Cute baby coming: the dark president paranoid love

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She snatched the brocade box from Shao Qiang\'s hand, her eyes lit up, "Oh my God, isn\'t this... Isn\'t this the heart-to-heart pigeon blood necklace that was auctioned off a month ago?"

Shao Qiang smiled proudly: "Yes, I asked someone to take pictures for me."

Si Huanxiang was surprised, "Okay, President Shao, I really didn\'t expect you to hide your hand and take pictures of this expensive necklace just to please your wife?"

Shao Qiang tugged on his tie embarrassingly, and took Yu Hui\'s hand.

Although the "hardness" in Yu Hui\'s heart softened a bit, the surface was still cold and indifferent. She wanted to withdraw her hand, but Shao Qiang held her hand domineeringly.

"Ah Hui has been following me for so many years to serve the second elder and raise the second\'s really not easy. As a husband, I usually don\'t take good care of her, and I feel very guilty.

So I used all the money I saved privately over the years to buy this necklace, just to give it to her on the big day, and I will cherish it in the future. "

"Hahaha..." Si Huanxiang smiled, "Okay, President Shao finally knows how to love his wife, congratulations, hurry up! Let sister-in-law Ah Hui wear it, this is your wealth, and it is all locked in the necklace inside."

Yu Hui knew that this necklace was very expensive, just looking at the two connected pigeon blood red hearts would cost a lot of money, and the two hearts were surrounded by a ring of bright yellow diamonds, shining brightly in the dark corner. eye-catching.

Si Huanxiang smiled and asked Shao Qiang to help his wife put it on, Yu Hui shook her head, "I won\'t wear it."

Shao Qiang was stunned.

Si Huanxiang hurriedly said, "Second sister-in-law, you must wear some jewelry when your eldest son-in-law comes to the house today, right? Only in this way can you show your dignity, and your joy and respect for your son-in-law."

"That\'s right." Shao Qiang agreed, and said with a smile, "You let me wear a suit and tie, wife, you should dress up too."

"That\'s right." Si Huanxiang took Yu Hui\'s hand, "Come on, I\'ll help you put on your makeup, change your clothes, and put on this Xianglian."

Yu Hui\'s heart was moved, she smiled slightly, and took Si Huanxiang\'s arm to go upstairs...

When she finished dressing up, she just heard Mi Rongxing\'s excited voice: "The bridegroom is here!"

His words made everyone in the living room laugh.

Yu Hui was overjoyed, and said to Si Huanxiang, "Quick, let\'s go out and have a look."

The door of the courtyard was slowly opened, and two luxury cars drove in slowly.

Everyone knew the white car in front, it was Shao Lanlan\'s favorite Maserati, and the black Rolls Royce in the back belonged to Nie Yuting, of course.

There were many people standing in the yard, and the lights were bright.

Shao Lanlan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was about to break out in cold sweat. She grabbed the hem of her skirt, turned her head and said to Nie Yuting in the driver\'s seat, "You take control of this situation."

Nie Yuting\'s thin lips curled slightly, and he replied unhurriedly: "I\'m here for a drink."

"Nie Yuting, don\'t even try to kick me the ball! You\'re a man!"

"Yes, I\'m a man, your uncle, not the protagonist."

"Say it again, I\'ll get your mother over right away."

"Ahem..." Nie Yuting cleared his throat, tilted his head, and approached her slightly, "I heard that your mother is pregnant, and she will miscarry within three months."

Shao Lanlan\'s lips twitched, and her hands on her knees clenched tightly into fists, the veins on the back of her hands were clearly visible.

"Lan Lan." Shao Kexin led Ling Qiyue to greet her first, "How are you all?"

Nie Yuting unbuckled his seat belt, smiled at her, and then raised his eyebrows at Shao Lanlan who looked nervous, "Get out of the car."

"Hehe..." Shao Lanlan smiled forcefully at Shao Kexin and the others, and slowly pushed open the car door.

In a blink of an eye, she saw that Nie Qinghao in the car behind had got out of the car with a smile and pulled his white suit. He waved his hands energetically, "Hi everyone!"

Everyone\'s attention was immediately focused on him...

He is slender and handsome, dressed in a white suit and a pink shirt, not to mention how youthful and handsome he looks on his well-proportioned body.

Moreover, he has a bright smile and bright eyes, giving people a very sunny feeling.

Shao Junfei immediately had a crush on him, and happily ran over to introduce himself, "Hi, my name is Shao Junfei, brother, what\'s your name?"

"Hey, Second Young Master Shao, are you so tall? Hehe... I remember when I went abroad to study, your height was only around my waist."

"Really? Then you..."

"My name is Nie Qinghao, and that is my elder brother Nie Yuting."

Nie Qinghao naturally pointed to the left, and glanced at his "wife" meaningfully.

Nie Yuting is not as unrestrained as he is, and he is familiar with him as soon as he lands. He greets this person, shakes hands with that person, and gets close to him naturally, as if he has returned to his own home.

"Hello." Seeing that Nie Yuting was tall and handsome, mature and stable, Shao Qiang was very satisfied, and he stepped forward and extended his hand to him, "I am Lan Lan\'s father."

"President Shao." Nie Yuting smiled slightly, and held his hand politely, "I have long admired your name, please forgive me."

"Huh?" Yu Hui was taken aback.

"Uh... Yu Ting, didn\'t you and Lan Lan register today, so can you call me Dad instead?" Shao Qiang looked at him half-jokingly and half-seriously and smiled.

"Hehe... Excuse me, I\'m not used to it yet." Nie Yuting explained calmly.

"Dad, you have to give him a buffer period."

Shao Lanlan was afraid that Nie Yuting would show his weakness, so she immediately took his arm, "Okay, let\'s go into the house to see Grandpa."

"Wait, Lan Lan, he hasn\'t seen your mother yet." Shao Qiang blocked them, then took his wife\'s hand, and said to Nie Yuting, "This is Lan Lan\'s mother."

Today, his wife can wear the necklace he bought, and she is so beautifully dressed, Shao Qiang is very happy, and he feels sorry for himself if he doesn\'t push his wife up.

Yu Hui smiled, her eyes were full of joy, she happily looked up and down this handsome and extraordinary "uncle", and laughed so hard that she couldn\'t close her mouth from ear to ear.

What a handsome son-in-law, no worse than that Mo family, Mo Chenguang, and he is also a big president.

Yu Hui was so excited that she didn\'t know what to say, she stretched out her hand, "Hello, Nie..."

"Hello! Auntie."

Before she finished speaking, a white figure flashed by her side, blocking Nie Yuting\'s view abruptly.

"My name is Nie Qinghao. I am very happy to meet you." Nie Qinghao held her hand, and his bright smile made the lights in the yard pale.

"Hehe...well, I already know you, brother-in-law, right?" Yu Hui smiled.


have to! Someone kicked the back knee.

He was shocked, and immediately changed his words, "Yes, I am Xiao Haozi... Ah, I am so happy, my tongue is spinning a little, auntie, I will help you into the house."

"That..." Yu Hui didn\'t expect this little uncle to be so enthusiastic, but she hesitated before saying hello to the new uncle, "I want to talk to your brother..."

"My brother is not good at words, so don\'t worry about it." Nie Qinghao held her arm, his tone not without flattery, "Auntie, you are too young and beautiful today, when I saw you, I thought it was a young lady from the Shao family. "

"Ah?" It was the first time Yu Hui heard others praise her like this, and she couldn\'t bear it, "Are you a little short-sighted?"

"No, Auntie, don\'t you realize that you are still very young?"

"What about Lan Lan?" Yu Hui really felt that the second young master of the Nie family had an oily mouth.

She is an experienced person, and she is not vain about her appearance, and her brain is not easy to get hot, so she looked at Nie Qinghao with a smile, "You won\'t say that I look like Lan Lan\'s sister, will you?"

"You\'re right, if you don\'t believe me, you can ask..." Nie Qinghao pulled Si Huanxiang over, "Ask her."

Si Huanxiang nodded with a smile, "Second sister-in-law, you are indeed young and beautiful tonight, you have to thank me, you are a great beauty created by my hands."

Yu Hui really felt that she was young now, and she was really happy. She walked into the living room and greeted Shao Junfei: "Junfei, you will accompany Second Young Master Nie tonight, and Zixuan! Where is Zixuan?"

When Zhou Zixuan heard the cry, he immediately pulled Lin Tongtong over. Seeing that Nie Qinghao was so respectful and courteous in front of Yu Hui, he couldn\'t help but pursed his lips and smiled, "Auntie, what\'s the matter?"

"Help me to my uncle Lan Lan."

Yu Hui pushed Nie Qinghao to him, turned around and went to greet the new "uncle" who had just entered the room.

"Yu Ting, come here quickly, and meet Grandpa soon." Yu Hui smiled sweeter than honey, and beckoned, asking Shao Lanlan to bring Nie Yuting over.