Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1024

At first, the young master thought that Luo Yuan was the boyfriend of Zhu Qianyu. Later, he got the information that she didn't have a boyfriend. Then, the boy should be a good friend.

Bamboo light rain didn't think, then shook his head, "of course not, he is my elder martial brother, he is Ziqing's neighbor and good friend. That day is actually about Ziqing to play together, who knows that girl temporary something, let me and Luohu two people's plane

Speaking of this, Ji Huan thought of her legs.

"I see. Are your legs all right now? Would you like to check it again and confirm it? "

Bamboo light rain to see his face concerned look, the heart can not help floating slightly warm.

Such a considerate and warm man, the one who got him, should be very happy!

"It's all right. You gave me those bottles of medicinal wine, and the effect was very good. I used half a bottle, and my legs were all right. But I sent the rest to my mother. I'm sorry I didn't give it back to you. "

Mention this, bamboo light rain a little embarrassed to smile.

"Xiaoyu, you don't have to be so polite with me, do you? I didn't give you the wine. You gave me the money. Forget? "

She forgot, he didn't!

The money she gave him is still lying quietly in his wallet.

Zhu Qianyu didn't forget about it, but after she sent the wine home, her sister called back to talk about these bottles of wine. She said that she wanted to buy them by trust. She just gave Ji Huan 50 yuan at that time, which was the way to buy them.

However, this matter has passed, she is not good, always come out to say.

If Ji Huan really wanted to give him more than 1000 yuan, she would have to be angry for a while.

He was angry, and she should not have cared.

But she just cared.

Even if it's a friend relationship, she doesn't want to upset him, let alone make him angry.

Bamboo light rain didn't notice these subtle psychological changes. Therefore, the best control period was missed.

When she found out that she had been invaded by Jihuan virus, she was terminally ill and had no medicine to cure.

It's like a person who suddenly finds himself seriously ill one day and feels strange. Hasn't he been well before? How suddenly became a serious illness?

In fact, in the early stage of most diseases, there will be some hints to the body. Even if it is not pain, there will also be some reaction hints, such as sleepiness or fatigue. However, they are ignored by the host carelessly, and when they are seriously ill, they are irreparable.

Zhu Qianyu's feelings for Ji Huan are very similar to this situation.

Ji Huan treats her as a friend, and she also treats Ji Huan as a friend. What they talk about and do is within the scope of ordinary friends. Sometimes they talk on the phone, or send messages to each other, or come out to have a cup of coffee to chat

But to his good impression, actually is gradually more and more deep along with to his understanding.

This deepening process is a little slow, slow to the point that Zhu Qianyu, a very alert person, is paralyzed by these most common interactions, and gradually becomes completely unprepared.

In this way, the days passed quickly in the communication between them. In the blink of an eye, the summer vacation is coming to an end.

On Saturday, Ji Huan called Zhu Qianyu and wanted to meet her on Sunday.

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected, and then there was a lot of noise coming from the microphone.

"Xiaoyu, are you free tomorrow? Come out and sit down?"

Ji Huan now gives bamboo light rain, no longer need to beat around the bush.

"Ji Huan, I'm sorry. There's something wrong with my family. I'm buying tickets at the high-speed railway station now. I'll take the high-speed railway home later."

The sound of bamboo light rain is a little panting. It is estimated that there are many people in the high-speed railway station? Or was she in a hurry?

"Something important? Why not fly back? "

"It's too late. I can't get tickets. It's very fast to go back by high-speed rail. Let's do this first. I'll contact you when I get on the bus." Bamboo light rain finish saying, immediately hung up the phone.

Ji Huan looked at the phone being hung up, a little worried, but helpless, had to sit on the sofa fidgeting and so on.

Fortunately, bamboo light rain did not let him wait for long, a few minutes later, the phone will be back.

"Ji Huan, I'm sorry just now."

"It's OK. I'm worried about you. Don't it matter at home? Is there anything I can do for you? "

Ji Huan's words are no longer for ordinary friends. After all, if Ji's young master really wants to help, many things can be easily solved.

No one can afford this kind of kindness.

However, Zhu Qianyu didn't know Ji Huan's identity, and he was always a white-collar elite with a good family environment.

"Thank you. It's not a big deal. I just need to go home. After all, my father is calling me home."

Bamboo light rain words, is another deep meaning.

But Ji Huan didn't know about her family. Naturally, he couldn't hear another meaning in her words.

Zhu Qianyu's father, who is one of the ten richest people in L City, has never been interested in Zhu Qianyu's sisters. He always thinks of them because he has found a good son-in-law and needs them to go back for a blind date.

This time, listening to my sister, it seems a little different from the past, but the essence is absolutely the same.

This kind of truth, bamboo light rain that good meaning says to Ji Huan?

Ji Huan heard her promise that there was no big deal, so it was not good to ask any more questions. He just told her to pay attention to safety on the way back. If it was convenient to get home, he would be safe and so on.

Bamboo light rain one by one should come down, two people talked a few words, just hung up the phone.

Zhu Qianyu came home dusty, but before she came in, her sister Zhu Qianying, who was waiting in the garden, pulled her aside and said to her in a low voice, "Xiaoyu, no matter what Dad says later, don't say anything. I'll take care of anything. Anyway, try not to let him make a decision on us

Although Zhu Qianyu is full of doubts, she always believes in her sister. The current situation obviously does not allow her sister to explain the whole story clearly, so she obediently answers. Before she can say anything more, she hears dad's voice coming out of the room.

"Yinger, is Xiaoyu back? Come in, I have something to say to you

Bamboo light rain was sister pulled into the house, just step to the porch, was in front of the formation scared a big jump.

In the living room of the bamboo family, on the four big sofas surrounding Sifang City, like the children in the kindergarten, there are the four heads of the bamboo family and their children

[the plot of Xiaoyu's going home for a blind date begins with Xinwen's "escape from marriage 99 Times: please sign for Mengbao."