Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1029

The young master happily took back his legs, "well, I deserve it!"

Bamboo light rain stares at him one eye, push open the door path to enter the house from, the young master obediently follows in.

Zhu Qianyu went to the kitchen to get him a drink. When he came out, he was standing in the living room. The sunlight came in through the floor glass. He was carrying light on his back. Under the shadow, he was more and more handsome and charming.

Bamboo light rain has a moment of absence, when she saw Ji Huan lips that wipe if there is a deep smile, just take back the mind, gather gather gather God cough, "how don't sit, penalty station?"

The young master replied pitifully, "isn't it? I've just been scolded. If I don't reflect on myself, what can I do if you don't feel depressed? "

Bamboo light rain head is big, she dares to say, from small to big, she has never seen such a man as Ji Huan.

No, it's not just men, it's people like this.

"Sit down, Mr. Ji! Only teachers punish students for standing. How can students punish teachers for standing? " When saying this, the bamboo shallow rain took some helpless.

To this person, she always doesn't know how to treat him.

Because it seems that he may change his face at any time. The rogue he was, she had never seen him before.

The young master won't give up when he got the benefit, but he still sticks straight, "you say it, I should be punished, but you don't dare to punish me because of the identity of the student teacher."

Bamboo light rain straight up, looked up at him with a big sigh.

"Ji Huan, do you think I'm wrong? You are not my teacher, and I am not your student. We are friends. In this way, can you sit down? "

The young master blinked and thought about it. Before Zhu Qianyu changed his face, he stepped over and sat down on the sofa.

"Well, yes! Between friends, it's OK to stop

The young master said formally, reached out and took the drink that bamboo light rain put on the tea table, and "snapped" the pull ring.

Bamboo light rain just think he is thirsty, unexpectedly, he took a paper towel around the pot carefully wipe again, the drink to her in front.

Bamboo light rain surprised to ask, "my?"

The young master nodded, "of course it's yours. You're the master. You drink first. Otherwise, I dare not drink!"

Bamboo light rain originally full of moved, hear the words behind, but want to smoke him!

A little annoyed, she reached out and impolitely snatched the drink from him. She raised her head and drank more than half of it.

The young master looked at her thoughtfully, until her eyes swept over, he reached for another can of drink, opened the ring, and drank directly.

Bamboo light rain a little surprised, "I thought you have a habit of cleanliness, how do you not wipe your own pot?"

The young master licked his lips and licked the sweet and greasy things on his lips. "I'm not so ink stained as an old man, but the girl's body is weak and her resistance is poor. It's better to pay attention to it!"

Bamboo light rain Leng for a while, drooping eyes staring at the pot in hand.

So, he did it so carefully and seriously because of himself?

Such a thoughtful man, the woman he loves, should be very happy!

"Light rain?"

The young master just said so many things. In fact, he just wanted to make Zhu Qianyu happy.

Although she didn't say she was unhappy or distressed on the phone, he intuitively felt that Yan Shao and his choice of wife had caused her great trouble and worry.

"Well?" Bamboo light rain raised his head, on, is Jihuan ink black and full of concern eyes.

"I know the Yanshao you told me on the phone just now."

Zhu Qianyu is not surprised by this answer. If he doesn't know, he won't drive for more than an hour to find her.


Ji huangang's face was full of dese, but now it was dignified.

"I can tell you everything I know about him, but before that, can you tell me why you want to ask about Yan Han?"

He has to make sure first, is this burning cold his rival? Or does she just want to avoid him, so she wants to get to know him more?

He would ask like this, and it's no surprise that bamboo light rain.

In the period of waiting for him to come, Zhu Qianyu thought a lot.

After all, when she talked about Yan Shao, his reaction was too big, far beyond her expectation.

She had thought about it carefully. What was he thinking about it, simple, friend? Or, mixed with other feelings?

Before he came in, she didn't have a clear answer. Even how to answer his words, she did not come up with a general idea.

But when he really asked such a question, she always wanted to hide about her family background, including her sister, and blurted out completely.

"Ji Huan, I'm sorry, I didn't tell you. I'm the youngest daughter of zhuzhizhou, a hotel tycoon in L City. People in L City call me miss six."

Although, this answer, the young master has refused to accept, but from her mouth, it seems, better than he imagined.

After all, she was also a victim. Even if he had prejudice against zhuzhizhou, he should not transfer that sense of diaphragmatic responsibility to her.

"My mother is the fourth aunt of zhuzhizhou. To put it in a vulgar way, she is a love woman. My mother has two daughters, my sister and I

Bamboo light rain originally thought, this let her despise life experience, she will never take the initiative to foreign humanitarian.

But this moment says to Ji Huan, there is no uncomfortable feeling at all.

Probably, it's really numb.

"My mother is very cowardly. Our mother and daughter have been excluded and bullied in the bamboo family until my sister was a teenager. She took the responsibility of being a mother and always protected me and my mother. It seems that we are better off in the bamboo family."

Bamboo light rain side said, side unconsciously wringing fingers.

She thought that she was not suffering, in fact, it was just the idea of deceiving herself. She just tried to make herself look not suffering.

"My sister is only two years older than me, but she is much better than me! I came to r university to study, because against my father's will, he was angry and said, never give me a cent. My present tuition and living expenses are all earned by my sister. "

Ji Huan stares at the girl sitting opposite him without blinking. He knows that zhuzhizhou is a jerk, but he doesn't expect that he is such a jerk.

"Xiaoyu, I'm sorry, if you don't want to say it, forget it!" At this time, his heart is soft!

Bamboo light rain is to shake one's head, "have no matter, these matters, now to me already was not what matter!"

[the story of Zhu Qianyu's elder sister, Zhu Qianying, "escape from marriage 99 Times: please sign for the delivery of Mengbao" is being serialized, please accept and support!]