Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1025

That's right. The head of the bamboo family is Zhu Zhizhou, the owner of the Mingxuan hotel where Ji Huan stays every time he comes to L City. That's Zhu Qianyu's father.

"Dad, how are your aunts, second and third mothers!" Bamboo light rain obediently to each side of the several elders sitting one by one said hello, and then with the sister in the mother's side.

"Ma!" Chen Jing, Zhu Qianyu's mother, patted her hand, then motioned her to sit down and be quiet. Zhu Qianyu took a look at her sister Zhu Qianying, who gave her a soothing look and said to her, "don't worry, I'm here!"

Bamboo light rain got sister's comfort, heart will slowly calm down, eyes to her one by one called those elders, that is, the four in charge of the bamboo family.

It's a more powerful way to say that they are in charge of the four. It's vulgar to say that the four people sitting with their heads up on each sofa are the four aunts of the bamboo family.

In the East, this rich lady in her early 60s, with a round face, is in charge of the expenses and meals of more than 100 people in the bamboo family. That is to say, in the bamboo family, she is in charge of the family.

In the south, this beautiful second aunt, who is more than 50 years old, used to be the trump mum in the bamboo hotel industry. Because of her excellent flattering skills, she is fascinated by the master of the bamboo family. The trump mum is still in front of her, and the second aunt is also stable.

In the west, this gentle looking intellectual third aunt, who used to be a tutor for her eldest son, went to Master Zhu's bed to teach him adult knowledge. Master Zhu opened several chain training centers for her. At home, she was the third aunt, while outside, she was the general manager Fang.

In the north, the fourth aunt, who was also very ordinary in her early 40s in appearance and temperament, was Master Zhu's dietitian. But she took care of his stomach and even his people took care of it.

In terms of means, the four aunts are the most powerful, the two aunts are the most outstanding, and the three aunts are absolutely able to live in the scene. Only the four aunts are as common as the cooks of the bamboo family. Apart from being able to cook a good meal at any time, they are just like a rice bucket.

Her character is cowardly and timid, but her stomach is not competitive, the other three, Auntie two sons and two daughters, Auntie two and auntie three are one son and one daughter, only the four auntie, to the bamboo family added two loss goods.

Of course, it is the other three leaders who say that they are losing money.

Zhu Qianying and Zhu Qianyu, two of the three big losers in charge, sat down next to the fourth aunt, her mother, and listened to her father, who was sitting in the middle of Sifang City, talking about the secret tycoon Yan's less choice of wife.

"Betrothal gifts of 200 million, plus more than 10 billion cooperation plans in the next five years, for each additional member of the Yan family, 100 million will be awarded to both men and women."

When it comes to money, the bamboo master's not beautiful eyes suddenly turned into ten thousand volt spotlights. The high lighting spotlight wandered around the six daughters, repeatedly emphasizing that "the betrothal gift of 200 million, the cooperation plan of more than 10 billion..."

Zhu Qianyu doesn't have any idea of this. Moreover, this kind of good thing, other aunts will naturally pick up their own baby daughter to do calculation. When they come to her sisters, they usually don't even have soup left, let alone meat. Therefore, Zhu Qianyu and her sister are cuddling up at this time. They hang their heads and hand in hand. They can go back to their room to have a rest just waiting for their father to finish his speech.

As the youngest child in this family, Zhu Qianyu has no status in this family. Therefore, her concept of money is limited to her own daily expenses, such as tuition fees. She has no response to the amount of 200 million or 10 billion mentioned by her father. She just lowers her head and plays with her sister's fingers.

As for Yan Shao, who was repeatedly mentioned by her father, Zhu Qianyu had heard of him. She only vaguely remembered his background, but she didn't remember how it was.

After all, she was never interested or interested in it.

Then, absent-minded, she vaguely heard her father say“ No matter which baby successfully marries Yan Shao, the reward for being a mother is 100 million, plus a willful request for me! "

In this regard, she is not interested, after all, she has no such ability to fight.

However, the elder sister beside her seemed to be suddenly stimulated. Originally, she leaned against her and suddenly sat upright.

Bamboo light rain looked up at sister, see sister dark eyes flicker flicker blink, inside, a touch of let her panic light.

She and her sister "depend on each other" for so many years, of course, it is clear that her sister's eyes will shine, there must be something aroused her strong interest.


Bamboo light rain gently called a sound, stretch to pull elder sister's arm.

Bamboo light shadow eyes still staring at sitting in the middle of the Bamboo Island, hand but silently covered in bamboo light rain on the back of the hand, gently patted.

Bamboo light rain know, sister this is to let her at ease, at ease.

In the eyes of Zhu Qianyu, my sister has always been very powerful. As long as she wants to, no matter how difficult it is, she will fight for it.

In the past, Zhu Qianyu thought that her sister was very powerful, but as she grew older, she gradually understood how to worry about her sister.

Now, when she saw her sister's appearance, she was not only worried, but also had an unprecedented foreboding.

Because of this premonition, bamboo light rain will carefully listen to understand the old father repeatedly stressed the event.

Sure enough, when dad finished the important things, the mother and daughter returned to Zhu Qianying's room. Zhu Qianyu and his mother Chen Jingcai sat down in the sofa, and Zhu Qianying said.

"Mom, I'm going to the selection."

"Sister!" Bamboo light rain is not good!

A long time ago, the two sisters talked about the appearance of their future boyfriends. Whether it's Zhu Qianying who is a sister or Zhu Qianyu who is a sister, they all agreed that their future boyfriends must be ordinary people.

The main reason is that their father's behavior makes the two sisters feel cold. Therefore, the two sisters have a psychological shadow. They think that men with money and power are both playful and unreliable.

But this burning little, bamboo light rain even if don't know his background, but also know he is a big man in L City.

Such a man, sister has not been to avoid it?

Now, how can you take the initiative to participate in this trial?

"Xiaoyu, don't worry, I know it well!" The light shadow of the bamboo still looks like a mature bamboo.

Bamboo light rain anxious to cry, "sister, you can't go! Mom, please persuade my sister! ", She reaches out her hand, grabs her mother Chen Jing's arm and shakes it vigorously.

Chen Jing looks at her elder daughter and her younger daughter with a helpless face. Obviously, she is not much calmer than her younger daughter.