Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1028

Bamboo light rain in the dormitory absent-minded to brush the web page, time passed very slowly, and Ji Huan, after hanging up the phone, there is no news.

Bamboo light rain want to call back in the past, so that he does not have to come, or confirm that he must come, then tell him his dormitory number.

Where does she know, her dormitory number, in the night that she has not checked in, Tian Fang has already told Ji Huan.

However, Ji Huan felt that it was too abrupt and offensive for him to visit her rashly because of his current relationship with her.

Bamboo light rain don't know these, after struggling for more than half an hour, finally, or pick up the phone, to Ji Huan sent a message.

"I'm in staff dormitory C8."

Ji Huan, who received the message, was waiting for the traffic light at a certain intersection. He picked up the phone and took a look at it. His mouth turned slightly up.

It was not until then that another detail came to his mind.

Yanshao selection competition, participants, the first condition, girls must come from famous families.

There are three definitions of this famous family.

It can be a scholarly family, a rich family or an official family.

There are not many people with the surname of Zhu, and Zhu Qianyu happens to be from L City. There are few people with the surname of Zhu in L City who meet one of the above three conditions.

With this in mind, Ji Huan is almost certain that Zhu Qianyu is the child of Zhu family, one of the ten richest people in L City.

Ji Huan didn't think about it, but he did confirm it, but he was a little disappointed.

Because he had been to L City several times before. Whether he wanted to hear it or not, he heard a lot about Zhu Zhizhou, the leader of the bamboo family.

Compared with his deeds of carrying forward his ancestors, people seem to be more interested in his deeds of enjoying the happiness of all.

Ji Huan's close relatives, whether they are Dadi, mummy, brothers and sisters, even uncles and aunts, or even cousins, are all models of love between husband and wife.

He is not interested in other people's way of life, but it makes him uncomfortable to think that such a man with no family responsibility is actually Zhu Qianyu's father.

Finally, with a little luck, he pretends that Zhu Qianyu is a child from a scholarly family, not the daughter of Zhu Zhizhou, who makes him sick.

When Ji Huan rang the C8 doorbell, it was more than an hour later.

The doorbell suddenly rang, and bamboo light rain, sitting in the sofa reading, immediately jumped up, opened the door and trotted out.

Through the wooden fence, the young master watched the girl with short hair jump over like a rabbit from a distance, and his depression dissipated.

"Light rain!" The young master handed his hand with a smile and waved to the girl who came running.

"Ji Huan, I'm sorry, you've come here for the weekend." Bamboo light rain is very guilty.

He came here on such a big weekend. I don't know if his wife would think much about it?

Such a thought, bamboo light rain secretly regret, at that time should not with Ji Huan mention less Yan.

However, apart from him, she could not think of anyone to inquire about the news.

Forget it, or let him bring his family out next time, and she'll invite him to dinner to make amends.

Little master where know little girl heart so many thoughts, followed her into the yard, "what trouble, originally I was going to ask you out to drink coffee yesterday."

Walking in front of the bamboo light rain, a pause, suddenly turned his head.

The young master's stride was big. She stood still in front of him. He couldn't hold his feet, so he ran into her back and subconsciously reached out to protect her. His big hand just fell on her thin waist.

As a result, Zhu Qianyu's whole back was close to the young master's chest. One of them was a little over 1.8 meters tall, and the other was a little over 1.6 meters tall. They were the most cute. They were standing back and forth in such an ambiguous manner!

It was summer, and both of them were wearing thin T-shirts, so that the back of bamboo light rain could clearly feel the heart beating behind them.

Bamboo light rain's whole body's blood instantly surges up, the brain explodes, blank, the whole person, like ossified general standing in place, no response.

The young master held her front waist, his head slightly forward, "light rain? What's the matter with you? "

Hot breath spray thin in the back of bamboo light rain neck, instant, a large red.

No matter how dull the young master is, he also finds her changes. Besides, he is never dull. He is just used to respecting girls, so he thinks of each other and keeps a safe distance from each other.

The young master's lips are slightly curved, his eyes are obviously stained with a strong smile, and his face leans forward. As he wishes, he can see the face of bamboo light rain red like cooked shrimp.

"Light rain?"

Bamboo light rain by ear that low call wake up, elbow back a top, along the strength left his arms.

"I'm... I'm... ok..."

The young master was very nostalgic for the short intimacy, but he didn't want it. He stepped forward and pointed to the door in front of her. "Shall we go into the house or in the yard?"

After seeing her series of reactions just now, the young master is more and more confident now, so he is not in a hurry!

Zhu Qianyu, who was behind him, hesitated to look at the gate and the small pavilion in the yard. After weighing it, he thought it was better to chat in the room.

After all, what she is going to say today is quite private.

"Come in. People are coming and going outside. It's not good."

The young master walked up the steps with a smile, "Xiaoyu, you don't want to tell me, do you? If so, you must give me a psychological preparation first Although he didn't look back at her, he could imagine that she must be red again.

To Ji Huan's ridicule, light rain really made a red face. Looking at Ji Huan's straight back, angry and resentful, I can't help but kick him.

"Ji Huan, you are not here! Are you satisfied with bullying students? "

The young master with long hands and long feet had already come to the door, turned around, stood with his back against the wall, bent his feet back on the wall, held his arms in his arms, and looked at her with a narrow smile.

"Xiaoyu, can't you forget that you are a student?"

Bamboo light rain pie pie pie pie mouth, "can't forget, one day is a teacher, lifelong is a teacher!"

The young master's black eyes looked at her and put the foot that she had just kicked in front of her, "well, since you are a teacher all your life, what's the matter with you kicking me? What's the point

Bamboo light rain Leng for a while, look down at his legs.

I saw a gray footprint on his black trousers.

Seeing that she was stunned, the young master handed her feet again and hummed, "look, how cruel you are. I almost didn't let you waste your feet!"

Bamboo light rain against a red face, raised his head toward him turned a white eye, "you deserve it!"

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