Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1000

The next day, Fang Ziqing complained to Zhu Qianyu, saying that the handsome teacher who took the place of the teacher was too strict. She thought that she could do her homework well. She didn't know that she received a reply soon after she sent it. There were a lot of mistakes in it.

"Xiaozhu, do you think Mr. Ji is so serious? We are not a foreign language major. We just muddle along with our homework, aren't we? "

Zhu Qianyu came to have a look, and sure enough, as his friend said, the red and green comments were more than the content of his friend's homework.

"You deserve it!"

If Zhu Qianyu saw his homework last night, he misunderstood it a little and thought that he was only serious about himself. After all, he had made it so clear that he liked her. As a result, will be particularly serious to correct her homework.

But now, after carefully reading Fang Ziqing's homework, she began to believe that he was a serious and responsible person. Moreover, from his diction and comments on Fang Ziqing's homework, it is not difficult to see that he is a humorous and knowledgeable person.

"Hoo... Fortunately, he is a substitute teacher. If Mr. Xian is as strict as he is, I will definitely fail in this subject."

Fang Ziqing's family is medium-sized. She is the only child in her family. Her parents have opened a big restaurant. They have no expectations and requirements for her. They just want her to be happy. Therefore, her purpose in life is to muddle along.

Zhu Qianyu is different from her. In other people's eyes, Zhu Qianyu is the child of a wealthy family.

When she was young, all the students around her envied that she was born in a rich family, but when she was still young, she was often reminded by her elder sister, who was only two years older than her, "Xiaoyu, if you don't want to be the victim of dad's interest exchange, you should let yourself stand on your own early."

The words that should have been said by my mother were always from my sister. Maybe she heard too many similar arguments. Moreover, she was tired of staying in a more accurate place than home. When filling in the college entrance examination, she chose a school thousands of kilometers away from L city behind her parents.

Because she chose such a major that didn't suit his heart, Dad cut off all her sources of living in a rage. Now, she is supported by her sister.

Therefore, even if she is not for herself, she can never be a drag on her sister. She can't just muddle along like Fang Ziqing.

"I prefer the way of the substitute teacher now..."

Although Zhu Qianyu doesn't like to see the substitute teacher, he is more excellent and responsible than Mr. Xian in terms of teaching methods and attitude.

Fang Ziqing looked at her homework and sighed for a while. Suddenly she thought of something and said to Zhu Qianyu mysteriously, "little bamboo, have you heard of it? This teacher Ji, who used to be Miss Xian's younger brother, is said to be a gifted student rarely seen in the ten years of B University. He graduated from B University in his teens. "

Bamboo light rain stares at the book on the table, the mind way, no wonder just 20 years old more then full of the appearance of classics, originally, is a genius?

In Zhu Qianyu's mind, his elder sister is already a very powerful person. It turns out that some people are more powerful than his elder sister.

"No, where did you hear that? Could it be a rumor?"

Zhu Qianyu is always reluctant to believe that such a hypocrite is a gifted student who graduated from a famous university like B University.

Fang Ziqing hesitated. After all, she heard it from others.

"If you don't believe Xiaozhu, you can go to the post bar of big B. It's said that there are many stories about him. Besides, it's said that he has a fan group."

After listening to Fang Ziqing's Amway, Zhu Qianyu shrugs noncommittally and continues to read his book.

In fact, whether he is a gifted student graduated from B university has nothing to do with her!


Xiaobao didn't show up at r university for three days in a row, because he took advantage of the absence of classes these days and took over the business trip, which saved his sister's hard work in the middle of the night to take care of two little kids.

And the city where he went on business happened to be l city.

This time, Ji is planning to build a large-scale production base here. Xiao Baolai is here to make a thorough investigation.

For a similar production base, Ji built one in a second tier city in the south, city L, which is no smaller than the one in the south.

As a result, the relevant departments of L City attached great importance to it and sent two officials to accompany Xiaobao around L City.

That night, under the arrangement of two officials, Xiaobao and his assistant stayed in Mingxuan Hotel, the largest hotel in L City.

The place for dinner is in the Chinese restaurant of Mingxuan hotel.

It seems that the two officials have long learned that the young master of Ji's family has a high demand for food. When the dishes are late, they are basically in line with the taste of the young master: they don't pay attention to expensive food, but to refined and delicious food.

"Brother Wang, the food here is delicious!"

One of the officials, surnamed Wang, was in his thirties. After listening to young master Ji's praise, he asked, "is it the first time that Huanshao has come to L City?"

The young master nodded, "yes."

Brother Wang felt a great responsibility on his shoulders. Seeing that he was full of praise for the food here, he began to talk about the origin of the hotel.

"Then you must not know that Mingxuan hotel is the absolute leader of hotel industry in our L City, and it is the industry of Zhujia, one of the ten richest people in L City."

Originally, the young master was just listening to gossip. After all, the food here is delicious. His mind is basically on eating.

But when he heard that it was brother Wang's last word, he took back the half empty chopsticks and looked slightly at brother Wang, "the owner of this hotel, surnamed Zhu?"

"Yes, it's his ancestral business. It's said that the bamboo family's ancestors made a fortune as inns and restaurants, and it has been rooted for hundreds of years now."

Young master "Oh" a, but did not ask further.

After all, l city is so big that people surnamed Zhu can't be the only one. Although Zhu Qianyu's surname is Zhu, it may not be so coincidental that he is the child of this bamboo family.

When the two officials saw that he was not interested at all, they changed the subject wisely.

"Huanshao, where do you want to go after dinner? L city is so big, it's not a small place for fun. "

The young master shook his head without thinking about it. "No, I still have some work to deal with after dinner. Brother Wang, you've been with me all day, and you're tired. Go home early to accompany my wife and children."

The young master has a strong sense of family, so when he meets an older man when he goes out to socialize, he will naturally think of others and try not to delay other people's time when they go home to accompany their wives and children.

The two officials lobbied for a long time. Seeing that he really didn't want to go out hunting, they finished dinner and chatted for a while. After making an appointment to meet tomorrow, they politely left and went home.