Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1022

Tomorrow is Sunday. Of course, the young master has time.

Therefore, he immediately wanted to pull back. He didn't listen to her voice for a few days. To be honest, he missed her a little.

Fingers pull out the keyboard, but hesitated for a long time did not press down.

If she feels more comfortable communicating with words in this way, let her.

"Well, I'll have a rest tomorrow."

He wanted to ask her if she had any plans, but even though the words seemed to be more implicit, he still typed, deleted and typed, leaving only a few plain words.

For people like her, perhaps, if it doesn't contain special meaning, can we reduce our guard?

Soon she came back“ I'll see you tomorrow? "

"Yes, I'll treat you to dinner! What would you like to eat? " Last time, she invited her. This time, he should.

In this way, you and I, although some ink, but in the process of waiting, even the uneasy mood, seems to be a small taste in disguise.

Waiting for bamboo light rain to come back, the young master looked at the few words she sent, so thought.

"I'll see you at the cafe on Fenghe road at three, OK?"

Three o'clock?

This time, not before or after, it seems that she did not plan to eat?

OK, anyway, the most important thing is to meet her. After meeting, it doesn't matter whether we drink coffee or go shopping or have dinner.

"Yes, do you want me to pick you up?" The young master maintained his usual gentlemanly manner.

"No, I'll go out by car! There's a car from Xinying to Fenghe road. "

So they set the time to meet. When the young master put down the phone, the smile on his face had not been put away.

"Beibeiguoguo, go to my little uncle and be happy."

Letong, who is playing with beibeiguoguo, has long found that her little son is obsessed with smiling at the mobile phone screen. Occasionally, she uses her fingers to type a few words, and then stares at the mobile phone screen with a smirk, waiting for the other party to reply.

This kind of typical love symptom, Letong finally saw it on her little son's face.

"Uncle, hold!"

Beibeiguoguo can walk slowly with the sofa wall now. Now, Guoguo is walking towards the young master with short legs, while Beibei is sitting on the ground with a remote-controlled car studying carefully.

With a long hand, the young master fished the fruit and put it on his thigh. His eyes swept over Beibei. He saw that the boy's two fat hands were trying to break off the front of the car. It seemed that he wanted to dissect the car to see the structure inside.

"Beibei, if there's anything in the car, don't break it!" The young master's attention suddenly turned from Zhu Qianyu to the two little kids.

"Come here, uncle, take you out to see the real car." The young master has been a child himself, so he knows how to deal with a child with such a strong desire for knowledge as beibaguo.

Beibei seldom ignored him. He broke off the car a few times. Seeing that the car didn't move, he tilted his head and thought about it. Before the young master knew what he wanted to do, he opened his mouth and chewed on the front of the model car!

The young master laughed and said, "Beibei, is the car delicious? Fool, it's a toy, not food

The young master laughed and scolded, put the fruit on the sofa, bent over and picked up Beibei.

Beibei ignored the young master's teasing at all. Her sharp teeth gnawed on the hood of the car and made a "creak creak" sound. Her saliva clattered down along her chin and the car.

The young master became more and more funny. He rubbed Beibei's head and said, "I like eating cars so much. I'll ask my grandfather to make a bread car for you some other day, OK?"

Beibei squinted at him, and his mouth moved. He probably wanted to respond to him, but because he had a car in his mouth, he could only make a hum.

"Beibei, the car is dirty. Don't eat it!"

I don't know when Aunt Guan came out. When she saw that the little boy was drooling in his mouth, and his head was very big, she trotted over to stop him.

But the young master said to Aunt Guan, "aunt Guan, don't worry about him. Once he ate it, it wasn't delicious. Next time he won't eat it!"

Indeed, this is the way Ji family educates children. It's useless to teach by mouth. He has tried to touch the wall. Next time, he will learn to be smart.

And Letong, also just came over to hold Guoguo, but also didn't want to stop Beibei to be silly.

"Come on, little uncle, take you two to see the car!"

What the young master said about looking at the car is not just to show them the appearance of the car, but to take off the hood of the car directly. No matter whether the two kids understand or not, they point to the front of the car and tell them everything.

Beibei and Guoguo are held by him and Letong respectively. They are attentive to such a boring thing. Their black eyes are rolling with the young master's fingers. They seem to listen with interest.

"It seems that when they grow up, Ji can consider making cars."

Of course, the child couldn't understand grandma's teasing. He just dragged the young master around the car for more than half an hour.

The young master has been on a business trip for a few days. He was upset by a lot of data and local officials. Fortunately, when he got home, he received an invitation from Zhu Qianyu by accident. Then he was amused and cured by the two little living treasure students.

"Mommy, I have something to do tomorrow afternoon. I can't take care of babbago for you."

Originally, as soon as he came back, he boasted that he would take care of the two kids all day tomorrow, so that his sister could spare more time to record albums. But when bamboo light rain's message came, he forgot his original promise.

"I see. You can go on a date. Your father and I can take care of them."

The young master did not deny the appointment. At noon the next day, he even went out early to get a fresh and handsome new hairstyle.

The cafe that Zhu Qianyu talked about was just around the corner of Fenghe road. The young master stopped the car and met Zhu Qianyu who was sitting in the cafe from a distance.

Today, he was dressed as an ordinary student, with a T-shirt and jeans, a backpack on his back, a strap in one hand, and a wave to the bamboo light rain on the glass side.

Bamboo light rain also waved to him with a smile, two people across the glass, this kind of behavior in other people's eyes, some funny, some silly, but it happened that they both laugh very naturally.

"Long wait?" The young master took a seat opposite the bamboo light rain.

"No, I just arrived, too."

They haven't seen each other for a while, but they don't seem to have the slightest strange feeling.

Even, compared with the last time in the Sichuan restaurant outside r university, they were more natural and comfortable.

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