Cute baby coming: the dark president paranoid love

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Shao Lanlan opened her eyes slightly, held Nie Qinghao\'s ear with one hand, and patted his head with the other, "\'s him!"

"Do you know who he is?"

"Yes..." She let go of Nie Qinghao\'s ears, and suddenly patted his face, "Hey, who are you..."

Nie Qinghao couldn\'t laugh or cry, "I\'m your husband Nie Qinghao."

"Yes, my husband, he... is my husband."

Shao Lanlan laughed, stretched up on his back, and then bit Nie Qinghao\'s ear...

"Ah... Mom!" Nie Qinghao yelled in pain.

At this moment, Zhou Zixuan and Nie Yuting came up, and together they hugged the drunk woman who was biting Nie Qinghao\'s ear, then opened the suite, and moved her onto the bed...

The woman here tossed and turned on the bed for a while, vomited all over the floor, and then fell asleep.

The Shao family compound over there was very lively. After learning that Shao Lanlan had registered with Nie Yuting, many relatives came to the door. After discussing with Yu Hui, Fu Shumin and Yu Hui decided to hold a wedding banquet at night to celebrate Shao Lanlan.

The old man was also very happy. He specially put on new clothes, walked around the living room with a cane, and watched the housekeeper and the others arranging ribbons and flowers with a smile.

Young Master and Si Huanxiang also came with small stones. Si Huanxiang saw Fu Shumin and the others arranging flowers and candies in the restaurant, so she walked over to congratulate Yu Hui with a smile...

"It\'s really fast. We didn\'t get any wind before, and suddenly we heard a rumbling sound, which shocked us all."

Yu Hui was dissatisfied with her comparison, "Are you so exaggerated? Do you think our family Lan Lan is not good enough for the young master of the Nie family? You are all dumbfounded?"

"No, no, that\'s not what I meant."

Si Huanxiang patted her mouth with a smile, "Look at me, when I\'m happy, I can\'t speak anymore. I\'m happy, and I\'m really happy for Lan Lan."

"Yes, we are all very happy that Lan Lan can marry the young master of the Nie family." Fu Shumin said, "No, Xin Yan just called and said that she was also happy for Lan Lan."

"Who is not happy? This Nie family is also one of the top ten wealthy families in Kyoto. This young master Nie has studied abroad, is handsome, and is the president of YL Group. He is really a good man who is hard to find even with a lantern. "

Si Huanxiang\'s mouth became eloquent again.

Only then did Yu Hui smile with satisfaction, "Yeah, Lan Lan\'s life is not bad. She couldn\'t enter Mo\'s house, so she turned around and married into Nie\'s house. As a mother, I feel that God cares for us for the first time."

Just after finishing speaking, Shao Junfei\'s voice came from outside: "Mom, mom!"

Fu Shumin walked out of the restaurant, saw him coming back with three children, and hurriedly asked: "Junfei, did you get your sister-in-law\'s consent to bring them here?"

"Mom, I ate there. Sister Lanlan and Master Nie\'s registration, my sister-in-law and the others know everything about it, so she asked me to bring Xing\'er and the others over to celebrate with everyone."

"Okay, okay." Fu Shumin greeted the children of the Gu family happily, "Sit on the sofa and eat candies and fruits."

Shao Junfei smiled slightly, took Ling Qiyue\'s hand naturally, walked to the sofa, picked up a pack of toffee on the coffee table and stuffed it into her hand, "You eat first, I\'ll go up and change clothes."

Ling Qiyue smiled, "Well, good."

After he left, Mi Rongxing ran to the dining room, only Ling Qiyang and his sister were sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Ling Qiyang looked around and said to his sister: "Don\'t get too close to Shao Junfei here, adults think differently from us."

Ling Qiyue nodded, "I know."

When Shao Kexin heard that they were coming, she went downstairs to accompany them, turned on the TV, and chose a program that Ling Qiyang liked to watch.

"Aunt Kexin, can I go to the backyard to play?" Ling Qiyue didn\'t like watching sci-fi movies, so she couldn\'t sit still for a while and got up to go to the backyard.

Shao Kexin took her hand, "Okay, I\'ll take you there."

After a while, Shao Junfei took a shower, changed into a suit of clothes, and found that Ling Qiyue was not there, so he asked Ling Qiyang, "Where\'s your sister?"

Ling Qiyang glanced at him indifferently, patted the place beside him, "Watch TV with me."

Shao Junfei knew what Ling Qiyang was thinking. Although this guy was many years younger than him, he was as intelligent as an adult. He probably knew the little thoughts in Shao Junfei\'s heart a long time ago.

Not daring to offend this future "uncle", Shao Junfei nodded, "Okay."

After sitting down, he graciously peeled an apple for Ling Qiyang...

The festive red, green, and green decorations in the Shao Family Courtyard have been arranged, and the sun is gradually setting to the west. Seeing that Shao Lanlan has not come back, Yu Hui anxiously called her, "Hello, Lanlan?"

It was Lin Tongtong who answered the phone. She glanced at Zhou Zixuan beside her in a panic, and asked with her eyes, "Can I do it?"

Zhou Zixuan nodded to her.

"A... Auntie," Lin Tongtong still stammered, "I\'m Tongtong, Sister Lan Lan went to the bathroom, what\'s the matter?"

"Tongtong?" Yu Hui blinked, "Why are you with Lan Lan? Isn\'t Zixuan looking for you?"

"I\'m with Zixuan. Sister Lan Lan invited us to have a drink together."

"Drink at noon?"

"Yes, she drank a lot, and then took a rest in the hotel."

Yu Hui believed what Lin Tongtong said, and smiled slightly, "Is Young Master Nie here?"

Lin Tongtong glanced awkwardly at Nie Qinghao who was sitting on the edge of the bed, and murmured: "He... is here, he said, he said he would go to your house later."

"Yes, you will tell Lan Lan later, let her bring my uncle back quickly, by the way, and you, come here with Zixuan, don\'t forget."

"it is good."

Yu Hui happily hung up the phone, but Lin Tongtong was so nervous that her forehead was sweating.

Zhou Zixuan took out a wet towel and gently wiped it for her, and said softly: "This can delay a little longer, and when Lan Lan has figured it out, let\'s go to the compound together."

"Yes." Lin Tongtong smiled charmingly.

"I don\'t want to go back!"

Shao Lanlan got up from the bed with a "bang".

Nie Qinghao backed away in horror, and a pillow fell on his head, "Damn rat, you two stinky brothers did this, you two go and explain! Clear up the misunderstanding!"

Nie Qinghao laughed, hugging the pillow she threw at her, "Honey, the uncooked rice is already cooked, so don\'t be self-willed, okay?"

"What?" Shao Lanlan stroked her hair, then lifted the quilt and pulled off her clothes, her eyes were as wide as two bright copper bells, "When did you... cook with me?"

"It\'s\'s noon."


Shao Lanlan didn\'t wear a coat, jumped out of bed excitedly, and rushed towards Nie Qinghao...

Nie Qinghao took the opportunity to hug her, one screamed and patted her, and the other hugged her in circles, smiling extra brightly, as if he had secretly hugged the "bride".

This situation is no longer suitable for the existence of a "third party".

Zhou Zixuan put down his mobile phone and said to the two "husbands and wives" who were twisted together: "You can take care of yourself, and see you in the Shao family compound in an hour! Otherwise, I will send someone to arrest you!"

After finishing speaking, he pulled Lin Tongtong out of the suite, and as soon as the door closed, he couldn\'t help laughing: "Hahaha...these two critters."

"Zixuan, will they really fight? How can Young Master Nie say that the raw rice is cooked? He obviously didn\'t do anything." Lin Tongtong asked innocently.

Zhou Zixuan touched her face, "If he doesn\'t say that, Lan Lan will throw him down?"

"Oh, he\'s pretty bad then."

Looking at her innocent smiling face, Zhou Zixuan couldn\'t help but kiss her on the lips, and said ambiguously, "I will be bad too."

"I hate it." Lin Tongtong patted his chest shyly.

Zhou Zixuan held her hand tightly and smiled happily, "Let\'s go, the ugly daughter-in-law goes to see her in-laws."