Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1027

Bamboo light rain back to the dormitory, it is noon, this day is Sunday, she does not need to go to the crew report, put aside the backpack, took a bath then nest to bed.

Originally, she wanted to sleep for a while. After all, she didn't sleep well last night, but her people obviously felt very tired, but they couldn't sleep.

When Xing Bailun gave her the card, she couldn't help asking, "brother Lun, what kind of person is Yan Shao?"

Xing Bolun's face changed on the spot. After a long time, she probably realized that her reaction scared the little girl. She gave a farfetched smile and put out her hand to beat her short hair.

"Little girl, why do you ask so many questions? Anyway, it's just a man. What kind of person can you be? Come on, you go back to your internship. You don't believe other people, and your own sister still doesn't believe it? "

Bamboo light rain didn't say a word, she just too believe his sister, know as long as sister want, a lot of things can't beat sister.

Since my sister dares to participate in the ghost selection, it's a lie to say she's not sure.

That is to say, this inflammation is little, very likely, will be the man who becomes his brother-in-law.

In recent years, my sister broke her heart for her and her mother. But that, after all, is just hard work.

This time, for the sake of her and her mother, she put her sister in.

Many times, Zhu Qianyu held his sister and said, "sister, what do you say you owe me and mom in your last life? I want you to take care of us so hard all my life! "

Now think about it, probably, the elder sister owes her and her mother not only in her last life, but also in several lives. Otherwise, she and her mother can't let the elder sister take in the happiness of the latter half of her life.

Zhu Qianyu, who is full of troubles, has been lying in bed for more than half an hour, but he just can't sleep. He thinks that it's better to get up and go to the crew to help. It's better than to worry about it.

Trying to get up, the phone just rang.

Thinking that it was her sister's bamboo light rain, she quickly reached over and touched the phone from the bedside table.

On the screen, the word "teacher Ji" flashed.

"Hello, Jihuan?"

"Well, it's me! How are you? Have you settled everything at home? "

Bamboo light rain don't know how to answer, pause for a while, finally open mouth to ask, "Ji Huan, I want to ask you about a person."

In fact, she doesn't hold any hope. After all, this is r city. Although Ji Huan often goes to L City on business, he may not know Yan Shao.

"Who? Tell me, maybe I know you. "

"That man, in our L City, is quite famous. I forgot his name, but everyone calls him Yanshao." In fact, Zhu Qianyu doesn't hold any hope, but she is not willing to give up even if it is only one chance in ten thousand.

To her surprise, the person on the other side of the microphone quickly asked her, "less inflammation? You mean, should be your L City Yan family that Yan cold? "

Bamboo light rain is very surprised, "yes, yes, that's him, do you know what kind of person he is?"

This time, Ji Huan was silent for a long time. After a long time, Zhu Qianyu thought he was asleep.

"Xiaoyu, why do you want to inquire about this man?" Ji Huan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly became very serious.

This time, it was Zhu Qianyu's turn to be silent. After weighing for a long time, she finally decided to reveal half of the truth.

"He recently held a wife selection contest, didn't he? That's why my father suddenly asked me to go back yesterday. " She deliberately concealed the part about her sister.

Ji Huan is not her who, at best, can only be regarded as a friend, his family those broken things, don't say to affect other people's mood.

"Your father asked you to go back to this selection? How old are you? Is your father crazy about money? "

Ji Huan's voice, suddenly raised several degrees, even, some angry, even across the microphone, still gave Zhu Qianyu a big surprise.

She had known Ji Huan for more than two months and heard his angry voice for the first time.

Originally, she always thought that he was a gentle and considerate man, but she was not sure when she heard his low roar.

At this time, he gave her the feeling that he was very irritable.

It can only be said that Zhu Qianyu doesn't know Ji Huan's feelings for her, so she can't understand. Ji Huan, a young man with a strong desire for hegemony, feels deeply when he hears that his favorite girl is pulled back by her family for a blind date.

"Ji Huan..." Zhu Qianyu is a little uncertain, whether he should talk to him or not.

Ji Huan language impatiently interrupts her, "bamboo light rain, where are you now?"

Bamboo shallow rain Leng for a while, don't understand why he asked, but obediently should him, "in the dormitory of heart shadow..."

"You stay in the dorm and I'll pick you up. I'll tell you all about Yan Han later! " Ji Huan spoke very fast. Before bamboo light rain could say anything, the sound of "dududu" came out of the microphone.

Bamboo light rain slightly frowned at the phone, pondering for a long time, did not understand what Ji Huan this means.

Ji Huan, who had been staying at home, was taking advantage of the two babies' sleeping time to call Zhu Qianyu and care about her situation.

I didn't expect to get such shocking news.

Yan Han's choice of his wife is very popular in the upper class in China. My mother took it as a joke last night.

At that time, everyone agreed that the Yanhan trial was a farce.

Otherwise, with Yanhan's family background and external conditions, if you want to marry a woman, it's more than enough to go around L City. Do you need to choose a wife in this way?

"I see, this inflammation is little, 80% is forced to marry by the inflammation old lady, have to, just make such a farce."

At that time, the young master asked curiously, "how can I see it?"

"This farce, in my opinion, in the end, most people will not be selected. After that, those who have been pestering Yan Shao will retreat, and old lady Yan will not dare to force her to marry again. "

At that time, the young master was an outsider watching a good play, so he had a good chat with mummy.

There think of, this help squeeze to break a head to want to squeeze into the woman of burning house, unexpectedly have bamboo light rain!

Ji Huan can't describe how fierce his anger is when he hears Zhu Qianyu talking about it on the phone.

He only knew that he wanted to fly to Zhu Qianyu along the radio wave and drag her back to his side.

Although, she is not voluntary, but this also let Ji Huan can't stand!

In his opinion, bamboo light rain so simple lovely girl, if really sent to Yan little in front of, maybe, marriage is so settled!