Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1001

The young master returned to the guest room, took out his laptop, and wrote a detailed analysis report according to what he heard and saw today and a lot of survey data. After writing, the wall clock showed that it was more than eleven o'clock.

The analysis report to the brother's mailbox, the young master put the computer on the bed, took the clothes into the bathroom.

The young master, who has been busy for a whole day, stands under the shower with his face raised slightly and his eyes closed. The warm water flows from his face to his neck and then down his throat to his strong chest.

Bamboo house?

The young master's brain flashed such words.

For a moment, he really wanted to know if the girl, Zhu Qianyu, was the child of the bamboo family that brother Wang said.

Of course, it's not hard for him to know the exact answer.

But he quickly denied the most convenient way.

Of course, as long as he didn't say it, she would never know that he had investigated her life.

But he hopes to get to know her more slowly through contact than through this kind of probing that violates the other party's bottom line.

Come on, let it be.

He came out of the bathroom and sat on the bed with his knees crossed. He was ready to play for a while and then went to bed.

I haven't entered the game yet. I see the email reminding me that there is a new email. I think it's Ji Dabao's reply. I click on it, but it's r university student's homework sent to his personal email.

He's not sleepy yet, so he just points out his homework and corrects it.

After correcting, reply to the past.

After the reply, he felt that the name of the mailbox was a little familiar. It seemed that it was Fang Ziqing's mailbox?

Open the information sent to him by Xian Bo, which confirms his conjecture.

He didn't pay much attention to her name when correcting it last time. At that time, he still thought that this student must be a joker all day long, and he didn't have a lot of basic knowledge. After correcting, he wrote two big words on the back: redo!

She is a good friend of zhuqianyu. How can she be so far away from zhuqianyu?

Xiaobao shook his head secretly, saying that he didn't understand how these two people with seemingly different attributes could get together.

At this time, Fang Ziqing in R City, after receiving his reply, cut the whole page of his homework to Zhu Qianyu.

"Little bamboo, see? I said, even if I do it again, he will ask me to do it again! "

Bamboo light rain on the screen with a smile on his face, "you didn't do it again according to his requirements. I would have asked you to do it again just like him."

Fang Ziqing pursed her lips and muttered, "do you want to be so serious? It's still an elective course. If it's a professional course teacher who is as strict as he is, I just drop out."

"Ziqing, you don't know your fortune when you are in it! The teacher is so strict for our good. Otherwise, he won't even look at it. He'll give you an excellent one, won't he hurt you? "

In recent days, Zhu Qianyu has heard many other students complain that the substitute teacher looks handsome, has a good sense of humor in class, and seems very approachable. I didn't expect that he was so strict with his homework.

After listening to the similar complaints, Zhu Qianyu thought to himself that although this man is a scum in his private life, at least he is very conscientious in his work. Even if he is only a part-time job, he doesn't neglect half of it.


They met again in class two days later.

This time, bamboo light rain did not sit in the first row as usual, but sat in the last row.

Young master standing on the platform, eyes, but in the first time to capture the last row of that with a refreshing short hair girl.

"Do you miss me

As soon as the young master with a smile on his face opened his mouth, he said something with a sense of ridicule. As he expected, it immediately caused a lot of boos in the classroom.

Bamboo light rain involuntarily raised his lips, think, most of the people here are like Fang Ziqing, at the beginning were on the stage that "handsome teacher" infatuated soul son float to the sky, but received homework correction, fell down heavily from the sky.

"Mr. Ji, you are a devil in a handsome appearance!"

I don't know who accused handsome Ji of his crime. The young master shrugged with a smile. "I thought you would fall in love with me after reading my homework! I used to worry about how to refuse so many admirers. Now it seems that I think too much? "

"Yes, you think too much!" There was a neat cry in the classroom.

The young master was even more happy with his smile. Heiliang's eyes curved into a curved moon, sweeping the students under the platform, and sighed with a long sigh of relief, "Oh... Then I can rest assured!"

Bamboo light rain to explore the eyes through a long distance to look at the man on the platform, inexplicably, suddenly feel irritable.

A big man, why do you laugh so good?

It's obvious that I'm here to teach a modern class. Why do I send out electricity everywhere?

"Several students did their homework very well in the last class. Obviously, they have a solid foundation. If you have any questions you don't understand, you can try to ask some of them."

Young master then read several names, among them, there is bamboo light rain.

Although bamboo light rain in the heart is agitated, but the next class, she still listen very seriously.

She is a person with strong self-control and never allows herself to influence her study for external factors.

Although, in other people's eyes, this foreign language is not important at all, for her, the more she knows, the more chance she will escape from that cage.

"Bamboo light rain classmate!"

At the end of the class, the substitute teacher on the platform suddenly called her name.

"Here it is

Bamboo light rain Huo ground stands up, the vision, and on the platform cast those two jiongjiong's vision bumps together.

"I have some information related to your major. I have just sent it to your email. If other students are interested and need it, they can ask Zhu Qianyu for it. I hope it can help you."

Bamboo light rain Leng for a while, until sitting next to her Fang Ziqing hit her, she just woke up, "OK, thank you, teacher Ji."

Ji Huan laughs and says nothing more. He just raises his hand to signal that everyone can finish class.

The students began to pack up. A few students gathered around the platform with books. Before they asked questions, two boys rushed to the platform with basketball in their arms.

"Mr. Ji, let's play basketball. Are you interested in joining us?"

Ji Huan looked at the students who were holding books, and at the two boys who were half shorter than him. He was hesitating. At the end of his eyes, he saw that Zhu Qianyu, who did not know when to go to the front row, was looking at him. He made a decision without thinking.

"OK, if the students are willing to come to the stadium and join in cheerleading