Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1021

Then, she spent a day secretly making up her mind, thinking that if Ji Huan called again tonight, she would tell him straightforwardly that she was very tired and didn't want to chat at night.

However, her mental construction, which she spent one night and one day painstakingly, didn't come in any way because Ji Huan didn't call on time that night.

Although Zhu Qianyu tried to warn herself not to care, she always showed that she didn't care. She had to eat all day and watch TV with Wang Mengmeng. On the surface, even she thought she really forgot that the phone would ring at nine o'clock.

But when the time came to 8:50, she unconsciously looked up at the time and saw that it was almost 9:00, and her eyes naturally fell on the mobile phone on the coffee table.

"Waiting for the call?" Wang Mengmeng is still what he said last night. Zhu Qianyu is stunned for a moment, and then shakes his head with a smile.

After that, she continued to watch TV in the sofa as if nothing had happened to her. Her eyes were always on the TV screen. However, it was a gong Dou opera that she loved very much on TV, but she didn't know what the female owner and the male owner were arguing about, and then she was intervened by a third party for what.

Gongdou opera has two episodes in a row, from eight o'clock to ten o'clock.

For two hours, Zhu Qianyu didn't move as much as he did. After the two episodes, Wang Mengmeng got up to say good night to her and turned back to her bedroom. She was left alone in the small but empty living room.

On TV, after a series of advertisements, she began to broadcast a set of idol drama. This kind of drama, which Zhu Qianyu usually disdains to watch, but at this time, she is still on the sofa. Until the phone rings, she recovered from her trance and reached for the phone. The phone above shows that it is her sister.


The person on the other end of the phone seems to have a pause, "light rain, sleep?"

"No, still watching TV..." bamboo light rain is the body, took the remote control directly turned off the TV.

"Why are you so weak? ill? Or is the internship too hard and tired? " Mother and daughter, the one who worries, is always the elder sister.

"No, I don't have to work overtime these two days. I'll get off work after five o'clock." Zhu Qianyu quickly raised her voice a few degrees to make her voice sound more energetic, so as not to worry about her sister's wishful thinking.

"Well, you have to take good care of yourself when you are alone in r city. I'm a little busy at this time. I'll go abroad in two days. Maybe I won't come back until ten days at the earliest. If you have anything to do, please ask my mother."

Zhu Qianyu's sister is called Zhu Qianying. Although she is only two years older than Zhu Qianyu, she has taken care of her mother and daughter since a few years ago. Therefore, her last instruction is basically nonsense.

Because, whether it's Zhu Qianying or Zhu Qianyu, they all know very well that their cowardly mother, if she really meets with any trouble, she will not only be unable to solve it, but also help her more and more.

"Sister, don't worry. I'll take good care of myself. You should be careful when you are out." From a long time ago, the two sisters had a sense of mutual dependence.

Bamboo shallow shadow and concerned about her internship, chat for a while, then hung up the phone.

That night, Zhu Qianyu went to bed at 11:30, but the phone didn't ring again from her sister's phone hanging up to her bed.

On the third night, when she came back from the studio to go to sleep, the phone rang three times. One was Fang Ziqing's, the other was Fei Dao's, and the last one was Zhu Qianyu's high school friend when she climbed to bed.

After chatting with her best friend, Zhu Qianyu puts the phone on the bedside table. She hasn't received Ji Huan's call for three days in a row. It seems that she has returned to the old days. Actually, it's very good.

And her original intention is not to get involved with him? Isn't it just what she wants now?

In this way, he calmed himself, and Zhu Qianyu finally fell asleep a little bit.

As for the culprit Ji Huan, who has made Zhu Qianyu uneasy for a few days, he has not been idle these days. First, he signed a big contract with a multinational group on behalf of Ji. The next day, he flew directly to L City and stayed in L City for two days, in order to deal with the production base.

He was very busy in the daytime for several days. In the evening, except one night when he couldn't put off the social intercourse and went to the bar to drink with his clients, he spent the other two nights in the hotel.

It's a lie to say that he's too busy to make a phone call.

He didn't call Zhu Qianyu for several nights on purpose.

If someone else, after a few days of general hotline chat, will definitely choose to strike while the iron is hot, take the opportunity to meet her for dinner or something.

But the young master did the opposite. After they had a certain understanding, he chose to cool down the relationship temporarily.

It's not that he doesn't care about bamboo light rain, and it's not that his love for her has cooled down.

Instead, he and Zhu Qianyu chat on the phone for a few nights, vaguely aware that she is not only wary, but also seems to have many misunderstandings about him.

Of course, he could not guess what she misunderstood him. After all, it's hard for a woman to detect the cause if she wants to hide it.

However, he is convinced that every relationship, whether friendship or love, can only go further if both sides are willing to meet each other. Only by the will of one side can we never reach the point of knowing each other.

Aware of this, he deliberately widened the distance between himself and her.

So many years of interpersonal communication let him understand that the appropriate distance can not only produce aesthetic feeling, but also make people see each other more clearly, whether it is the surface or the heart.

Although, his feeling is not too strong, but he can be sure that he likes her.

Since he likes it, he doesn't mind giving her time and opportunity to see him clearly, both superficially and inwardly.

It is precisely because of this idea and cognition that he has not actively contacted her these days.

He is waiting, waiting for her, maybe one day conscience, or, really miss him, will give him a message or simply call.

However, his waiting was a bit ridiculous from the beginning, even he thought it was an extravagant hope.

Just when he was a little desperate and ready to change his strategy, she sent him a message.

"Are you free tomorrow?"

[yes, Zhu Qianyu's elder sister is Zhu Qianying, the female owner of Zhu's serial new article "escape from marriage 99 Times: Meng Bao arrives, please sign for it". Xinwen asks for a message and votes. Vote for Xinwen!]