In Zhu Qianyu's memory, her sister is actually very busy and often runs around. As for where she goes, Zhu Qianyu doesn't know. But every time her sister leaves, she will tell her, and when she comes back, she will inform her immediately.

When her sister left, she usually couldn't get in touch with her. Therefore, on the day when she disappeared, if there was anything wrong with Zhu Qianyu, she basically got in touch with Xing Bolun.

"I'm busy. I'll come with Alan and see you by the way."

Bamboo light rain raised his head to look around, guard room, which has the shadow of Xing Bolun.

Bamboo shallow shadow seems to see through her ideas, holding her out of the duty room, pointing to the Land Rover outside the gate, "ah, he's sleeping in the car."

After giving instructions to Zhu Qianyu, Zhu Qianying turned and waved to the guard in the guard room, "brother, thank you

"No thanks. Take your time." The guard returned her with a gentle smile.

Bamboo light rain has always admired his sister, no matter where you go, can quickly get acquainted with others.

But she has no such ability as her sister.

As a child, many people even said that she was shy and autistic.

Probably, it's about the family environment.

Zhu Qianyu followed his sister to the car, and the door lock of the car snapped open.

"Hello, brother Lun!" Bamboo light rain into the car, in front of slightly tired Xing Bolun said hello with a smile.

Xing Bailun took a serious look at her, "does light rain seem to be thin?"

The bamboo shallow shadow that just got on the car fixed her eyes on the bamboo light rain and nodded, "well, it's really thin."

"Alas, my family's light rain is also beginning to be trapped by love!" Bamboo shallow shadow this, pure nonsense, such a joke, the sisters often open.

But this time, bamboo shallow shadow's words, actually said!