Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1002

Two boys listen to him so say, very naturally, look at the classroom has not left the students.

"Whether I go or not depends on everyone's sincerity." Young master said very naturally, as if, if he does not go, it is not his problem, but because the students are not enthusiastic enough sincerity.

Bamboo light rain was staring at the two boys on the platform, cold hair all over erect, subconsciously into the state of preparation, watch them on guard, with eyes asked, "why?"

"Bamboo light rain, you have the most appeal, please, please, be our cheerleader!"

Although Zhu Qianyu is a freshman, she can also be regarded as a figure of their class. Of course, being beautiful is the first requirement. Secondly, she studies hard and gets good grades. In addition, she is usually very active. She is tall in all kinds of sports activities.

The young master got the trick, but quietly raised his eyelids and glanced at bamboo light rain, "classmate, don't force others to do something."

But the two boys don't care so much. For them, achieving their goals is the most important thing. In their eyes, it's never important not to embarrass others.

"Zhu Qianyu, please, aren't you also the captain of your basketball team? Well, as long as you're our cheerleader today, we'll practice with you for free next semester. We'll pass it on and on. Is that all right? "

Today, several boys have made an appointment with boys from other departments to play friendly games. This kind of game often happens, but usually they lose more and win less because of their limited physical conditions. In front of him, Mr. Ji is tall, with long hands and feet. At first sight, he is a good material for playing basketball. The most important thing is that he has a tender face compared with many people in this room. No one will doubt that he is a teacher rather than a student.

The boy's condition, let bamboo light rain very heart, seriously considered, finally nodded agreed.

The reason why she nodded her head was that the level of the women's basketball players in her class was not very good. If there were boys to practice with, it would be twice the result with half the effort.

Moreover, it's a group game, not a personal show. She doesn't have to be afraid of Ji Huan.

But things are often unexpected.

In the end, it really turned into Ji Huan's personal show.

It's not too hot. Ji Huan is wearing sneakers, jeans and a casual shirt over his T-shirt. He looks like a student. When he arrived at the stadium, he naturally took off his shirt and handed it to cheerleader Zhu Qianyu.

Although Zhu Qianyu is a little reluctant, she still has other boys' coats in her hands. She can't do something against him alone in public.

Took the shirt, heard the man soft voice said thank you, bamboo light rain did not react, the man has a gust of wind general ran into the court.

Zhu Qianyu thinks that the so-called genius is particularly excellent in one aspect, and then particularly weak in other aspects. Since he studies very well, sports should not be very good.

Her fluke mentality was immediately disintegrated at the moment when the whistle sounded in the middle of the game.

The ball was thrown into the air from the referee's hand. He jumped into the air like a spring under his foot. With a long hand, he held the ball firmly in his hand. Without any reaction from the players on both sides, he had already controlled the ball and ran to the opponent's basket.

Outside the court, there are many fans who understand the ball and watch the fun. Seeing him dribbling forward like a cheetah, his posture is like flowing clouds and flowing water. He is not only handsome, but also full of strength and beauty. "Three points, three points..."

The players who watched the crowd outside yelled loudly. They were also stunned by Zhu Qianyu. Then they woke up and thought of their duties as a cheerleader. They also yelled, "three points, three points..."

The young master had already stepped into the three-point line. He wanted to jump forward a few steps to make a handsome dunk. Hearing such a high voice, he changed his mind. He suddenly turned around, jumped out of the three-point line, landed, and then bounced up. His powerful arm showed a beautiful and powerful arc in the air, his palm powerfully sent forward, and the basketball whizzed out, Draw a perfect parabola in the air, blink of an eye, silently through the ball frame!

"Wow, it's really three points!"



As the basketball passed silently through the frame, there were applause, screams and whistles outside the court.

At this point, Zhu Qianyu has to admit that when God made man, there would be selfishness and partiality. For example, Ji Huan, who is handsome, smart and knowledgeable, has countless shining points. Even his level of playing basketball is comparable to that of a professional player.

It's not the first time for Zhu Qianyu to watch the competition between these boys from his own department and those from other departments. Two or three players from both sides are very skilled. But at present, those boys with very good skills, whether they are the receptive side or the confrontational side, haven't run well. That is to say, not to mention the skills, just from the perspective of reaction, They have been crushed by Ji Huan.

"Huanshao, great!" Finally, the captain of his side gave Ji Huan a thumbs up.

Before going on the court, the young master told everyone to remember not to show up on the court and just call his name.

The captain probably felt that it would be disrespectful to call him by name directly. He also felt that he was full of childlike temperament, so Huan Shao blurted out the title. A Huan little, pour and outside those people to the young master's address coincide.

Of course, no one knows who is watching the ball outside the court. At this time, the handsome boy running on the court is actually the little boy of Jishi group. His wealth is more than 10 billion?

Bamboo light rain in addition to a little resistance at the beginning, slowly, will also see into the fan, of course, not for Ji Huan himself, nor for his handsome and handsome from time to time attracted off-site girls scream action, but for his excellent technology and agile reaction and stress.

The boys of our team, almost in his three-point goal, automatically and consciously took him as the leader, and they quickly formed a tacit understanding. They started the game with Ji Huan as the core. They played perfectly under Ji Huan's correct and instruction in attack and defense.

At the end of the first half, Ji Huan led his "students" to score more than 70 points, while the other side only scored more than 20 points. The score of the game was so one-sided that the team's morale was greatly boosted. There was no pressure when they stood outside for a rest, and the hip-hop atmosphere was not harmonious.

As a cheerleader of the bamboo light rain, naturally have to do a good job in logistics, the players off, they will one by one handed them towels and water.