Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1023

The waiter brought up the lemonade. After asking for Zhu Qianyu's advice, the young master ordered a cup of juice for her. He ordered a cup of coffee and two snacks.

When the waiter left, Zhu Qianyu took a sip of water, glanced at him and asked, "have you changed your hair style?"

The young master raised his hand and gently lifted the bangs. His eyes were staring at her. "Is it good-looking?"

Bamboo light rain was his eyes that wipe seems to be with a flame of smile burning for a while, "well" should be a, in a hurry to hang down his eyes, to avoid his burning line of sight.

The young master didn't go further into this problem, but turned to care about her internship.

"Sister Fang said that the production group wanted to finish in July, and they have been catching up these days. How can you stand it?"

In the first few days, the young master called her every day. Later, when he stopped calling, he didn't know that she had left work on time for several days.

"I've been off work on time these days. It's very relaxing." When it comes to internship, it's natural for bamboo light rain.

"I went to L City on business two days ago and came back yesterday morning."

Although Zhu Qianyu didn't mention that he had no news these days, Ji Huan didn't mean to hide it. Of course, it's not necessary to say that you deliberately don't call her.

Bamboo light rain obviously did not, he did not bright voice a few days, because of business.

What's more, he went on a business trip in L City.

"L City?" Bamboo light rain subconsciously asked.

"Well, I often go to L City on business during this period, and I find that the environment there is very good, and the climate seems to be similar to that of r city."

Ji Huan said these words not because Zhu Qianyu was from L City, but because, as an investor, the environment and climate of the investment site are also one of the important matters to decide.

This kind of topic does not involve privacy, let bamboo light rain look relaxed.

"Yes, the climate over there is similar to that here, so I don't need an adaptation period to go to school here. I get used to it at once."

Mentioning these, Zhu Qianyu talks about it.

After hearing Ji Huan say that he often need to go to L City on business, she introduced a lot of local conditions and customs of L City, and introduced a lot of fun and food.

"You and your sister have a good relationship!"

Ji Huan couldn't help saying that when he heard her name "sister" in her mouth for countless times.

"Yes, my sister and I are two people who depend on each other. Of course, we have a good relationship." Bamboo light rain did not realize that these, in fact, she usually do not want to mention the private matter.

Her words, but let Ji Huan misunderstand.

"Sorry, I remind you of something sad..."

Ji Huan a face apology, bamboo light rain Leng for a while, a moment, just understand.

"Ah, you misunderstand me. My parents are still alive, but... Alas, if you don't talk about them, it's boring!"

Bamboo light rain himself didn't notice, she and Ji Huan talk tone and tone, more and more casual, just like, friends.

In her heart, Ji Huan was still on guard. After all, she is very clear that this man has a family, and the relationship between them can only be friends at most.

Ji Huan hasn't heard from her these days. She even thought that this is the best way. They don't even have to be friends.

But later, after thinking about it, he felt that he was too unfeeling. After taking advantage of others, he threw it away.

"By the way, didn't you say that you and the two babies like my lasagna cake very much? I made a two pound one today. Here you are! "

Bamboo light rain put on the sofa box up, push Ji Huan in front.

She went to a DIY cake shop on Fenghe road early this morning to make it. After that, she brought it up.

Ji Huan picked up the box in surprise, sniffed hard and said, "well... It smells good. I really want to eat it now!"

Bamboo light rain is amused by his childish appearance can't help laughing, "you should not often eat cake with two babies?"

Zhu Qianyu tried to recall the two children's appearance. In his vague memory, they should be a little like Ji Huan. They have big eyes and bright eyes. Their facial features are as delicate and beautiful as carved ones.

Imagine Ji Huan and two children snatching food. It's so harmonious.

"Ha ha, how do you know? My mother often points to me and two babies and says, "these are actually three little kids."

Ji Huan usually has a serious face in front of customers.

But for Zhu Qianyu, he is willing to show his side of getting along with his family.

This is a kind of trust, but also a kind of desire.

I hope the other party can also face him with the most real face.


Zhu Qianyu's mind not only imagined the harmonious picture of him and the two children, but also flashed the beautiful picture of him and her.

"Thank you. If you can, I really want to finish it by myself!"

The young master finally got the gift of Zhu Qianyu again and wanted to take it all for himself.

Bamboo light rain only when he said, "you like, next time I'll do it for you."

Between friends, occasionally send a hand-made cake, should, is not excessive?

Bamboo light rain think so.

"Really? Then I won't be polite to you. Next time I want to eat, I'll ask you to make it for me! " The young master's eyes narrowed with delight.

Zhu Qianyu nodded, "yes, as long as I'm free."

Most of the crew members work all week, because when they are busy, they will be busy for a month or two, and when they are idle, they can take a long rest. However, as an intern, Zhu Qianyu takes one day off a week.

"Well, you seem to be off Sunday, right?"

Tian Fang specially mentioned this to Ji Huan.

"Yes, I have the same working hours as sister Fang. In fact, I have nothing to do on Sunday. I can do the same work and rest as the crew. However, sister Fang insists on giving me a rest. "

Zhu Qianyu really doesn't mind working overtime on Sunday, because she has learned something that can't be learned from books.

"You should listen to sister Fang. You are human and not a machine. You should relax or relax."

Ji Huan himself always paid attention to the combination of work and rest. Even though he started to help in Ji's Yang's early, young people should play, he is still in decline.

That is to say, in the past year, most of his attention has been attracted by a pair of babies, which gradually reduces the number of times he goes out to play.

Bamboo light rain slowly sucked the juice in the cup, for a long time, just said, "I'm here, and I don't have many acquaintances, most of my classmates have gone home, only Fang Ziqing is in this city, she wants to help her family watch the store, and she has no time to play with me."

Somehow, the young master suddenly remembered the boy who skated with her in the small park.

"In fact, at first, I thought that Luo Yuan was your good friend."

At first, the young master thought that Luo Yuan was the boyfriend of Zhu Qianyu. Later, he got the information that she didn't have a boyfriend. Then, the boy should be a good friend.