Cute baby coming: the dark president paranoid love

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"Why?" Nie Qinghao\'s peach blossom eyes widened, and he raised his pants, "Why is my young master so unworthy of the people?"

Shao Lanlan grabbed the belt and threw it on him, "How long do you have dog legs to think you are great?"

Nie Qinghao looked down at his abdomen, and then raised his head. He flapped his long, dark eyelashes and smiled: "Honey, you are very talented."

Shao Lanlan\'s face became hot, don\'t turn her head...

Shameless man, just looking at him like this, he actually wanted to stand up and "salute".

"Wife." An impulsive man clung to her.

Shao Lanlan\'s heart skipped a beat, she quickly raised a hand, and roared, "I\'ll count to three, if you don\'t disappear in front of me, I\'ll kick your dog leg off!"

With a sound of "shua", a certain man picked up his belt, grabbed his shirt, and quickly fled into the bathroom.

As soon as his fleeing figure disappeared from his eyes, Shao Lanlan let out a long breath, relaxed his tense nerves, and touched his red face...

How to do?

Will I really have to face such a "husband" in the future?

My God, she never thought that her man was a "rascal" who was younger than herself and played a fool.

"It\'s so annoying!" Shao Lanlan muttered, grabbed the clothes on the bed and prepared to dress herself up.

In any case, she had to get over tonight\'s "difficulties" first, or else her mother would be so "angry" that she fainted.

But who caused this "difficulty"?

Shao Lanlan put on her coat, her eyes flickered, she immediately picked up her phone and unplugged Nie Yuting\'s: "Hey, Young Master Nie, where are you?"

Nie Yuting was sitting in the leisure area of ​​the hotel lobby drinking tea. When he received a call, he leaned lazily on the back of the sofa, pinching the title page of a magazine on the table with his long, bony fingers.

"Aren\'t you waiting for you to come down?" He said in a deep voice.

Shao Lanlan was taken aback, "You didn\'t leave?"

"Where can I go? Just meet a few clients downstairs."

"You mean... you\'re going to accompany me home tonight?"

"It\'s not just me, but also your husband."

"you two?"

"Of course, two days are not up, I have to accompany you for another two hours."

Shao Lanlan heard her teeth clucking, and said angrily, "Nie Yuting, don\'t act like you\'re trying to be nice to me after you\'ve got the advantage. I\'ve been helping you all the time! But you\'ve teamed up with dead mice to trick me!"

Nie Yuting took a sip of tea leisurely and smiled slightly, "Really? But why do I feel like a month old?"

"Yue Lao, you bastard! Do you know that I don\'t like your brother, and now he has become my legal! How do you want me to fall in love with others in the future?"

She spoke loudly angrily, but she didn\'t see that "poor" husband had already walked out of the bathroom, and was looking at her with one hand on the corner of the cabinet...

Wife, do you really not like me?

"Talk normally, talk without time limit." Nie Yuting\'s voice had a deep-throated laugh.

Shao Lanlan clenched her fists, and was so angry that she didn\'t want to say anything through her dull mind, "Who do I talk to? Who else can I talk to when I have a husband?"

"Of course with your husband."

"Hehe!" Shao Lanlan smiled wryly, and turned around in a circle, "If I want to fall in love with that dead mouse, do I still need to worry? Nie Yuting, just wait, I\'ll expose you to the spotlight tomorrow! "

"Don\'t be impulsive, sister-in-law, if I\'m exposed, won\'t you be exposed too? Besides, you have to wait two years before you get divorced. Who would dare to fall in love with you in these two years? It\'s better to marry secretly."

Shao Lanlan was taken aback for a moment, then she scratched her head in despair, and shouted hysterically: "Ah... I want to kill you!"


Now a certain husband couldn\'t bear it anymore. He rushed out and hugged Shao Lanlan tightly, "Don\'t worry, don\'t be sad, I will have a good relationship with you."

Shao Lanlan was startled, and slowly put down the phone, her wide eyes fixed on his, making Nie Qinghao\'s hairs stand on end...

"Wife, husband, I... I\'m actually a very soft and cute mouse. If you don\'t believe me, you can take a good look at it."

Fearing that his wife would hit him on the head with a fist, Nie Qinghao hurriedly let go of Shao Lanlan, then raised his hands high into the shape of a "heart", stood on tiptoe with his bare feet, and danced ballet in front of Shao Lanlan...

And he also has its own sound effects, humming and jumping while humming, and the dance moves are so funny that people can\'t help laughing.

Shao Lanlan suddenly thought: one day let him dance like this naked, will he be more sexy?

As soon as this thought rushed into her mind, she quickly shook her head...

"Stop!" She raised her hand and growled, her face still sullen, " put on my coat properly and go downstairs immediately!"

"Honey, I have to go to your house."

"Your brother, go!" Shao Lanlan didn\'t want to talk too much, because her mother was waiting at home.

No, not only the mother, but also a large group of relatives.

She hurried out of the room, and the man behind hurriedly followed, "wife, wife... slow down, slow down, I\'m going."

Shao Lanlan twitched the corners of her lips, cursing in her heart: My mother, he still looks like a child who hasn\'t grown up.

Acting like a baby!


The food and wine on the table were all set, Shao Qiang saw that his daughter hadn\'t come back yet, so he walked up to his wife and asked cautiously, "Ah Hui, when will Lan Lan come back?"

Yu Hui glanced at him indifferently, "You don\'t need to worry about her affairs."

"Ah? I... I am her father."

"Father? How many times have you taken care of her since she was a child? When did you take her to the park? Did you hug her well? Did you take care of her studies? Do you know how many movies she has acted in?"

A series of question marks came over, Shao Qiang couldn\'t help it, and his face suddenly became embarrassed.

Glancing at the relatives not far away in embarrassment, he gently pulled off his wife\'s sleeve, leaned on her shoulder and said softly——

"Have a wedding banquet tonight, can we be nicer? Set a good example for the children, I swear, I will treat you wholeheartedly for the rest of my life, and let you slaughter me like a cow or a horse."

"..." Yu Hui\'s throat choked up, and her heart felt sore.

If only he had said this a few years earlier, how many happy moments they have lost in all these years.

For the rest of her life...can she live another forty or fifty years?

"Ah Hui, we are not old."

Shao Qiang seemed to see her thoughts, and touched her hand aggressively, with a gentle voice, "I will always be by your side for the next forty or fifty years, and love you and our children."

Yu Hui shrunk her eyes, and couldn\'t help but want to cry.

She thought that it must be because she was pregnant, and it was also because Shao Lanlan registered today, otherwise, she wouldn\'t be so moved by her husband\'s words that her eyes would become hot again and again.

"Ahui, I bought this for you." Shao Qiang felt that the time had come, he took out a brocade box and stuffed it into her hand, and said with a smile, "Tonight is a day of great joy, how about wearing it?"

Yu Hui lowered her eyes, "..."

She guessed it contained rings.

"Come on, I\'ll open it for you to have a look." Shao Qiang smiled again, and then gently opened the brocade box.


A dazzling light flashed, and before Yu Hui could react, a woman jumped out from the side and exclaimed.