Cute baby coming: the dark president paranoid love

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Qing Jin learned that her son would bring Lin Tongtong home this afternoon, so she immediately called her husband who worked in the military region and asked him to go home no matter what.

Zhou\'s father agreed, and Qing Jin came home from get off work half an hour early to change clothes, and personally arranged the living room of the small building, and went to Zhou Zixuan\'s room to check, for fear that he was sloppy.

Fortunately, Zhou Zixuan has already developed a self-discipline spirit in his years of military life. His room is tidy, not to mention spotless, and all the furnishings are in order, just like a model room for people to visit.

Qing Jin exited with satisfaction, and went to the building to chat happily with a few ladies.

When Zhou Zixuan\'s car arrived, she took Yu Hui and the others to greet her in person.

Zhou Zixuan took Lin Tongtong\'s hand, smiled and said to her: "This is my mother, the director of gynecology at the military hospital, Shao Qingjin."

Lin Tongtong was already mentally prepared, although she was shy, she smiled and called Qing Jin sweetly: "Auntie."

Standing beside the slender Zhou Zixuan, she is charming and charming, making her a beautiful couple.

This afternoon, Lin Tongtong changed into a more fashionable autumn outfit. The color is not bright, but the style is good-looking. It looks youthful and gorgeous on her, full of girlish atmosphere.

A pair of clear and bright eyes on a fair face with melon seeds, a high nose, small cherry lips, and a head of black and soft hair...

What a healthy and beautiful girl.

For the first time, Qing Jin felt that her son had good eyesight, and that this girl chased him well.

She held Lin Tongtong\'s hand with a smile, her brows and eyes filled with joy.

"That\'s great, that\'s great. I like this girl. Tongtong, Auntie tells you that Zixuan is in love for the first time. If there\'s anything he doesn\'t understand, you have to tell him directly without being reserved."

Lin Tongtong blushed, and looked at Zhou Zixuan affectionately, "He understands better than me."

"Hahaha... Alright, my silly boy is lucky, come and sit in the room, Zixuan, you stay with Tongtong." Qing Jin was so happy that she didn\'t know what to say.

Zhou Zixuan pulled Lin Tongtong into the room, and whispered in her ear, "My mother likes you very much."

Lin Tongtong pursed her lips and smiled happily. Seeing so many people in the room, she lowered her head unrestrainedly, her shy face was as red as a bride who just walked through the door.

Ling Qiyang was still sitting quietly on the sofa, seeing her coming, his eyes flickered.

Zhou Zixuan pulled Lin Tongtong to introduce her relatives one by one. When his eyes fell on Ling Qiyang, Lin Tongtong called out in surprise: "Brother."

Ling Qiyang smiled faintly, he looked like a noble son, nodded to her, and continued watching his TV.

Zhou Zixuan then took Lin Tongtong to the old man\'s study...

Shao Junfei waited for them to leave, pulled Ling Qiyang\'s hand, and said with a smile: "Didn\'t expect that? She will become my sister-in-law in the end."

Ling Qiyang looked indifferent, and replied casually: "There are so many unexpected things in this world."

Shao Junfei smiled, seeing Ling Qiyue and Mi Rongxing running in from the outside hand in hand, he hurriedly stood up and held Ling Qiyue, "The sister Tongtong you know is here."

Ling Qiyue\'s eyes flashed, "Where is it?"

"Go, I\'ll take you there." Shao Junfei took her hand and went to the old man\'s study.

Ling Qiyang narrowed his eyes, and he stared meaningfully at their holding hands until they disappeared from his sight.

Mi Rongxing wiped the sweat from his forehead, sat next to Ling Qiyang, picked up an apple and bit it, maybe he ate too much, the little stone sitting in the nanny\'s arms was attracted by him, and suddenly looked at him "ahhh " called out.

Seeing that his mouth was wide open, Mi Rongxing walked over and stuffed the apple into his mouth, "Eat it."

The nanny immediately took out the apple and shook her head, "He\'s too young to eat it."


Mi Rongxing saw Xiaoshi holding his hand and yelling "Yiyi Yaya", and thought he was funny for a while, so he sat beside the nanny and started teasing him.

The nanny had heard from Si Huanxiang that she wanted to adopt Xiao Shitou to Gu Xinyan, so she quietly asked Mi Rongxing: "Do you like this brother?"

Mi Rongxing nodded without thinking, "I like it."

"Then you have to tell your mother that you like little rocks."

"Why tell my mother, he was not born by my mother."

The nanny choked, pulling the corners of her lips and being speechless.

It had been half an hour since Zhou Zixuan came back, and Yu Hui hadn\'t seen Shao Lanlan come back yet, so she called again anxiously...

This time, Shao Lanlan answered the phone by herself, "Mom, I understand, don\'t press me any more, okay?"

"Lan Lan, all the relatives are here. There are two tables set up today. Everyone came to bless you and Yu Ting. What\'s the matter if you two haven\'t come back for a long time?"

Shao Lanlan stroked her messy hair, glanced at the man lying immobile on the sofa, and said casually, "Are you really going to bring this man back?"

"What are you talking about? You have already registered with Yu Ting, and you are paying back this man and that man... What? Are you two unhappy?"

Yu Hui felt that her daughter\'s tone was not right.

"Oh! That\'s right, I had a quarrel just after registering. Mom, I\'m too impulsive today. Do you think I can go back on my word?"

As she spoke, she walked to the sofa and reached out to grab the man\'s ear...

With a white towel stuffed in his mouth, the man wrinkled his face but couldn\'t make a sound.

"Lan Lan!" Yu Hui\'s voice became louder, a little angry, "You, how can you treat marriage as a trifle? What impulsive repentance? Is Young Master Nie not good enough for you? Or does he want to repent?"

Shao Lanlan pinched a certain man\'s ear fiercely, squinted at him and said, "Mom, he also regretted it."

A certain man immediately shook his head, expressing that he did not regret it.

"What? He regretted it too?" Yu Hui felt dizzy and stroked her forehead, "Ah, you guys... are trying to piss me off."

Shao Lanlan immediately became nervous when she heard that she was not breathing properly.

Letting go of the man\'s ear, she hurriedly said: "Mom, don\'t worry, I\'m joking with you, I... We haven\'t regretted it, we\'re fine, we\'re fine."

Mother is pregnant, how can she get angry?

After Shao Lanlan came to her senses, she was both distressed and helpless.

Hearing that her mother breathed a sigh of relief in that room, and she seemed to be recovering, she lowered her shoulders and said in a low voice: "Mom, take a good rest, I\'ll be back soon."

After she finished speaking, and her tone was completely subdued, the man lying on the sofa was secretly happy, his eyes narrowed with a smile.

Shao Lanlan put down her phone and stared back at him: "Get up!"

Nie Qinghao stretched his feet and pulled the corners of his eyes bitterly...

It was only then that Shao Lanlan remembered that he was being tied up by herself, she gave him a white look, then walked up to untie him angrily, and took off the towel stuffed in his mouth.

Nie Qinghao, who was stripped of his shirt and used his belt as a binding tool, was finally "liberated".

Once untied, he jumped up and stretched his muscles, grinned, loosened his jaw, and forgot that his long trousers were unbuttoned...

Shao Lanlan glanced at it, turned around and kicked over, "Rogue! I give you five minutes to get dressed!"

Nie Qinghao touched the leg that was kicked, and curled his lips pitifully, "Honey, it\'s you who tormented my disheveled clothes. You can\'t tie me up every time after making out with me, can you?"

"Who made out with you?" Shao Lanlan became angry when she said this.

However, Nie Qinghao noticed that her face was red.

To be honest, it\'s not that he can\'t beat Shao Lanlan, he really gave it to her.

Because before he held her down on the sofa, he not only kissed her, but also touched her...

He fully enjoyed the beauty.

Shao Lanlan, who was pressed under him, blushed with shame and anger, and screamed to "kill him".

In order to calm her down, he tied her up.

But how could Shao Lanlan forget his wild kiss and touch just now?

The strange feeling when hugging him fanatically is too strong, if she doesn\'t have a little reason, she thinks she has fallen...

This man became "crazy", and it was really hard to resist.

Moreover, his breath smelled really good, she did not deny that she was intoxicated for a while.

"Honey, you can\'t cross the river and tear down the bridge." Nie Qinghao leaned over and touched her shoulder lightly, "Don\'t be unhappy, I will be a son-in-law who will satisfy my father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Shao Lanlan snorted, looked at him with a vague smile, "Nie Qinghao, just wait for my mother to sweep you with a broom."